2018年6月英语四级听力真题及答案 第二套-2018年6月英语四级听力真题答案及解析(有道考神版)


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【#四六级考试# 导语】2018年6月英语四级考试已结束,©文档大全网四六级频道在考后特别搜集整理了2018年6月英语四级听力真题答案及解析(有道考神版),仅供大家参考,祝大家顺利通过四级考试!


  1-5 ABBCA

  1.A) The return of bottled message to its owner‘s daughtter。

  2.B) She wanted to honor her father‘s promise。

  3.B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified。

  4.C) It lost a huge stock of bees。

  5.A) It stayed in the air for about two hours。

  6-10 CDADC

  6.C) Inadequate funding。

  7.D) It is more environmentally friendly。

  8.A) It seems a depressing topic。

  9.D) They can‘t make it to the theatre in time。

  10.C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched。

  11-15 BDCAD

  11。 B) Go and see the dance。

  12。 D) She worries she won‘t fit in as a transter student。

  13。 C) Participate in after-school activities。

  14。 A) Give her help whenever she needs it。

  15。 D) She has just transterred to the college。

  16-20 BACDB

  16。 B) To find out which physical drive is the most powerful。

  17。 A) When they are hungry。

  18。 C) They prefer to be with other mice。

  19。 D) It is one of the best in the world。

  20。 B) To move troops quickly from place to place。

  21-25 ABDCB

  21。 A) In the 1970s。

  22。 B) Messaging while driving。

  23。 D) A device to ensure people drive with both hands。

  24。 C) They are alerted with a light and a sound。

  25。 B) Using a connected app。

  NEWS 1

  News1 来自50年前的漂流瓶

  A Message in a bottle sent out to sea by a New Hampshire man more than five decades ago was found 1,500 miles away and has been returned to his daughter。 The long lost message was discovered by Clint Buffington of Utah while he was vacationing。 Buffington says he found a soda bottle half buried in the sand that looked like it had been there since the beginning of time。 The note inside the bottles said, “return to 419 Ocean Street and receive a reward of $150 from Richard and Tina Pierce, owners of the Beach comber motel。” The motel was owned by the parents of Paula Pierce in 1960。 Her father had written the note as a joke and had thrown it into the Atlantic Ocean。 Buffington flew to New Hampshire to deliver the message to Paula Pierce。 She held up to her father‘s promise giving Buffington that reward, but the biggest reward is the message in a bottle finding its way back home。

  Q1。 What is the news report mainly about?

  Q2。 Why did Pollard Pearce give Clint Buffington the reward?

  一个五十多年前被新罕布什尔州人发送到海边的瓶子里的消息被发现在1500英里以外的地方,并已归还给他的女儿。长期失去的信息是在犹他州克林特布菲顿度假时发现的。 Buffington表示,他发现一只苏打瓶被埋在沙子里,看起来就像是从一开始就在那里一样。瓶子里的纸条说:“回到419 Ocean Street,并获得理查德和蒂娜皮尔斯,这家海滩精品店汽车旅馆的业主的150美元奖励。”汽车旅馆在1960年由保拉皮尔斯的父母拥有。她的父亲写过这个音符是一个笑话,并把它扔进了大西洋。 Buffington飞往新罕布什尔州,将信息传递给Paula Pierce。她坚持父亲的,给予Buffington这样的奖励,但的回报是一瓶回家的消息。

  Q1。 新闻报道主要是关于什么? Q2。为什么波拉德皮尔斯给予克林特布菲顿奖励?

  NEWS 2

  News 2 数百万蜜蜂在南卡罗来纳州死亡

  Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect spraying operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus。 The insect spraying over the weekend left more than 2 million bees dead on the spot in Dorchester County South Carolina, where four travel-related cases of Zika disease have been confirmed in the area。 Most of the deaths came from flower town bee farm, a company in Summerville that sells bees and honey products。 Juanita Stanley who owns the company said the farm looks like it‘s been destroyed, the farm lost about 2.5 million bees。 Dorchester County officials apologized for the accidental mass killing of bees。 Dorchester County is aware that some beekeepers in the area that was sprayed on Sunday lost their bee colonies。 County Manager Jason Ward said in a statement: I’m not pleased that so many bees were killed。

  Question 3 Why was spraying operations carried out in Dorchester County。

  Question 4。 What does the news reports say about flower town bee farm。


  在进行针对寨卡病毒的空中昆虫喷洒操作期间,数百万蜜蜂在南卡罗来纳州死亡。周末喷洒的昆虫使得南卡罗来纳州多尔切斯特县的蜜蜂死亡超过200万只蜜蜂,该地区已确认了四例与寨卡病有关的旅行相关病例。大部分死亡来自花镇蜜蜂农场,这是一家位于萨默维尔的公司,出售蜜蜂和蜂蜜产品。该公司拥有该公司的Juanita Stanley说,农场看起来已经被摧毁,该农场失去了约250万只蜜蜂。多切斯特县官员为意外大规模杀死蜜蜂而道歉。多切斯特县知道,周日喷洒的该地区的一些养蜂人失去了他们的蜂群。县经理杰森沃德在一份声明中说:我不高兴这么多蜜蜂被杀死

  Q3。 为什么在多尔切斯特县进行喷涂操作。 Q4。 新闻报道对花卉养蜂场有何看法?

  NEWS 3

  News 3 世界飞机第一次试飞

  The world‘s largest aircraft has taken to the skies for the first time。 The Air-Lander 10 spent nearly two hours in the air, having taken off from Cardington airfield in Bedfordshire。 During its flight, it reached 3000 feet and performed a series of gentle turns all over a safe area。 The aircraft is massive as long as a football field and as tall as six double decker buses and capable of flying for up to five days。 It was first developed for the U.S。 government as a long-range spy aircraft but was abandoned following budget cutbacks。 The aircraft cost 25 million pounds and can carry heavier loads than huge jet planes while also producing less noise and emitting less pollution。 The makers believe it’s the future of aircraft and one day we‘ll be using them to go places。 But there’s still a long way to go。 The air lander will need to have two hundred hours flying time before being allowed to fly by the Aviation Administration。 If it passes though we can hope we‘ll all get some extra leg room。

  Q5。 What do we learn about the first flight of the Air-Lander 10?

  Q6。 What caused the U.S。 government to abandon the Air-Lander 10 as a spy aircraft?

  Q7。 What is the advantage of Air-Lander 10 over huge jet planes?



  Q5。 我们对Air-Lander 10的第一次飞行了解多少?

  Q6。 是什么导致美国政府放弃了作为间谍飞机的降落伞10?

  Q7。 Air-Lander 10比大型喷气式飞机有什么优势?


  Conversation 1 到底玩啥呢

  M: Do u feel like going out tonight?

  W: Yeah, why not? We haven‘t been out for ages。

  M: What some。 Well, there is a film about climate change。 Does it sound good to u?

  W: No not really。 It doesn‘t really appeal to me。 What is it about? Just climate change?

  M: I think it‘s about how climate change affects everyday life。 I wonder how they make it entertaining。

  W: Well, it sounds really awful。 It‘s an important subject, I agree。 But I’m not in the mood for anything depressing。 What else is on?

  M: There‘s a Spanish Dance Festival。

  W: Oh, I love dance。 That sounds really interesting。

  M: Apparently it‘s absolutely brilliant。 Let’s see what it says in the paper, “Anna Gomez leads in an exciting production of the great Spanish love story。 Carmen。”

  W: OK, then what time is it on?

  M: At 7:30。 Well, that‘s no good。 We haven’t got enough time to get there。 Is there anything else?

  M: There is a comedy special on。

  W: Where‘s it on。 It’s at the City Theatre。 It‘s a charity Comedy night with lots of different acts。 It looks pretty good。 The critic in the local papers says it’s the funniest thing he‘s ever seen。 It says here Roger Whitehead is an amazing host to a night of foreign performances。

  W: Emm…I‘m not keen on him。 He’s not very funny。

  M: Are u sure u fancy going out tonight。 U‘re not very enthusiastic。

  W: Perhaps u‘re right。 OK。 Let’s go see the dance。 But tomorrow, not tonight。

  M: Great。 I‘ll booked the tickets online

  Q8。 What does the woman think of climate change?

  Q9。 Why did the speakers give up going to the Spanish Dance Festival tonight?

  Q10。 What does the critics say about the Comedy performed at the City Theatre?

  Q11。 What does the woman decide to do tomorrow?

  M:你今晚想出去吗? W:是的,为什么不呢?我们已经很久没有出去了。 M:有些什么。那么有一部关于气候变化的影片。这对你听起来不错吗? W:不,不是。它并不真正吸引我。这是关于什么?只是气候变化? M:我认为这是关于气候变化如何影响日常生活。我不知道他们是如何使它娱乐。 W:那听起来很糟糕。这是一个重要的主题,我同意。但我没有心情压抑任何事情。还有什么? M:有一个西班牙舞蹈节。 W:哦,我喜欢跳舞。这听起来很有趣。 M:显然这绝对是辉煌的。让我们来看看它在论文中所说的内容,“安娜戈麦斯领导西班牙爱情故事的精彩制作。卡门“。 W:好的,那么几点了? 男:七点半。那么,这是不好的。我们没有足够的时间去那里。还有别的事吗? M:有一部喜剧专辑。 W:它在哪里。它在城市剧院。这是一个慈善喜剧之夜,有很多不同的行为。它看起来不错。当地报纸的评论家说这是他见过的最有趣的事情。它说这里罗杰怀特海是一个惊人的东道国一夜的外国表演。 W:恩。。。。。。我不喜欢他。他不是很有趣。 M:你确定你喜欢今晚出去玩。你不是很热心。 W:也许你是对的。好。我们去看舞吧。但明天,不是今晚。 M:很好。我会在网上预订门票

  Q8。 女生对气候变化有什么看法?

  Q9。 为什么演讲者今晚放弃参加西班牙舞蹈节?

  Q10。 评论家对城市剧院的喜剧表演有何评论?

  Q11。 女生明天决定做什么?


Conversation 2 转校生

  W: Good morning Mr。 Lee。 May I have a minute of ur time。

  M: Sure Catherine。 What can I do for u。

  W: I‘m quite anxious about transferring over to ur college。 I’m afraid I won‘t fit in。

  M: Don‘t worry Catherine。 It’s completely normal for u to be nervous about transferring schools。 This happens to many transfer students。

  W: Yes I know, but I‘m unger than most of the students in my year。 And that worries me a lot。

  M: Well u may be the only unger one in ur year but u know, we have a lot of after-school activities u can join in。 And so, this way u‘ll be able to meet new friends of different age groups。

  W: That‘s nice。 I love games and hobby groups。

  M: I‘m sure u do。 So u’ll be just fine。 Don‘t worry so much and try to make the most of what we have on offer here。 Also, remember that u can come to me anytime of the day if u need help。

  W: Thanks so much。 I definitely feel better now。 As a matter of fact, I‘ve already contacted one of the girls who’d be living in the same house as me and she seemed really nice。 I guess living on campus I‘ll have a chance to have a closer circle of friends since we’ll be living together。

  M: All students are very friendly with new arrivals。 Let me check who would be living with u in ur flat。 OK。 There are Hannah, Kelly and Bree。 Bree is also a new student here like u。 I‘m sure u two will have more to share with each other。

  Q12。 Why does Katherine feel anxious?

  Q13。 What does Mr。 Lee encourage Katherine to do?

  Q14。 what does Mr。 Lee promise to do for Catherine?

  Q15。 What do we learn about Catherine’s schoolmate Bree?

  W:李先生早上好。我可以给你一点时间。 M:肯定凯瑟琳。我能为你做什么。 W:我很担心转入你的大学。恐怕我不适合。 M:别担心凯瑟琳。你转学很紧张是完全正常的。这发生在许多转学生身上。 W:是的,我知道,但我比我一年中的大多数学生都年轻。这让我很担心。 M:那么你可能是你一年中年轻的一个,但是你知道,我们有很多你可以加入的课后活动。所以,这样你就可以结识不同年龄段的新朋友。 W:很好。我喜欢游戏和爱好团体。 M:我相信你会。所以你会很好。不要太担心,尽量充分利用我们在这里提供的信息。另外,请记住,如果您需要帮助,您可以在任何时候来找我。 W:非常感谢。我现在感觉好多了。事实上,我已经联系过和我一样住在同一栋房子里的女孩,她看起来真的很好。我想住在校园里,因为我们会一起生活,所以我会有机会结交更多的朋友。 M:所有的学生都对新来港定居人士非常友善。让我检查你的公寓里有谁和你住在一起。好。有Hannah,Kelly和Bree。布里也是一位像你这样的新生。我相信你们俩会有更多的分享对方。

  Q12。 为什么凯瑟琳感到焦虑?

  Q13。 李先生鼓励凯瑟琳做什么?

  Q14。 李先生答应为凯瑟琳做些什么?

  Q15。 我们对凯瑟琳的同学布瑞有什么了解?

  PSG 1

  Passage1 饥饿的影响

  Have you ever felt like you would do just about anything to satisfy your hunger? A new study in mice may help to explain why hunger can feel like such a powerful motivating force。 In the study, researchers found that hunger outweighed other physical drives including fear, thirst and social needs to determine which feeling won out。 The researchers did a series of experiments。

  In one experiment。 The mice were both hungry and thirsty。 When given the choice of either eating food or drinking water, the mice went for the food the researchers found。 However, when the mice were well-fed but thirsty they opted to drink according to the study。

  In the second experiment meant to pit the mice’s hunger against their fear。 Hungry mice were placed in a cage that had certain Fox centered areas and other places that smelled safer。 In other words, not like an animal that could eat them but also had food。 It turned out that when the mice were hungry they ventured into the unsafe areas for food。 But when the mice were well-fed they stayed in areas of the cage that were considered safe。 Hunger also outweighed the mice‘s social needs, the researchers found。 Mice are usually social animals and prefer to be in the company of other mice according to the study。 When the mice were hungry they opted to leave the company of other mice to go get food。

  Q16。 What is the researchers’ purpose in carrying out the Su‘s experiments with mice?(标红的位置没听清)

  Q17。 In what circumstances do mice venture into unsafe areas?

  Q18。 What is said about mice at the end of the passage?




  Q16。 研究人员进行实验的目的是什么?(标红的位置没听清)

  Q17。 老鼠在什么情况下冒险进入不安全的地区?

  Q18。 关于通道末尾的老鼠说什么?

 PSG 2

  Passage 2 美国高速公路发展历史

  The United States has one of the best highway systems in the world。 Interstate highways connect just about every large and mid-sized city in the country。 Did u ever wonder why such a complete system of excellent roads exists? For an answer, u would have to go back to the early 1920s。 In those years just after World War 1, the military wanted to build an American highway system for national defense such a system could if necessary move troops quickly from one area to another。 It could also get people out of cities in danger of being bombed, so-called roads of national importance were designated, but they were mostly small country roads。 In 1944 Congress passed a bill to upgrade the system but did not fund the plan right away。 In the 1950s, the plan began to become a reality。 Over 25 billion dollars was appropriated by Congress and construction began on about 40000 miles of new roads。 The idea was to connect the new system to existing expressways and freeways。 And though the system was built mostly to make car travel easier, defense was not forgotten。 For instance, highway overpasses had to be high enough to allow trailers carrying military missiles to pass under them。 By 1974,this system was mostly completed a few additional roads would come later。 Quick and easy travel between all parts of the country was now possible。

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Q19。 What does the speaker say about the American highway system。

  Q20。 What was the original purpose of building a highway system。

  Q21。 When was the interstate highway system mostly completed。

  美国拥有世界上的公路系统之一。州际高速公路连接全国所有大中城市。你有没有想过为什么这样一个完善的道路系统存在?作为答案,你将不得不回到20年代初。在第一次世界大战后的那些年里,军方想要建立一个美国的国防高速公路系统,这样一个系统可以在必要时迅速将部队从一个地区搬到另一个地区。它也可以让人们离开有被炸的危险的城市,所谓的具有国家重要性的道路被指定,但它们大多是小乡村道路。 1944年国会通过了一项法案来升级该系统,但没有立即为该计划提供资金。在20世纪50年代,该计划开始成为现实。国会拨款超过250亿美元,新建道路约40000英里。这个想法是将新系统连接到现有的高速公路和高速公路上。虽然该系统的建造主要是为了让汽车出行更容易,但防御措施并没有被遗忘。例如,高速公路天桥必须足够高,以允许携带军用导弹的拖车经过它们。到1974年,这个系统基本完成了,稍后会有一些额外的道路。现在全国各地之间快速而轻松的旅行已成为可能。

  Q19。 演讲者对美国高速公路系统有何评论?

  Q20。 建立公路系统的最初目的是什么?

  Q21。 州际公路系统何时大部分完工?

  PSG 3

  Passage 3 智能方向盘

  Texting while driving was listed as a major cause of road deaths among young Americans back in 2013。 A recent study said that 40 percent of American teens claimed to have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger。 This sounds like a widespread disease but it‘s one that technology may now help to cure。 T.J。 Evert, a 20 –year-old inventor, has come up with a novel solution that could easily put texting drivers on notice。 It’s called Smart Wheel and it‘s designed to fit over the steering wheel of most standard vehicles to track whether or not the driver has two hands on the wheel at all times。 Evert’s invention warns the drivers with a light and a sound when they hold the wheel with one hand only。 But as soon as they place the other hand back on the wheel the light turns back to green and the sound stops。 It also watches for what’s called “close by hands” where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time。 All the data smart wheel collects is also sent to a connected app, so any parents who install smart wheel can keep track of the teen‘s driving habits。 If they try to remove or damage the cover, that’s reported as well。

  Q22。 What is a major cause of road deaths among young Americans?

  Q23。 What is Smart Wheel?

  Q24。 What happens if the driver has one hand on the wheel?

  Q25。 How do parents keep track of their teen‘s driving habits?

  开车时发短信被列为2013年年轻美国人死于道路的主要原因。最近的一项研究表明,40%的美国青少年声称在驾驶员使用手机时让人危险。这听起来像是一种普遍的疾病,但技术现在可能有助于治愈。 T.J。 Evert是一位20岁的发明家,他提出了一种新颖的解决方案,可以很容易地通知发短信的司机。它被称为智能车轮,它被设计用于安装在大多数标准车辆的方向盘上,以跟踪司机是否始终有两只手在车轮上。 Evert的发明仅在单手握住车轮时用光线和声音警告司机。但只要他们将另一只手放回车轮上,灯光就会变回绿色,声音就会停止。它还监视所谓的“靠近手”,在靠近车轮顶部的地方双手靠得很近,因此驾驶者可以同时用拇指和驱动器敲击。所有数据智能车轮收集的信息也会发送到连接的应用程序,因此安装智能车轮的父母可以跟踪青少年的驾驶习惯。如果他们试图移除或损坏封面,那也是有报道的。

  Q22。 美国年轻人死于道路的主要原因是什么? Q23。 什么是智能车轮? Q24。 如果驾驶员一只手放在车轮上会发生什么? Q25。 父母如何跟踪他们青少年的驾驶习惯?





