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【#四六级考试# 导语】阳光不会永远灿烂,没有一成不变的幸福,磨难或许是上苍赐予我们的礼物,用来考验我们的意志,如果是这样,就让我们微笑着面对生活。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  1. As I was just getting familiar with this job, Ihad ________ to ask my boss.

  A) many

  B) most

  C) more

  D) much(D)

  2. ________ quite recently, most mothers inBritain did not take paid work outside the home.

  A) Before

  B) Until

  C) From

  D) Since(B)

  3. The survival of civilization as we know it is ________ threat.

  A) within

  B) under

  C) towards

  D) upon(B)

  4. Scientists say it may be five or ten years ________ it is possible to test thismedicine on human patients.

  A) since

  B) before

  C) after

  D) when(B)

  5. In some countries, ________ is called “equality” does not really mean equal rightsfor all people.

  A) which

  B) what

  C) that

  D) one(B)

  6. I walked too much yesterday and ________ are still aching now.

  A) my leg’s muscles

  B) my muscles of leg

  C) my leg muscles

  D) my muscles of the leg(C)

  7. Radio, television and press ________ of conveying news and information.

  A) are the most three common means

  B) are the most common three means

  C) are the three most common means

  D) are three the most common means(C)

  8. Liquids are like solids ________ they have a definite volume.

  A) in that

  B) for that

  C) with that

  D) at that(A)

  9. When a fire ________ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten pricelesspaintings were completely destroyed.

  A) broke off

  B) broke out

  C) broke down

  D) broke up(B)

  10. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount ofmoney could ________.

  A) stand up to

  B) make up for

  C) come up with

  D) put up with(B)


  1. There are other problems which I don’tpropose to ________ at the moment.

  A) go into

  B) go around

  C) go for

  D) go up(A)

  2. Don’t get your schedule ________; staywith us in this class.

  A) to change

  B) changing

  C) changed

  D) change(C)

  3. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and ________knowledge.

  A) extensive

  B) expansive

  C) intensive

  D) expensive(A)

  4. Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she ________ ajob she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often.

  A) has to get

  B) were to get

  C) had got

  D) could have got(B)

  5. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, ________ somethingoccurred which attracted my attention.

  A) unless

  B) until

  C) when

  D) while(C)

  6. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily ________ much sharing ofinterests and responsibilities.

  A) take over

  B) result in

  C) hold on

  D) keep to(B)

  7. The ability to store knowledge makes computers different form every othermachine ________ invented.

  A) ever

  B) thus

  C) yet

  D) as(A)

  8. I’m not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can’t makea(n) ________ promise to help you.

  A) exact

  B) defined

  C) definite

  D) sure(C)

  9. I have kept that portrait ________ I can see it every day, as it always reminds meof my university days in London.

  A) which

  B) where

  C) whether

  D) when(B)

  10. The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ________because of the bad weather.

  A) set off

  B) broken off

  C) worn off

  D) called off(D)


  1. I would appreciate ________ it a secret.

  A) your keeping

  B) you to keep

  C) that you keep

  D) that you will keep(A)

  2. Mark often attempts to escape ________whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

  A) having been fined

  B) to be fined

  C) to have been fined

  D) being fined(D)

  3. No matter how frequently ________, the works of Beethoven always attract largeaudiences.

  A) performing

  B) performed

  C) to be performed

  D) being performed(B)

  4. It is recommended that the project ________ until all the preparations have beenmade.

  A) is not started

  B) will not be started

  C) not be started

  D) is not to be started(C)

  5. I wish I ________ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.

  A) could have slept

  B) slept

  C) might have slept

  D) have slept(A)

  6. We didn’t know his telephone number, otherwise we ________ him.

  A) would have telephoned

  B) must have telephoned

  C) would telephone

  D) had telephoned(A)

  7. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ________ advertisementsshowing happy, balanced families.

  A) are often seeing

  B) often see

  C) will often see

  D) have often seen(C)

  8. While people may refer to television for up-to-minute news, it is unlikely thattelevision ________ the newspaper completely.

  A) replaced

  B) have replaced

  C) replace

  D) will replace(D)

  9. An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, ________ approximately fromMarathon to Athens.

  A) distance

  B) is the distance

  C) the distance

  D) the distance is(C)

  10. You will want two trees about ten feet apart, from ________ to suspend your tent.

  A) there

  B) them

  C) which

  D) where(C)

