

时间:2023-02-15 09:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

correspond v.与……一致;相符;与……通信


  [搭]correspond fo与…相符(近:according to) correspond with与……通信(“互相”写信用with)

  [例]Only when the mind of the speaker and the understanding of the listener correspond will a conversation truly effective.只有演说者的想法和听者的理解相一致时,这个对话才是真正有效的。(注意里面的倒装结构Only when...will...)

  corresponding a.相应的,对应的;相符的,类似的


  [例]We talked about our corresponding points of view.我们讨论了我们类似的观点。

  [真]Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.将你的答案在答题纸一上把对应字母的方括号用铅笔涂黑。(这是每次考试的第一段!答题指令!)

  correspondent n.记者;通讯员



  [例]A White House correspondent sent the latest news to us.驻白宫的通讯员给我们发来了最新的报道。

  trade vi.交易;买卖 vt.用……进行交易、买卖 n.贸易;交易


  [搭]trade in sth做……的买卖trade sth.for sth.用……交换某物

  [变]trademark n.商标

  [例]She married a man trading in luxury products.她嫁给了一个做奢侈品买卖的男人。

  label n.标签;商标 vt.贴标签于


  [例]I labeled the packages by the corresponding stuff in them.我根据每个包裹里面相应的东西给它们贴上了标签。

  commerce n.商业



  [变]commercial a.商业的commercials n.商业广告(a.+复数s,肯定是变成了名词)

  [例]The local commercial development of that city is flourishing due to its geographic edge。由于地理边缘的优势,那个城市的商业正在繁荣发展。

  comment v.评论 n.评论;意见;批评

  [记]抠门( com-men)的他(t)经常被别人评论、批评。

  [搭]comment on sth.评论某事

  [近]remark n.加,评论

  [例]The correspondent declined commenting on that issue.通讯员拒绝对事件作出评论。

  advertise vt.广告,宣传 vi.做广告

  [记]音似“爱得我汰渍( a-d-ver-tise)”。这一听就是在做广告呐~

  [变]advertisement n.广告 advertiser n.广告商 advertising n.打广告ad.n.“广告”的缩写

  [例]Most advertisements are so direct and commercial that they are far from aesthetic.大部分的广告都太过于直白和商业,以至于毫无美感可言。

  indicate v.表明;指出;象征


  [变]indication n.说明文字;象征 indicative a.说明的

  [搭]be indicative of说明某事


  Nightmares are not indicative of any factual matters.


  Nightmares are not the indication of any factual matters.


  Nightmares don't indicate any factual matters.


  index n.索引;指标;指数


  [例]You are very healthy because all the indexes are within the normal ranges.你很健康,因为你所有的指标都在正常的范围内。

