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【#英语资源# 导语】愉快的寒假过去了,新学期开始了,©文档大全网为大家准备了《写开学典礼的英语作文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.写开学典礼的英语作文 篇一

  With warm applause, cheerful singing and loud vows, we welcomed the autumn opening ceremony of Yunfeng Middle School in Kaixian County.

  The beginning of the new semester also marks that we have entered a new stage of learning, and also ushered in a new face of spirit. They are the new students in the first grade of junior high school, and our lively and lovely students. Our happy and full new life will begin at this grand opening ceremony.

  After the host's loud closing speech, the first program began. This is the school song "Growth" brought by the school music teacher. The enthusiastic singing of the teachers inspired every student on the scene and left a deep impression on us. Then there was the crosstalk performance. The vivid and humorous language of the students in the performance made the whole school laugh. Behind these humorous words was the hard work of a teacher, Yang Shizhou, the Chinese teacher of our school. As a teacher who had never been in close contact with crosstalk, he could write such good lines in a few days. But I think he must have worked hard and thought hard in private, How worthy of our admiration is the professionalism of teachers. Next, the members of the school cheering team performed a wonderful cheering exercise, and the new teachers sang a song they wrote themselves... These wonderful programs won the applause of the students.

  After the performance, a female teacher wearing a black skirt, a red shirt and a ponytail slowly walked onto the stage. She was the new teacher of our school, speaking on behalf of all the new teachers. She said a lot of thoughts, and invited several new students to express their thoughts. This also reflected our school's educational philosophy, breaking the traditional teacher's teaching alone, and the students only passively accepted, This way of teacher-student interaction makes the classroom more lively and interesting, and makes it easier for students to accept new knowledge. At last, the school leaders delivered a speech, and we will be grateful for their encouragement, and we will never forget their earnest teachings.

  This school opening ceremony not only brings us happy laughter and beautiful enjoyment, but more importantly, it is the driving force for us to keep working hard. We will take the expectations of our parents and teachers, take the heart of gratitude and forge ahead bravely in our future study and life.

2.写开学典礼的英语作文 篇二

  Just last week, our school held a grand opening ceremony.

  Let's come to the playground and have a look. Wow, the school opening ceremony has not started yet, but the playground is already crowded and bustling.

  After a while, a man distributed many colored balloons to several teams. After waiting for a while, I heard a "release", and the balloons flew up into the sky one after another. Then came the guests, one of whom knew and two of whom heard. Then I didn't hear a word when I spoke alone. When I came to the lottery, my heart was pounding for fear of being drawn because I was a little nervous. Teacher Wang said, "How can you choose one of thousands of people?" I was relieved. I was not selected this time. The first was from Class 3 (2), the second was also from Class 3 (2), the third was Wang Qianjia from our class, and the fourth was the teacher from Class 4 (3). The teacher said it was time for Wang Qianjia. He was nervous, but he stuttered through. I read more fluently than him in the third grade. I'm sorry for him. If I were, I would certainly read better than him. It's a pity that God didn't give me this chance!

  Last but not least, the most interesting link: the signature link. I went to find my classmates to sign first, and signed all five. Then find Zhang Shu to draw his mother's signature, and find two teachers Wang to sign it. I managed to find another teacher to sign, and the teacher also signed. There are only alumni left. After five rounds alone, I only found two alumni I knew, one is Zheng Yaoxuan of four (2), and the other is Zheng Kaisheng of four (3). They are all my classmates in kindergarten. Then I saw a classmate named Wang Yichen. I went to find my alumni with him. Suddenly, I saw a friend named Ye Rusong and asked him to sign for me. He said there were prizes, but I didn't want them. I just wanted to make more friends. So I created a poem: others sign as a prize, only me sign as a friend. Who knows my heart in the world? I said to count Wang Yichen.

  The opening ceremony was over, but I still had two people who didn't sign it. My classmates signed it for me. I must keep this book well.

  The school opening ceremony is over. I think: these days of training are not in vain. If you suffer from heatstroke, you will have no harvest.

3.写开学典礼的英语作文 篇三

  The waste heat of the holiday has not completely faded, and a new semester has quietly arrived. Once again, and for the last time, I stepped into this campus full of many memories and attended my last opening ceremony in this school.

  Walking into the auditorium, the innermost wall was built with a climbing wall. Once and now, we have been tempering the climbing spirit on the climbing wall. At the top of the climbing wall, there are 16 big words engraved: "Be upright, have lofty ambitions, and share the world with your classmates." The handwriting is vigorous, powerful, and beautiful. This is the principal's handwriting and our school motto. Now, I silently say goodbye to the climbing wall.

  After entering the arena, the Honorary President Pando came on the stage to make a speech. This time, I listened very carefully. Common words are so precious to me. "Confidence, cooperation and competition" is what the headmaster often says. Now, I want to keep it firmly in my heart and never forget it. Because, you have to be surrounded by many figures in a hurry, some have fallen behind, some have surpassed you, but you can't give up easily. Remember that our teacher often talks about this sentence, ups and downs count for nothing, setbacks and rights are small tribulations.

  You will never be satisfied with your scores. You will not be complacent about one or two exams. There are gullies in your heart, and your ambition is blue clouds. You have to wave powerful fists in your heart. You are cheering for yourself in the bottom of your heart. Go all out and succeed!

  When I left, I looked back at the rock climbing and saw the last school opening ceremony. It was not only my last time in this school, but also the last school opening ceremony in my entire junior high school career. Therefore, I will never forget this school opening ceremony.

4.写开学典礼的英语作文 篇四

  This afternoon, our school held the most solemn opening ceremony for the first time.

  That afternoon, we came to the playground in a neat line. At this time, the people on the playground could be said to be "a sea of people". I scanned the playground. Suddenly, I found a red carpet in the middle of the playground. That red carpet is the dream of all the students in the school. Because that red carpet is what Teacher He called "the road to success". There are colorful flags on both sides of the red carpet. There are all kinds of words on it that encourage us. There are flower baskets in the center of the two flags. Beside the flags, there are some grass in the flower basket, which looks very beautiful. In front of the red carpet is the rostrum. On the rostrum are three headmasters and two secretaries and directors of the school.

  Looking at so many people, I was a little nervous and excited. What was exciting was that I was about to embark on the "road to success!" What was nervous was that so many people would be shy when watching us walk on the red carpet.

  Time flows by minute, and while we are talking and laughing, half an hour has passed. My heart is pounding. At this time, the red carpet activities have begun.

  It was our class's turn immediately. I walked to the red carpet with the class team. We walked to the rostrum with vigorous steps, valiantly and spirited. We shuttle through the flags, like a group of butterflies flying in the flowers. Suddenly, my heart was full of pride. In front of the rostrum, we shouted the loud slogan of our class: "I study, I work hard; I harvest, I am happy!"

  This is the first time I have taken this "road of success". I believe there must be more "road of success" waiting for us to go and meet it!

5.写开学典礼的英语作文 篇五

  Today, all our teachers and students held the opening ceremony in the school hall.
  At the opening ceremony, President Wang made an important speech. He actively encouraged us to do a good job in learning, strive to create classes, and build Yujiang school into a first-class school in the county. After that, the teacher's representative made a statement and some students made a brief speech. The most wonderful is the award ceremony. The school awarded the outstanding cadres, three good students, the top three students with academic achievements, the learning star and the health star one by one last semester. Some students not only received certificates of merit, but also received scholarships.

  After the opening ceremony, looking back on the speeches made by the school and the representatives of teachers and students just now, I set a new and larger goal for myself: in the new semester, I must make my own efforts to achieve excellent results and become the best in the whole class and even the whole school. At the same time, we should strive to be a fully developed primary school student.

  I think as long as I redouble my efforts towards the new goal, my wish will certainly be realized.
