
时间:2023-08-30 07:28:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】逍遥的假期即将退场,新学期的钟声已经敲响。背起久违的书包,整理无限的向往,同学和老师亲切得令人难忘。开学日到了,为了美好的明天,加油!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《开学典礼英语作文范文》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.开学典礼英语作文范文 篇一

  At noon today, all teachers and students of our New Century School gathered at Phoenix Square to hold the opening ceremony.

  Firstly, Director Wang Lijuan, the host, introduced several school leaders sitting on the podium.

  Then, three teachers from the fourth grade Chinese language group of our school raised the national flag because they led our fourth grade students to achieve the first place in the city in the final exam last semester. They are our meritorious team in the new century and the flag of our teachers and students. Subsequently, Principal Wang and Principal Zhai announced the winners of the "Excellent Homework" and "Hundred Filial Piety Stars" during the holiday.

  The award-winning students came on stage one by one to receive their awards. Watching their proud smiling faces, I suddenly had the determination to surpass them. The speech of the award-winning representative deeply inspired me.

  The new semester has a new atmosphere. I must take this opening ceremony as the starting point, study hard, and stand on the podium of the new semester school!

2.开学典礼英语作文范文 篇二

  This morning, our school held a semester long opening ceremony, which was very grand. There were many projects, but they were all children from Class 1 to 13, Grade 1. For example, walking through the gate of wisdom, inspiring wisdom with cinnabar, and drumming wisdom... Among them, my favorite project was the gate of wisdom.

  When first grade students walk through the gate of wisdom, they are not just ordinary, but rather let their sixth grade brothers and sisters lead them. They walked through the gate of wisdom and pressed red ink on white paper, which is the growth path of their first grade children. They also need to walk around the inside of the playground, and when they reach our class, we will wave to them. Extremely fun.

  This is the opening ceremony of our school, a very grand one.

3.开学典礼英语作文范文 篇三

  The happy summer vacation has come to an end, and we are gathering with our classmates again. Today, September 1st is the opening ceremony of the school. Students wearing uniform come to the school playground to participate in the opening ceremony.

  The students walked neatly to the school playground to take a look, ah! How brilliant! The school has taken on a new look, and the principal has also changed. We stood tall on the playground watching Uncle Navy raise the national flag and play the national anthem for us, and the classmates also saluted. The students listened to congratulatory messages from the principal, leaders, police officers, and others. The principal issued certificates of commendation to the selected summer good boy, but unfortunately, without me, I have to study hard the selected summer good boy next time.

  Next is the most exciting thing. Our science teacher and a few classmates made dozens of small rockets, equipped with fuses, and placed them on the ground one, two, three... ten, launch! Small rockets flew several tens of meters high and exploded, scattering ribbons of color.

  Our school's opening ceremony ended in this colorful ribbon floating from the sky.

4.开学典礼英语作文范文 篇四

  In September, the campus was as sunny as water, clearing the green trees along the path and beautifying the flower beds on campus. The vegetation is lush, and the low flying swallows chirp past, scattering the whispers of the ground.

  Arrived on campus early in the morning. A friendly and familiar greeting kept ringing in my ears. It's this familiar campus again, but we have to start a different chapter in this familiar place.

  The opening ceremony of the school and art festival has officially begun. The principal delivered a speech for the new semester, and her words gradually penetrated into her heart: gratitude, reflection, and kindness will always be the main melody of our youth. We have no reason not to succeed. When people talk about being able, they believe in being able.

  Today's finale is long-distance running. On the first day, we inevitably had to offer a discount, and after three rounds, we were already panting. Waves of wind brushed our faces, and we danced with the wind on the runway. Suddenly, there was a feeling of letting go in my heart. The oppression in my heart, in an instant, washed away the poor branches and leaves, gradually reappeared in Qingchuan. The melancholy in my heart suddenly brightened up, and green branches and leaves sprouted. On the track, we shed sweat and had a wonderful youth. Gradually, we became passionate and fell in love with long-distance running! And start enjoying the joy brought by long-distance running. Every time I surpass myself, it brings me great joy. There is a voice in my heart: Come on! Come on! Keep striving and surpassing!

  The new semester, new hope, new starting point, is a critical moment that connects the past and the future, a period that allows dreams to bloom. Perhaps hard work may not lead to success, but not hard work will lead to failure. In the golden autumn of September, I believe our efforts will not be in vain. To achieve self transcendence, come on!

5.开学典礼英语作文范文 篇五

  On September 1st, with clear weather, the opening ceremony of Longzhong was held at the New Star Theater of Science and Education New City Experimental Primary School.

  At the opening ceremony, students came on stage one by one to share their colorful summer life. My summer vacation life was also rich and colorful.

  Next is the paper airplane competition for each class. The paper plane participating in the competition was made by the students of each class using a large piece of paper and folding it together. There is also a name for it on the body and a wish for a new semester. Harmony, Patriotic, Air China... and our flight is the "Civilization Harmony", but unfortunately, our plane failed because it was too small.

  How time flies! The school opening ceremony ended without realizing it. In the new semester, I will definitely be a diligent and hardworking bully.
