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【#英语资源# 导语】燃烧的岁月,已将父亲的青春焚尽,但那坚强的信念,仍在父亲额头闪光,父亲在心目中永远高大伟岸,父亲的爱护关怀和勉励将信步风雨人生,以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  June XX is a special day - father's day.

  In the morning, I woke up from my sleep and looked at the alarm clock. It was eight o'clock. No, it's so late! I wanted to say happy holidays to my father in the morning! I quickly jumped out of bed, washed and hurried downstairs. But my right foot had just come downstairs, and my father's left foot had already stepped out of the house. It seems that I'm still a little late. Alas, the plan failed. I had to have breakfast first.

  At noon, while doing my homework, I tilted my head and listened to the movement downstairs. For a while, I couldn't help looking downstairs. Suddenly I heard my mother's fierce voice, asked me to revise my homework quickly, and severely criticized me for being half hearted and not serious in my homework. I was full of grievances and couldn't say it. I bowed my head and said nothing. At this time, my father came back and saw that I was criticized again. He was also a little distressed. My father said, "eat first. The rice is cold." But I didn't finish my homework within the specified time and couldn't eat. I was going to have dinner with my father, but I missed it again.

  I'm going to practice dancing again in the evening. I was going to make a small gift for my father, but I don't have time. Suddenly, I had an idea. I grabbed my father's arm and spoiled him to go with me, because I had thought of the holiday gift for my father - I would dance for my father and thank my father for raising me hard.

  I spent an unforgettable father's day with my father in the beautiful music, in the beautiful dance and in my father's happy eyes.


  I don't know when it really made my father aware of the existence of father's day. I have forgotten what I gave my father, but what I remember most clearly is what I gave my father for the first time. My sister and I pooled money to choose shoes with my mother. Of course, I don't know where those shoes are, but all I know is that we spent a lot of time choosing them in order to prepare our father's Day gift. But when Dad finally received the gift, he didn't show any surprise. After that, I won't give dad any gifts anymore.

  In this way, I will have no impression of what I gave my father! To tell the truth, I was really disappointed at that time. We prepared so carefully, but dad didn't say it at all.

  Last year's father's day, I didn't prepare for anything, because I was just preparing for the exam and it was the weekend. The teacher didn't ask for anything, and I didn't make cards. However, my aunt called me the night before father's day to remind me that the next day is father's day. I should show my father that my father is too hard. I should let my father know that I understand his hard work, so, I can only tell my father when I'm about to go back to school. Happy holidays, hard work!

  So far, I have forgotten whether I have sent my father any greeting cards. It seems that I haven't.

  In fact, sometimes, for other people's gifts, a small expression of oneself affects others' attitude towards their own festivals later. At least, know how to be grateful. Even a very humble gift, after all, the other party has a heart!


  Mother's love is great, but I say father's love is like a mountain. That's why I'm thinking about what kind of gift to give my father on father's day.

  That day, I took the broken pocket money in my hand to the mall to buy gifts for my father. I saw that the prices in the store were very high and I couldn't afford it. Finally, I walked out of the door of the store with heavy steps and disappointment.

  I thought of several schemes along the way. One was to say thank you to my father face to face, the other was to write a letter and hide it in his pillow, and the third was to wash his feet. After comparison and screening, I think I can do what I can to help him wash his feet.

  I thought of the plan and my home is coming soon. I summoned up the courage to open the door. I saw my father's kind face, but he was also tired. Maybe it was because he was a policeman. He always got home very tired and late. "Don't surprise me, Dad." I was busy pouring the hot water from the tap into the washbasin, preparing a towel, quietly putting the basin under my feet, asking my father to put his feet into the water and take the water to rub it for my father.

  "You are really my good child." Dad said to me kindly. "Nothing." I continued to wash my father's feet: "this is what I should do. You have raised me for ten years. I will do one thing for you on father's day. Isn't it right? You are my good father and I love you forever."


  Last weekend, I did nothing at home, so I read the newspaper. Suddenly I was attracted by a striking advertisement: "father's Day Sale". It turned out that father's day would be in a few days.

  Dad has been working hard to support his family and provide for us to study. I should take this opportunity to buy him a gift to show my heart. After I made up my mind, I took out my savings from my bank and planned to go to the department store to buy gifts.

  On father's day, there were a lot of people in the department store. I had been shopping in various departments for a long time, but I didn't know what to buy. Some items are too expensive for me to afford; The cheap father didn't apply. Finally, I returned empty handed.

  When I got home, I decided to spend an afternoon helping my father clean his beloved "master" car, because my father always spent the weekend cleaning his baby car. I hope he can spend the weekend leisurely. I washed it carefully and wiped it slowly. As a result, the whole car took on a new look. After finishing the desk, my father felt more tired and tired.

  When Dad came back from work, he saw his baby car shining, so he asked why. When he knew it was my masterpiece, he only praised me for being clever and sensible. He said the father's Day gift was practical, he was very satisfied and I was very happy I decided to help my parents often and make them happy every day.


  Father's Day is coming again.

  Father's day, what a memorable day! Since I came to the world, my father has held my little hand and led me through more than ten years with that great and ordinary father's love. During this period, I have happiness, happiness, bitterness and fatigue. I will never forget how my father praised me when I faced success and told me "there are people outside, there are days outside." I will never forget how my father encouraged and comforted me when I faced setbacks. For thousands of days and nights, my smile comforted him, my troubles worried him, my hurry worried him, my business became his business, and he always cared about me. I understand that I will always be his child in his father's eyes. He will always give me more care and love. He is like a guardian angel, guarding me forever.

  Time flies. I'm ten years old and ten years old. Although I'm not very good, I'm quite obedient, which makes my father love me more and love his daughter.

  This year's father's day, facing a greeting card full of heart, what will my father do? I don't know, but I know that I can pray for my father and bless him. Although my father is no longer young and handsome, he is my pride! He used ordinary father's love to prop up a blue sky of love for me!

  Standing in front of the window, a gentle wind brushed my face. I made a wish to it: may my father live a safe life and get the return of his children!


  With the turning of time, we ushered in father's day again.

  Today, did you send blessings to your good father? Let's bless our father! You can send sincere blessings to your father on QQ! However, I still want to keep my father from getting angry on father's day and do more work for my father. On this day, even later, even forever... I won't make my father angry. My father also loves me very much and tries every means to make me happy, including cycling.

  Remember June this year? I suddenly wanted to learn to ride a bike. My father wanted to take me to the yard without thinking about it. First of all, I didn't dare to get on the bus. My father said to me, "don't be afraid, there's my father!" So I got on the bike with courage. My father pushed me in a balanced way, "Dad, do you think I'm really riding?" At this time, when I looked back, my father was no longer behind me. I saw my father smiling at me. In this way, I learned to ride a bike!

  Up to now, I have been riding my bike very well. However, this matter is "engraved" in the bottom of my heart like a knife.

  I'll never forget you, Dad.


  Next Sunday is father's day. I haven't chosen a gift for my father yet. Today, my mother took me to the flower market in Yingze Park. I fell in love with a magic egg. The magic egg was full of smiling faces and words. I chose from left to right, but I couldn't see it, I really want a "I love you" to give to my father as a gift. Finally, I chose one "all the best". I want to give this beautiful blessing to my father. When I got home, I knocked open the magic egg, which is full of golden light and sand. I poured water carefully, and then put it on the balcony, which can't be found by my father.

  I look forward to the magic egg growing up quickly and give my blessing to my dear father. I wish my father all the best, health and happiness!

  Mother's words: Rui didn't let me upload this diary because she didn't want her father to know the gift given to him on father's day in advance. She had to wait until that day to surprise her father. After reading the child's diary, I was jealous of her father. Usually her father seldom cares about her, but when it comes to festivals, the first thing I think of is her father. It seems that when my daughter grows up, she will kiss her father. Yesterday, Rui was very anxious to see that the magic egg had not grown yet, but the manual said that it could grow in a week or so. Now it has been six days and there has been no news. Later, Rui said to let it grow slowly. There are other better gifts for her father. I asked her what it was, but she didn't tell me that it was confidential. The little girl has a lot of ideas.


  The annual father's Day is coming again. This year's father's Day is of great significance to me because I have prepared a special gift for my father - the first prize certificate of the "Chinese hero" competition!

  Last month, I participated in the preliminary competition of the "Chinese hero" competition. In order to win the first battle, I lingered between famous works and dictionaries as soon as I had time. Kung Fu pays off. When the semi-finals list was freshly released, my name stood out without suspense. However, those who can enter the semi-finals are naturally not ordinary people, and the semi-finals no longer only focus on Chinese, but also the relevant tests of mathematics and English. I worked hard and prepared carefully. When I was informed by telephone that I had entered the final interview, I couldn't help but be ecstatic. "BaoJianFeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". All this is hard won!

  On the morning of June 15, I attended the award ceremony at Jianyuan hotel. When the first prize certificate and the sign with "military summer camp" were sent to me, I was speechless with excitement.

  Skipping home, I hid my certificate behind my back and said to my father with a smile, "Dad, today is father's day. Guess what gift I brought you?" I "Shua" handed the red certificate to my father. For a moment, my father's eyes shone, excited and excited as the flood that broke the dike poured out. He couldn't hold on to his politeness anymore. He couldn't help cheering: "great! This is the most precious father's Day gift I've ever received!"

  I smiled. Our father and daughter laughed so sweet and happy


  Father's Day is coming. I want to say to my father, "happy father's day, Dad. My daughter loves you more than one day!" Why do I say that? In fact, I wrongly blamed my father for something that happened recently.

  The night before the parents' open day, my father and I agreed to attend on time, and my father promised.

  The next afternoon, I ran to the corridor early and looked at the parents coming and going downstairs. A little time passed, but my father hasn't come yet, and other students' parents came one after another. I'm very anxious. Call again and again in my heart. As the bell rang, I had to go back to the classroom reluctantly. I didn't seem to listen to what the teacher said. I'll look back later. I really hope my father comes in through the back door of the classroom. After several minutes, Dad appeared sweating. My heart is still very sad. I blame my father in my heart: how can I not keep my promise!

  When I got home, I held back my tears and sat in my chair without saying a word. My father took my hand and said, "it's not that my father doesn't keep his word. My father is too busy these days. I came back from Shanghai and I went straight to school." Later, my father's colleagues also proved my father's words.

  I was wrong about Dad. Things are very small, very small. My father loves me so much

  Dad, happy father's day, I love you every day!


  Today is the third Sunday in June. It is also father's day. It is a father's day all over the world. I've long decided to cook barbecue for my father today to celebrate father's day for my father.

  I finally looked forward to noon, so I couldn't wait to start cooking barbecue. I first drop the oil in the center of the baking pan of the microwave oven, and then apply the oil evenly around with my fingers. Then, I put the meat slices marinated by my mother neatly on the baking plate, then gently put the baking plate into the microwave oven, close the door and select the barbecue program button. My mother said that the microwave oven has radiation to the human body, so I temporarily went back to the living room to read. After ten minutes, I quickly put down my book, ran to the kitchen, opened the door of the microwave oven, turned the meat pieces one by one, and sprinkled cumin, salt and pepper and garlic as my mother taught me. Then I closed the door of the microwave oven again and continued heating. After another five minutes, the microwave oven gave out a prompt sound of "didi". I opened the door of the stove with expectation. Immediately, a thick smell of meat came to my face, and the meat was well cooked. Finally, I served the barbecue to the table. A plate of fragrant roast meat is fresh out of the oven.

  Dad picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of barbecue, put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said with praise, "good! Good!" I also quickly picked up a piece and stuffed it into my mouth. Ah, it tastes great. Soon, my father and I "reimbursed" the first plate of barbecue by dividing five by two. So I started making the second set again

