what’s your opinion about clothes ?
when early man invented clothes , he probably want ed to keep warm . i am sur e he never intended tha t it should become as elabor ate as it has become today . for many a year , traditional clothes and modern clothes have been in competition as to which of them make the wear er mor e beautiful . but it does seem that a lot of modern clothes a re simple r and mor e practical . pe rhaps we a re moving back to the age of cavemen who wore clothes for practical purposes .
modern clothes a re definitely mor e practical as again sttraditional clothes . almost all people now wear modern clothes . nowadays even mor e and mor e people wear casual clothes . jeans a re eve rywher e except at formal par ties . t-shirts ar e common , too . they look comfort able and fas hionable . however , there ar e also a lot of people who take the trouble to dr es s well in formal clothes like s hirts , trousers and suits . i find them smar t , too .
but then , it is important to hold on to our topic . in my opinion , each type of dress has its place . modern clothes ar e ideal for most situations , while casual clothes a re worn more freely . as to t raditional clothes , they must be wor n for special occasions .
· 服饰的实用性
· 你的结论
本文是一篇议论文。文章一开头就使人饶有兴趣, 因为作者从人类早期的服饰说到了现代服饰, 并幽默地说从穿着的实用性方面我们似乎又回到了山洞人的时代。在第二段中作者分述了各类服饰的特点。最后的结论是各种服饰均有其地位, 不可随意褒贬。
elaborate a . 精心制作的
many a year = many years
it does seem that . . .句中does 用来加强语气
caveman n . 山洞人
as against . . . 与⋯⋯相比
casual clothes 休闲服
hold on to our topic 紧扣主题
has its place 有其地位