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【#英语资源# 导语】写日记好处多多,都赶紧拿起笔来吧,如果能养成天天写日记的好习惯,那么将会终生受益。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  It's summer vacation. My mother said that if I want to have a meaningful summer vacation, I should know what I do every day, make a plan, then do it according to the plan, and check it every day. In this way, such a long holiday will not be wasted.

  I want to get up at eight o'clock every day, finish breakfast and start doing my summer homework.

  My summer homework was chosen by my mother. I don't have to finish all my mistakes. Chinese only write supplementary sentences, read short passages and write words by looking at pictures. After calculating with my mother, I can finish it in 8 days.

  After finishing it, I'll look at my favorite books, such as the great father fox, the wizard of Oz, Shuke and beta, the story of going to school in MI Xiaoquan, journey to the west, and so on. There are many books in my bookcase. I want to read more books every day and learn more knowledge.

  I also help my mother with housework and become her little assistant. I chose to mop the floor and wash the dishes. My mother told me that since I chose, I should stick to it and do it better and better. I'll try my best.

  In the afternoon, practice reading pictures and writing words. When tired, I draw or do manual reading and calligraphy. Find a good friend to play games downstairs when it's not hot.

  What I'm happy about is that I'm going to Hunan to travel with my parents. There is a minority - the Miao nationality. Their clothes are different from ours, and their living habits are also different. The scenery there is particularly beautiful.

  We also want to visit Zhangjiajie. My mother also told me the origin of Zhangjiajie. I am particularly looking forward to this trip!

  My summer vacation life is rich and colorful. I want to have a happy summer vacation!


  Time flies. The happy summer vacation is like lightning, blinking away. In the past 60 days, I have visited many places and increased my knowledge; I read a lot of books and learned new knowledge; I play every day and improve my skills; While playing and learning, I also thought about the coming fifth grade... My mother and I traveled to Fujian. Fujian is really a good place, with mountains and water. GUSHAN in Fuzhou is 925 meters above sea level. There are many scenic spots on the mountain, including 18 scenic spots. These scenic spots are mainly formed by the long-term differentiation and collapse of granite, with a variety of shapes. The most scenic spot on Gulangyu Island in Xiamen -- sunlight rock. Standing in the middle of Gulangyu Island, sunlight rock is the peak of Longtou mountain, with two boulders leaning against each other vertically and horizontally. It is the insc ription on the cliff of Gulangyu peak - "gulangdongtian", which makes a wonderful outline of the scenery of sunlight rock, and is written in the first middle school of Wanli year of the Ming Dynasty.

  "Lujiang first" points out that sunlight rock is the first scenic spot of Xiamen, which was written by Lin Cheng in the first year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty. During the summer vacation, my cousin and I were at my uncle's house and exchanged our learning experience. As a result, both sides made great progress. My cousin taught me Mathematical Olympiad, and I always asked him questions without knowing them. For me, his questions are too abstruse for me to figure out, so I'm always at a loss when doing questions. Fortunately, my cousin was not discouraged, but taught me more seriously. Under his careful instruction, I learned many ways to solve problems, and mathematics has made great progress! My cousin and I not only study together, but also play ball games together.

  I took the racket and hit the ball to the sky. My cousin jumped a little and hit the ball. I was so excited that I caught the ball, and he hit me again. This time, the power was too great, and I didn't receive it. I still didn't want to give up. I still lost in a few more rounds. I thought why I always lost. It was because I ran too slowly and reacted slowly. I adjusted my tactics well, and sure enough, I won a few goals, which made us sweat, I will also work hard to exercise. The happy summer vacation is over. Fifth grade is coming to me. I try my best to bring the happiness brought by summer vacation to grade five. I believe that grade five is brilliant! Bright! beautiful!!!


  Looking forward to the summer vacation, I suddenly relaxed and didn't adapt to it.

  First of all, I wake up naturally at about 6:00 every morning. It's impossible to sleep in. The biological clock has become a rule. When it is adjusted, school will soon begin. It's better to keep the same and get up at 6:00.

  Run a few laps in the community, feel the accelerated beating of the heart, and let the body sweat once. Walk in the face of the rising sun, listen to the singing of morning birds, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the scattered verdant vegetation. Make up your mind: you must keep exercising this summer vacation.

  Don't worry about being late for work. You can make a good breakfast and enjoy the delicious taste of four dishes and one soup.

  Wash clothes, mop the floor, and tidy up every room to make the home warm and comfortable. Sit down, eat fruit, watch TV dramas for a while, and feel very comfortable. This is a rare slow life!

  Organize my thoughts and turn my thoughts into words. Although I can't write three blog posts a day like others, I have formed the habit of writing articles. Every bit of life finally has a trace to follow. Looking back occasionally always brings back good memories.

  Pick up your mobile phone, click learning link, insist on reading every day, read a book, and get enough electricity for yourself, looking forward to the new semester.

  Send Dabao to the tutorial class and Erbao to the kindergarten. Usually, my father picks up and sends her. Now my mother has time. Erbao dances happily and quarrels every day, "Mom sends me!" "Mom came to pick me up!" Finally, I made up for my child's debt.

  Summer vacation life is very rich, with time to accompany their families, but also have time to adjust themselves and improve themselves. Cherish summer vacation.


  Many unforgettable things happened in my summer vacation. Let me tell you the unforgettable interesting things in my summer vacation!

  That afternoon, the weather was extremely hot. Staying at home was like staying in a steamer! It's really uncomfortable. My mother told me to sign up for a swimming class and let me learn to swim. I was very excited after hearing this news.

  When I came to the swimming pool and changed my swimming pants, I couldn't wait to come to the swimming pool. The coach first taught us how to warm up and hold our breath. After teaching, let's practice in the water. At the beginning, I worked hard. The coach came to me and looked at my actions, saying, "you're doing very well, keep going!" Hearing the teacher's praise, I was very happy and worked harder. After learning to hold our breath, the coach continued to teach us the movements of breaststroke: close, turn, push, clip, so I studied carefully and didn't forget to practice when I came home. After more than ten days of practice, I finally learned to swim.

  In addition to learning to swim during the holiday, I also participated in the "urban survival challenge". This is the first time for me to leave the shelter of my family and earn money to solve lunch through my own efforts. Although the process is full of thorns, the joy when I usher in the harvest makes my heart jump with joy. Only then do I begin to understand that labor is the most glorious and that the most beautiful flowers can be planted with industrious hands.

  During the holiday, I still keep exercising every day: table tennis, scooter, bicycle, rope skipping; Of course, there are also my hobbies: calligraphy, go... Among all my hobbies, I especially love go. Go can calm my heart and help me exercise my thinking ability. Every time I finish my summer homework, I always steal time to play chess with my father. From the beginning, I lost and fought repeatedly, to the end, I beat my father "falling flowers and flowing water". I make a little progress every day, and step by step to a thousand miles.

  My summer vacation life is so busy and full.


  The summer vacation is coming to an end. During this period, I learned a lot of knowledge and skills. In the summer vacation, I got the most happiness and learned the most happiness.

  Why do I say that what I get most is happiness. Because during this period, only the summer homework and the homework assigned by my father and mother give me enough time to play and play, so I say that what I get most is happiness.

  Why do I say that what I learn most is happiness. Because during this time, my brother and my friends let me know what is true happiness. In fact, happiness is not what I think. Playing is happiness. But I'm wrong. Happiness doesn't mean playing, but the happiness you feel from the bottom of your heart after helping others, just like the TV saying: care about others and be happy yourself. So what you learn most is happiness.

  I hope every summer vacation or winter vacation will be as happy as this summer vacation, and all people will get real happiness.


  This summer vacation I went to a beautiful place XX. XX has a scenic spot called XX. XX is beautiful. There are mountains and beautiful XX pool.

  First of all, we took the cable car to the hillside and began our journey of trekking through mountains and rivers. Climbing and climbing on the steps, I finally reached the most beautiful place XX pool, and climbed to the top of XX pool. I'm exhausted. But the beautiful scenery attracted me, but at this time I was finally too tired to stand. I rested for a while and rushed down the hill. But in the process of going down the mountain, I saw waterfalls, mountain springs and other beautiful scenery. I asked my mother, why did the tree that fell in the pond become coral? Mom said that they were calcified. This is because the calcium content in the water here is particularly high. Run and run, and finally down the mountain to the exit. My mother rewarded me with an ice cream. I'm so happy.

  After we got on the rental car and returned to the hotel, I ate dinner and sat on the hotel bed for a while. The soft bed suddenly made me feel back pain and leg cramps. Lift up your pants. Your legs are red and swollen. It's so uncomfortable. At this time, I felt like I had grown two kilograms of meat without eating. XX, XX, I beg you, please raise the cable car higher next time, but it was my confidence that made me reach the top of the mountain. XX is really fun.

7.暑假英语日记范文  It's summer vacation. We flew out of the campus like birds and ran to the vast fields. Crazy to meet the happy summer vacation. My classmates and I rode our beloved bicycles to the central square. There are grannies dancing happily in the square, with happy smiles on their faces. And children who just learned to walk also learned to twist_ Gu, that posture is cute and funny, and I have stomachache with laughter. We also participated in it, kicking shuttlecock, skipping rope and playing hide and seek together. Happy laughter spread all over the square and into the sky.

  A few days later, my mother will take me to Shaanxi to visit my father who is working outside.

  Because Dad hasn't come home for half a year. We missed him very much. We got our luggage ready, got on the bus and set out. Along the way, I enjoyed the scenery outside. Pan, pan, finally arrived in Shaanxi. I saw my father waiting for me outside. I immediately got out of the car and jumped into my father's arms. Seeing my father, he lost a lot of weight, and my heart was sour. It turns out that my father works in the mountains surrounded by mountains. I really want to climb such a high mountain for the first time. I told my father this little wish. My father said, "OK, I'll take you to dig wild vegetables the next day. I jumped three feet high when I heard the good news.

  The next day, my father really took me up the mountain to dig wild vegetables. The hillside is very steep, as if it would fall down accidentally. I climbed up step by step, and there were many weeds under my feet that cut my feet, so painful that I clenched my teeth, and the flying grasshoppers loomed before my eyes. I couldn't help pouncing on them. As a result, I pounced on them in the air and didn't catch them. My heart was very unconvinced. At this time, I was so tired that I was sweating. The sweat flowed down like a broken pearl. If only there were an electric fan to blow it. Dad found a large piece of wild grass and asked me to pick it. Dad laughed and said, "let's see who dug more and faster. It took me a lot of effort to dig a little, and I was so tired that I gasped. Dad looked at the way I was sweating, and laughed and said," you little fool, only dug a little. "

  Unknowingly, school is about to begin. I reluctantly bid farewell to my father and returned to my hometown. This is my

most unforgettable summer vacation. The new semester is waving to me. I will redouble my efforts and move forward bravely.


  On the fourth day of July, the summer vacation we were looking forward to finally came. Suddenly, I felt excited in my heart.

  I think all students like summer vacation, because we can spend these two months happily!

  Just after the holiday, my father helped me sign up for cram school. In fact, I want to play a few more days. When I first arrived at the cram school, I actually saw my two best friends. I remember I asked them if they wanted to go to cram school together, but they said they wouldn't go even if they were killed, but now

  Class begins. A male teacher came in, "Hello, students, I'm your math teacher. My last name is Wang. You can call me Miss Wang." As soon as he finished speaking, I already knew where he came from, Cantonese. My aunt is also Cantonese. Every time she goes back to our hometown, she will ask us to take her to herd cattle. But every time she said "let loose", hahaha, it took me a long time to understand. I found that every time teacher Wang gave us a lecture, his feet and hands would shake. Maybe he was a newborn calf, but he seemed to be afraid of tigers. The teacher is most afraid of me and my two girlfriends, because we speak more directly. In class, we always hit the teacher's "key", haha!

  Teacher Keming is different. The genuine Shandong sister is "fierce". She wore a pair of very thick glasses, and her whole expression was serious during the lecture. We didn't dare to say a word. But sometimes she would joke with us and tell us stories. We admire her very much, because she is very knowledgeable in English, and her teaching efficiency is particularly high, we can listen to it.

  In a month of getting along, I found that I fell in love with this summer life. Our entire eighth grade tutor and two teachers are like a big family, happy, happy and harmonious.

  The tutorial is over, and I'm reluctant to part with my two teachers and classmates. They are like passers-by in my life. There are not many scenes, but they are very important.


  Summer vacation is not only a good time for adults to travel and sightseeing, but also a good time for our children to look forward to. Every time the summer vacation is approaching, students always plan their own vacation. Forget the excitement. Future planning has become a mantra. Looking forward to the summer vacation, I am no exception, because the summer vacation is happy and free, and it is also a harbor for our children to acquire social knowledge.

  There is a belief in my heart; As long as I get up every morning and see the bright sunshine, I will feel happy. Every morning when I get up together, I can't wait to open the curtains, look into the distance, breathe the fresh air, listen to the singing of birds, smell the fragrance of grass and soil, feel the cool wind, and look at the pedestrians on the road. This is mankind's unprecedented enjoyment of nature.

  At noon, my mother and I will do exercises together after eating. Rope skipping and hula hoops have become our weight loss tools. After exercise, our family will sleep with the air conditioner on. When we sleep until 3 o'clock, we will get up and eat snacks. Watermelon is the snack we eat every day. That big watermelon is eaten by our family immediately, especially dad, who is so fat and loves to eat, I'll go to the nearby library to read some extra-curricular books.

  In the evening, after eating, I went to the street with my mother. The street was very lively and crowded. I wanted to squeeze into a crowd, but I didn't want to know that I was so small and wanted to squeeze into it. Dream! However, I can still see other things. There are many things on the street, including cloth dolls, small pendants, leather bags, and now the most popular big head Stickers! On the street, there are not only fun, but also food, you see! There are stinky tofu, fried ice, and the cold rot. my mother took me to eat stinky tofu. Although it smelled stinky, it tasted delicious, and it would be better to add a little spicy. There are also many lovely animals, including goldfish, mice, turtles, and the children's favorite little rabbit!

  As soon as I got home, I took a bath immediately. After taking a bath, my mother and I took a small table and two small chairs to the balcony. We sat on the small chairs and ate delicious snacks. The night was so quiet and heartwarming. While eating, I watched the lovely late night and felt that we were a paradise on earth!

  Goodbye, summer vacation. I welcome you next year!


  My summer vacation was spent at my grandmother's house in the countryside, which is a good place with beautiful scenery.

  Although there are no high-rise buildings, KFC, McDonald's, nor the noise of the city, only the crisp singing of birds, the singing of cicadas and the rustling of leaves in the wind combine to form a melodious rural symphony.

  In the morning, the morning wind blows, making people refreshing. I would go to find my friends to play. We agreed to hold a marathon race by the stream: building a water wall, catching fish, touching snails... The most interesting thing is catching fish. A dozen of us searched "carpet" for fear of missing a corner. Suddenly, I found a thumb like fish stuck by a water grass net. "It's really breaking iron shoes and nowhere to find. It takes no time." I lifted the fish and said triumphantly. In order to catch more fish, I searched like a madman, throwing water on my face from time to time, like a "drowned chicken"

  Noon is the hottest time. Except for few vehicles, there are almost no people on the road. Only cicadas on roadside trees sing happy ditties, and gurgling streams under the road sing crisp songs

  In the evening, the brook is a children's paradise, including swimmers, crabs, water drifters... Even the fish are immersed in laughter. At this time, the village again wafted smoke, when the last beam of sunshine disappeared in the sky, people who had worked hard for a day began to fall asleep sweetly.

  Looking up at the sky, countless pairs of bright eyes blinked in the blue sky. This is the most lively time for animals. The frogs began to sing and dance. They sang passionate and enthusiastic songs in the field and won continuous applause; After a while, the frogs came on the stage. They sang and danced with the frogs. Sweet songs rippled everywhere in the crevices, tree holes and under the soil. The loud songs woke up the colorful butterfly girl. They danced and danced in the air from time to time, making other small animals intoxicated. Even nature seemed to praise the diligence of rural farmers and the colorful field life.

  Ah, the scenery in the countryside is so beautiful! Enchanting and intoxicating, how I yearn for such a life.
