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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假是炎热的,暑假中的太阳,正是映照趣事的见证人,没有灿烂的阳光就没有灿烂的暑假。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  It's summer vacation with cicadas chirping. I'm going to catch beetles in the mountains with my father. On the way to "Jigong Mountain", there are a lot of people pushing and pushing everywhere. It's packed. The scenic spot of Jigong Mountain is really worthy of its reputation. I still remember last summer

  Cicadas on the tree "chirped", making my father and I scurry and run away. But as soon as we arrived at the mountain, we saw the monstrous and powerful beetle. My father and I called it "Black King Kong warrior", which made us happy and excited! It turned out that the "Black King Kong warrior" was very rare, so I caught it and held it in the palm of my hand like a treasure! My father and I continued to search for more rare beetles.

  There are also free flying dragonflies, colorful butterflies, colorful fireflies, and countless stars in the sky at night. It's really spectacular! My father and I caught more than a dozen beetles. I saw them fighting. It was a mixture of sadness and joy, because some were beaten to death, while others were unharmed, like heroes! Dad and I always fall when we see them fighting! Call them "sumo wrestlers". I still remember a little "chicken bug", whose life was like a fish in a boiling pot, and finally was "run over" by a car, which made me heartbroken! Catching beetles is exciting and fun.

  It's summer vacation again this year. I really want to go to Jigong Mountain with my father to catch beetles. This is what I most expect and want to do again this summer vacation.


  In the hot summer vacation, my brother and cousin went back to Pingdong's grandparents' house to play. During this period, many interesting things happened.

  I rode my bicycle with my brother and cousin on a path. I found a snake in the grass. I was scared and trembled. We rode home like tigers; When I go to bed at night, the picture of snakes always comes to my mind, making me unable to sleep. The next morning, we got up early in the morning to help Grandpa and grandma pick betel nuts. At first, we rushed to pick betel nuts. Grandpa said, "take your time, don't worry." Halfway through the harvest, my cousin said, "I'm so tired! I've got backache, and I'm going to bed." Grandma said, "how can children have low back pain and back pain? I can't stand it." My brother and I kept laughing until our chin almost fell off. After that, I worked harder and faster, filling baskets with betel nuts. As time passed, we soon finished picking all the betel nuts. Seeing that we had picked so many betel nuts, I felt very happy. Day after day, the summer vacation has come to an end soon, and the day of school is coming. I'm unwilling to go to school, so I want not to go to school!

  I think grandpa and grandma are so hard! We have to pick betel nuts every summer vacation. We can't imagine the hardship. Therefore, we must be filial to our parents, listen to their words, and can't talk back to them. Of course, now we should study hard, absorb more knowledge, make ourselves useful people, and cherish ourselves and life.


  I'm so happy to finally have a holiday! Don't worry, there's something happier, that is to go to Jingpo Lake.

  Coming to Jingpohu Park, people come and go. It's really lively. At this time, I suddenly felt that the air was a little damp and became much cooler. I was stunned when I came to the waterfall. "It's so spectacular and beautiful!" I exclaimed. I saw white waves splashing from the waterfall, and the water flowing down was a little green. It was really "flying down 3000 feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days."

  At this time, mother shouted, "look! Diving!" When I looked at it carefully, I saw a man standing on the opposite bank, his arms close together and straight, his legs standing very straight. I was sweating for that man. Suddenly, he jumped hard, clenched his teeth, and rushed to the water quickly. I clenched my fist and stared at the water. After a while, the man stuck his head out of the water, swam to the waterfall, climbed up along the rock, and then jumped again. I was watching it with relish, but the man left. I felt very disappointed. Dad said, "let's go by boat." My interest came again, and I turned back and walked towards the place where I took the bus. On the way back, I heard people talking around me. "It's great. It's a wonderful dive!" "It's not. How did that man practice? He's good at water!" "He is so great that I want to be a 'diver' when I grow up!"

  After listening to what they said, I also thought in my heart: diving is such a difficult thing, he can persevere, study and practice hard, and learning such a simple thing, I have to work hard! Thinking about it, I got on the car. When we came to the place where we took the boat, we bought tickets and got on the boat. Slowly, the passengers arrived and the boat left. The mountains on both sides are continuous, the water surface waves roll and reflect the sun, and there are some bright spots everywhere, which make people unable to open their eyes. "What a beautiful Jingbo lake!" I sighed.

  How happy this summer vacation is!


  One day in the summer vacation, when I came to my grandfather's house, I asked him to play chess. I made three rules with him first, and he was not allowed to repent. Grandpa smiled and said; "How many sets do you want to lose today?" I said confidently, "I don't want to lose a set today." so we got up. My first step was to jump the pawn, and grandpa was still jumping the horse as usual. After more than a dozen rounds, the situation changed subtly. My horse strayed into the enemy area and fell into grandpa's trap, and grandpa staged a "catch a turtle in a jar". When I found out, my horse had become grandpa's "prisoner" ", I was a little overwhelmed after losing a horse, and I lost the first set soon.

  The second set began, and I began to be cautious. At the beginning, grandpa didn't find the loophole in my defense. At the middle of the game, I was a little out of breath. I made mistakes one after another and attacked heavily. As a result, I lost a car and became grandpa's "bag" at the second time. In the end, I fell down again and the whole army was wiped out. I was still unwilling to play the third set with Grandpa.

  The third set began. I changed my tactics and became more cautious. This time, I didn't show any tricks, but my grandfather's defense appeared flaws. So I lost my troops and attacked four people, and grandpa also made a tenacious resistance. Unfortunately, there was no power to return to heaven, so Grandpa had to surrender.

  After playing these three sets of chess, I think playing chess is really interesting. In the future, I will play chess with my grandfather whenever I am free.


  In the long summer vacation, there is infinite happiness. Now, let me tell you an interesting summer vacation story.

  One day, I stayed at home and felt bored. Suddenly, a good idea occurred to me. Is to play the game of sticking your nose with your sister. I told my sister what I thought, and she readily agreed.

  I first drew a clown without a nose on the blackboard. My sister found a magnet to replace her nose. It began to stick to the nose. My sister first covered my eyes with a cloth. I slowly walked to the blackboard, left and right, and found a position to fix my nose. At this time, my sister laughed. I tore off the cloth and saw that the clown not only had no nose, but also had a mole on the corner of his mouth. My sister said proudly, "look at me." I saw my sister quickly walk to the blackboard and fix her nose anywhere. I couldn't help laughing when I saw it. The elder sister quickly took off the cloth and laughed. It turned out that the clown not only didn't put on his nose, but also became a Cyclops. The clown seemed to be very angry.

  At this time, Dad heard laughter, came over and asked, "what's so funny? Tell me." My sister and I blinked, walked up to my father, covered my father's eyes, and stuffed my "nose" into my father's hand. Dad understood our meaning, slowly approached the blackboard, found the right position and installed his nose. "The clown has a nose!" We cheered.


  It's summer vacation. I went back to my grandmother's house. Just after lunch, my new friends Lin Li and Han Lei came to me to catch loaches. I hit it off with them and walked to a small ditch by the village.

  The water in the ditch was put into the fields by adults, leaving only a thin layer floating on the mud. Han Lei said that loaches hide in these mud. We took off our shoes, rolled up our trouser legs, stroked our sleeves up, jumped into the mud Barry at once, and stretched out our hands to touch it. After a while, Lin Li was in full swing, and her muddy hands were holding a finger long little loach to show off to us. I said unconvinced, "one is nothing, it depends on me." With that, I bent down to "explore" everywhere. WOW! A "fish" was hooked. It really "took no effort." I grabbed one with both hands and shouted happily, "haha! Let me catch it!" Just when I was proud, this guy was too slippery and let it slip again.

  After a while, the target appeared again. This time, I "learned a lesson and learned a lesson". I clenched the loach tightly in my hands. I boasted and shouted at them, "finally got it!" This hand raising was amazing. Due to too much force, not only my face was covered with "beauty moles", but also my friends were stained with my "light". Suddenly, laughter echoed in the fields.

  Unconsciously, our bucket is full, enough for a good meal. With shoes in one hand and "baby" in the other, we returned triumphantly on the path scorched by the sun!

  Integrate into nature, you will find that summer vacation is very happy!


  be on holiday! My mood is like an eagle in the sky, so free and happy, which is quite different from my original mood.

  During this vacation, I was very happy. I went to thrilling amusement parks, which were as exciting as the sea of knives and flames and the hail of bullets. I also went to relaxing farms, enjoyed a quiet paradise, and refreshed myself. I also went to mysterious tents like ancient imperial palaces to experience King class luxury houses.

  During my holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me was riding the most environmentally friendly bicycle in the 82 hectare garden, which seemed to enter the vast sea and let me feel the wind of nature. This was my first experience of nature.

  The holiday life finally came to an end. I actually wasted this wonderful holiday. I should spend the rest of my time playing, relaxing, getting close to nature or traveling... But this holiday is also the most important and happiest for me, and it also left a flashing light in my heart.

  Holiday life to this day, I can plan my next holiday, so that I can safely go to another wonderful place, but also let me leave the word "expectation" in my heart.


  My summer vacation is very meaningful. Every morning is my study time, and I exercise with my parents in the evening. In order to enrich my summer vacation life and let me learn a skill, my mother enrolled me in a swimming course. When I know this good news, don't mention how excited I am!

  On the day of class, my mother and I came to the swimming pool early. At the time of the gathering, the teacher called our names and took us to the changing room. After changing our clothes, we came to the coach. Our coach has a pair of big eyes, and the tall one looks very strict.

  In the first class, the coach asked us to hold our breath in the water. At the beginning, I choked a little when I practiced. The coach asked us to go home and get a basin of water to practice more. My first class is over. I thought it was not easy to learn swimming, and I had the idea to give up. At this time, my mother saw my mind. My mother said, "swimming is not so difficult. You should adhere to everything you do. As long as you work hard, you will gain." After listening to my mother's encouraging words, I also had confidence in myself and said to myself in my heart, "come on! You can."

  In this way, my mother accompanies me to class on time every morning. After six classes, some brothers and sisters can swim around in the water like little fish without any auxiliary tools. As soon as I saw it, I felt anxious. I must seize the time to practice.

  After another two classes, the coach asked me to leave the auxiliary tools of my back. At the beginning, I was a little afraid. The coach had been encouraging me, and I summoned up the courage to jump down. I swam away, but the distance was a little short. I was so happy at that time. The coach asked me to practice more and swim farther and farther.

  Time flies. The twelve classes are over immediately. In these twelve days, I have met many new friends and my coach, and learned to swim. These twelve days make my summer vacation more fulfilling and meaningful.


  This summer vacation was spent at my grandmother's house in Tangshan. There were many interesting things there, of which the most profound one was the word game.

  After dinner, grandma, Grandpa, Dad, mom, and big uncle sat in the yard chatting. I ran around feeling boring and shouting to play games. Mom couldn't beat me and promised. She thought for a while and said to me, "Niuniu, we graduated from grade one and learned a lot of knowledge. Are you confident to compare with grandma and grandpa?" As soon as I heard that I was going to challenge my grandparents, I was so excited that I quickly asked my mother what to compare. Mom told me that compared with word games. She is the host, and her father and uncle are the judges.

  The game began, and my mother said, "add two strokes to the mouth for 10 minutes. Whoever writes more words is the champion." As soon as my mother finished speaking, I lowered my head and wrote down "Tian, Jia, you, Gu". What other words can it make up? My brain began to run at full speed, thinking, suddenly I saw my father and their two referees cheating, and even told my grandfather that they were about to protest, hey, "four" words, hehe, this is God's help to me, isn't this just a word plus two strokes? Oh, by the way, there was the word "plus". I couldn't help shouting. My mother immediately shouted, "pay attention, don't shout, and affect others.". Alas, this "call" is also a word plus two strokes. I hurriedly wrote it down. Now, my thinking suddenly became bright, and I wrote ten in one breath. Who was the final champion? Have a guess!

  Although the game is over, I understand a truth: only applying the knowledge learned to life is the best!


  This summer vacation, I experienced a very interesting thing.

  The weather that day was extremely hot, and the hot sun hit the skin and felt a little painful. I think it would be great if I lived in the water like a fish! At this time, Dad came. I said to my father, "Dad, can you take me swimming?" Dad agreed without hesitation. My heart blossomed with joy.

  We went to the West Lake Park water amusement park and saw a sea of people here. We managed to get two tickets. I can't wait to run into the dressing room and quickly change my swimsuit. When I got to the swimming pool, I found that I forgot to take off my shoes. I wonder if shoes also want to cool down in the water? Hum! I won't let you go. I'll make you anxious. I quietly hid my shoes in the grass and went swimming.

  We came to the deep-water area. The water in the deep-water area was so deep that it was on my father's chin. I was so scared that I held the swimming ring tightly in my hands. At this time, I saw a little girl with a diving board swimming around easily, just like a fish in the water. I looked at it with admiration. I soon became good friends with this little girl.

  After playing in deep water for a while. Dad said to take me to a very exciting place to play. That is a very high slide. I stood on it with my feet soft and my whole body trembling. I dare not look down. Encouraged by my father, I gritted my teeth and slid down. In fact, it is not as terrible as expected. I feel like taking an elevator. It's just that when it's about to land, it's very exciting.

  In the amusement park, I also played in many places. Every place is very interesting and interesting.
