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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假虽然过去很多天了,但生活照样多姿多彩,有些事让我回味无穷。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  During the summer vacation, my mother took me to Wuhan to play. Wuhan is full of high-rise buildings and staggered overpasses. The scenery is very beautiful, but the science and Technology Museum in Wuhan is the most impressive one to me.

  The science and Technology Museum is really a good place for us to learn scientific knowledge and improve our innovation ability. The science and Technology Museum has exhibition areas such as children's paradise, robot world, science and life, sound and light, electricity and magnetism. There are 4D motion pictures, talking robots, and weighing turtles... It's interesting. Let me introduce them to you one by one!

  First of all, we come to 4D dynamic cinema. The movie being shown is "disaster warning", which tells the situation when an earthquake and tsunami occurred. We put on our glasses and fastened our seat belts. All at once, it seemed as if we were in it. The house collapsed to us, the sea submerged us, and the rats ran towards us... I was so scared that I closed my eyes. At this time, something more terrible happened. It seemed that my foot was bitten by a mouse. I shouted and quickly raised my foot high. The short film of more than ten minutes is over. Out of the cinema, I still have lingering palpitations. Later, my mother told me that the terrible mouse was actually a moving rope under the chair that scratched my foot. It was a false alarm.

  Then, we entered the exhibition hall. A robot attracted me. He could talk to people. I asked him questions according to the questions on the computer screen. When I asked, "how old are you?" The robot immediately said mysteriously, "it's a secret, but I'm still young!" It made everyone laugh.

  Have you heard that turtles can weigh? There is a big turtle in the exhibition hall. As long as you sit on his back, he will immediately say, "Hello, your weight is..." I think many people should not be willing to sit on it. The weight is confidential!

  Ah, this is really a happy and unforgettable trip!


  Huangguoshu waterfall in Guizhou is really spectacular.

  During the summer vacation, I traveled to Guizhou with my mother, grandmother, grandfather and others. The day after we arrived in Guizhou on X, we came to Huangguoshu waterfall.

  There are 18 waterfalls in the Huangguoshu waterfall group, but we only saw three waterfalls: Huangguoshu waterfall, yinliantiaotan waterfall and doupotang waterfall.

  First of all, let's go to the most spectacular Huangguoshu waterfall. When we came to the observation deck, the sound of the waterfall was deafening, and the splashed water droplets drifted down like rain, making the observation deck wet and our clothes wet. My mother bought me a camera. I took many photos of the waterfall with the camera as a souvenir.

  After leaving Huangguoshu waterfall, we went to yinliantiaotan waterfall. Yinliantiaotan waterfall is also very spectacular. It has many waterfalls, which rotate like whirlpools, and then converge together, as if they flow into a large funnel, and then rush down, which is simply too beautiful.

  Finally, we went to doupotang waterfall, which is very wide. Although it is not as majestic as Huangguoshu waterfall or yinliantiaotan waterfall, the wide waterfall is like a barrier, and it is also very beautiful.

  Huangguoshu waterfall in Guizhou is very spectacular. Our family lingered here and took a lot of photos. The beautiful Huangguoshu waterfall, I want to come again in the future.


  In this summer vacation, I encountered many interesting things, some of which have been forgotten, but some of which are still fresh in my memory. The most interesting thing is fishing.

  When fishing, I first went to the wettest place in the woods behind the house to dig earthworms. At the beginning, I didn't dig an earthworm for a long time. Later, I found that I dug too shallow, so I dug down with all my strength, and soon I found a lot of earthworms.

  I picked up the hook and bucket and ran to my fish pond. I picked up an earthworm and divided it into two sections. I put one section on the hook and threw it into the water. Then he waited, but the fish seemed to hide

  Like me, I didn't take the bait. I picked up the hook and found that the earthworm had been eaten.

  I had to put on an earthworm again. With the lesson of the last time, this time I stared at the water carefully for fear that the fish would eat the earthworm, but the earthworm was still eaten by the fish.

  Finally, the emperor did what he wanted, and I caught the first fish.

  Because of my last experience, I always caught fish one after another. After I finished fishing the sixth one, I didn't catch fish for a long time. I fell into silence again. Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly saw the line move. I pulled the line hard and found that it was a big fish, but I didn't pull it up with great strength. Finally, I set out along the direction it ran, When it was exhausted, I pulled it hard and pulled it up.

  Although I didn't catch many fish this time, this experience is very important for me, because it tells me a truth: be patient and persistent in doing things.


  My summer vacation was very happy. For example, go to the beach to pick up shells and treat turtles as conch.

  One day, the sky was especially blue. I came to Hainan Island with my parents. I looked at the sea. I'm very excited. I came to the beach and began to pick up shells. Suddenly I found a green thing in the middle of the rock. It turned out to be a conch, which was round and flat. I picked up the conch and began to look for holes. I turned it around, but I couldn't find a hole. I continued to look, and finally found a hole. I was just about to put the conch to my mouth, when suddenly a small green head appeared. I shouted and threw the conch into the distance. After a long time, I found it. I saw it beside the rock. I came closer and saw that it was a turtle. He looked motionless and pitiful. I left without caring about it.

  Fortunately, the little turtle's head stretched out slowly just now, and I hid quickly. Otherwise, the consequences would be terrible. However, the fact that a little turtle can be mistaken by me for a conch is interesting.


  During the summer vacation, grandma and uncle are going to XX to visit relatives. Our family also take this opportunity to travel to XX. So, seven of us took the special bus of the travel company to XX on X.

  In the afternoon of XX, we came to Ocean Park to play. After buying the ticket, we took the cable car to the mountain to see the animals in the sea. There are many strange animals there, which attract many Chinese and foreign tourists. We walked into the aquarium with the flow of people. "Wow" I seemed to be in the vast sea, and all kinds of fish danced around me happily. The cutest one is the lionfish, which is dressed in floral speckled clothes, dancing in the coral and performing a wonderful dance.

  The most shy one is the clownfish, whose body is small, and its scales are red and yellow... The color is even, hiding in the coral, looking at us, with a red face, like a shy little girl. At this time, another big fish swam. Although I don't know its name, I gave it an interesting name "fool fish" because of its rolling eyes and ridiculous appearance. While I was enjoying the "fool fish" with relish, a behemoth swam towards me, close, close, oh, it was a devil fish. It flapped its round fins and swayed its long wire like tail, swimming proudly in the water. It really looks like a devil.

  The variety of fish in the aquarium is dazzling. Here, I not only saw all kinds of fish, but also knew their growth process and learned knowledge that is not available in books. It is really killing two birds with one stone!


  One evening in the summer vacation, my mother and I went to the market to buy melons. Far away, we were attracted by a burst of crisp Hawking, and the fragrant melon was also so attractive. We soon came to the melon stall. After asking the price, my mother told the aunt who sold melons that it would cost ten yuan. I saw my aunt quickly packed the melon in a convenience bag, quickly put it on the scale, and said enthusiastically, "no more, no less, exactly ten yuan." When my mother was about to pay, I suddenly found that there was another magnet under the tray of the scale, so the melon weighed more than before. When my aunt saw that I saw the secret, she said, "add another melon to you!" Mom and I are very angry. Isn't this shortweight, cheating! I really want to drop the melon and turn around and leave.

  Since then, we have never visited that stall again, even though her melons are good and cheap. Maybe other customers will also encounter our situation, so she will lose more buyers.

  Today's experience reminds me of a story: a woman holding a hungry child found a fast-food restaurant to beg for a glass of water, but the waiter refused because she had no money. When the woman came home, she told her relatives and friends, one of whom was a teacher. The teacher told her students about it, and the students told their parents... That's it, one spread ten, ten spread a hundred. Soon, a popular fast-food restaurant closed down - just because of a glass of water!

  This story makes me feel very shocked. A glass of ordinary water can cause such serious consequences! This made me understand the truth of "customer first", and also: in business, we should not only try to make money, but also be enthusiastic about everyone.


  One Sunday morning in the summer vacation, when I woke up, it was daybreak. When I got dressed, my stomach was already growling. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth, and went to eat the porridge I had already prepared.

  I played with the table while eating. Suddenly, I found an egg on the table. I tried my best to turn it. It was really fun. I took another egg from the refrigerator and turned it with my two hands. The original egg turned quickly and stably, but the egg taken out of the refrigerator couldn't turn for twoorthree times, so I lay askew on the table and didn't turn.

  I turned the eggs in the refrigerator again, but it was the same as before. After twoorthree turns, they stopped moving. I kept turning, exploring the reasons why they didn't turn. Suddenly, the egg fell to the ground, and the egg liquid flowed all over the ground. I quickly took a rag to wipe it, but I dropped another egg to the ground. Eh, this is cooked. I looked at two broken eggs. The egg yolk of cooked eggs condensed together as a whole. The raw egg protein was liquid and the egg yolk was semi-solid. I knead the eggs by hand, and the whole egg rotates together. When kneading raw eggs, I can't mix and rotate at once, so I can't rotate. I finally learned the secret of cooked and raw eggs.

  I'm very happy. I told this secret to my partners. They also want to turn around happily. This is an interesting discovery in my summer vacation. Come and try it!


  "Ah! It's summer vacation at last. You can have fun." I cheered excitedly. Happy is happy, but father-in-law sun seems to be in a special mood. I don't know why the weather is so hot. The earth seemed to be roasted. It was so hot that people couldn't breathe.

  I waited for the bus in the station, and finally came. I couldn't wait to run into the bus, find a good seat and sit down. I thought to myself: ah, it's so comfortable. A chill came from the car, and the heat had dissipated.

  One stop after another, the number of people in the car gradually increased, and the empty seats were taken up, so those who had no seats could only stand. With more and more people, the coolness in the car has been covered by people's heat, and the car began to sulk. After a while, a white haired grandfather came up again. Grandpa looks more than eighty years old, with a crutch in his hand. This is, the radio sounded "please give up your seat to the old man!" But everyone didn't move at all. Like a wooden man, no one meant to get up and give up his seat. Me too, sitting in my seat, pretending not to hear.

  After a while, the uncle sitting in front of me suddenly stood up and said to the old man, "uncle, sit down!" The old man smiled and thanked the uncle. Everyone in the car lowered their heads in shame, and I blushed in shame. I couldn't help admiring him and thought to myself: this uncle really respects the old and loves the young. I should study hard. I immediately stood up and gave my seat to my uncle. My uncle praised me for my good work. I was very happy!

  After getting off the bus, the weather was still so hot, but I didn't feel the bad weather, and my heart was still happy.


  During the summer vacation, the weather was so hot that a hot sun cage shone on the earth, as if to melt everything. Therefore, the drinks in our refrigerator are drunk quickly.

  On this day, I drank up a bottle of drink left in the refrigerator. However, looking at the white sunshine outside the window, I really want to eat a cold popsicle.

  "Selling popsicles! Fifty cents a piece, bean popsicles!" Suddenly, a cry came from outside the window. "It's really my Savior!" Now I'm refreshed, pick up 1 yuan and run downstairs. Running to the front, I was stunned. It was a boy younger than me. I found his lips cracked and his voice hoarse. I gave him the money. He took the money and gave me one. I turned around and hurried home, thinking while running that he could eat one for himself with an extra 50 cents.

  I was thinking, when suddenly he shouted, "little sister, wait a minute." I had to stand there and say to him, "don't change it. Here's the money." Who knows, his face flushed, put the money into my hand and said breathlessly, "it's not my money, I don't want it, don't look down on people, my new year's money is more than you." "Then why did you come out to make money?" I asked strangely. "That's because our school held a 'hand in hand, show love' activity. I'm going to donate the money to those poor children." He said stubbornly and turned away. When I watched him leave gradually, I found that the popsicle had melted away. Although I couldn't eat the popsicle, my heart was sweet.

  Now, whenever I hear the cry of selling popsicles, the scene at that time will emerge in front of me.


  During the summer vacation, I saw many things.

  For example, there are three Roast Duck restaurants in our street, but the business of the one in front of the vegetable market. Why? Because that store not only has a good location, but also sells well. Every day I use the radio to say how good the roast duck is. It tastes crispy, first come, first served. Only 120 ducks are released every day, and each person is limited to 2. This roast duck is also of good quality. Anyone who has eaten it will buy it again. There are also gifts. Buy a roast duck and send a bottle of iced black tea to attract people to taste sweetness.

  The farmers' market here is very popular. There is a row of grapes, and all of them are big stone grapes. But one of the aunts has a very good business. Why? After careful observation, it turned out that the aunt's grapes were not only full-bodied and attractive in color, but also tasted sweeter than sugar. Aunt is kind, never short of weight, and the price is reasonable. No wonder people like to buy it from her.

  Another day, my mother asked me to buy ice cream. Before I came to the snack bar, I was preparing to buy ice cream. Suddenly, a little boy came running, holding a red hundred dollar bill in his hand, and said to the aunt of the canteen, "I'll buy ice cream." Aunt asked, "who gave you the money?" "It's mom." "What is your mother doing?" "Sleeping." Aunt frowned and said, "your money is too big, aunt can't find it. Go back." Aunt let the business go, is it really because the money is too big to find it? No, it's because my aunt is afraid of him stealing my mother's money.

  I saw too much in the summer vacation to say it all.
