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  entertaining activities娱乐活动
  have / hold / throw a party举行派对
  enjoy popularity受欢迎
  dine out外出进餐(尤指在餐馆)
  science-fiction movies科幻电影
  adjust (plays / movies) to different audiences 改编(戏剧/电影),使之适合不同的观众
  tailors (her remarks) to each audience 按每位观众的需求斟酌(她的言辞)
  round the corner 即将到来
  get the opera tickets in advance / beforehand 提前买歌剧票
  tickets at the door 临开演前出售的票
  buy the tickets on the spot 在现场买票
  at half price 以半价
  at a higher price 以更高的价钱
  go out of one’s way to do sth. 某人尽力做某事
  out of stock 脱销
  violent content 暴力内容
  put a warning label on albums 在唱片上贴警示标签
  freedom of speech 言论自由
  make (public) speeches 做(公共)演说
  give a speech to a large audience 在许多听众面前演讲
  mall 购物中心
  shopping centre / mall 购物中心
  booking office / box office 售票处
  be sold out 卖光
  be moved / touched 被感动
  student discount 学生折扣
  appreciate 喜欢,欣赏
  exaggerate 夸张
  be taken / occupied (座位)被占
  dress circle 前排座位
  back seat 后排座位
  for free 免费
  bargain 讨价还价;便宜货
  style / size / color 风格/尺码/颜色
  exchange / return 找零
  a clearance sale 清仓甩卖
  horror movie 恐怖片
  tragedy 悲剧
  comedy 喜剧
  art film 文艺片
  action movie 动作片
  love story / romance 爱情片,爱情小说
  disaster movie 灾难片
  detective movie 侦探推理片
  a long queue / line 长队
  leading role 主角
  a film review 影评

