【#四六级考试# 导语】成功=时间+方法,自制力是这个等式的保障。世上无天才,高手都是来自刻苦的练习。而大家往往只看到“牛人”闪耀的成绩,忽视其成绩背后无比寂寞的勤奋。以下是®文档大全网整理的2021年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题,希望对您有所帮助。
英语四级翻译练习题:睡眠紊乱我们的身体夜晚需要休息,白天需要清醒。大多数人每晚需要8到8.5个小时的睡眠才能正常运转。找到更多的时间、更好的睡眠方法可能是个挑战。科学家已经确认了80多种不同的睡眠紊乱症(sleep disorders)。有些睡眠紊乱症是遗传的。但是,许多睡眠紊乱症是由于熬夜,经常跨时区旅行以及上夜班而引起的。
Sleep Disorders
Our bodies want to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a half hours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives.Finding ways to get more and better sleep can be a challenge. Scientists have identified more than 80 different sleep disorders. Some sleeping disorders are genetic. But many problems are caused by staying up late and by traveling frequently between time zone or by working nights.
英语四级翻译练习题:古都西安西安是中国古代13个王朝(dynasty)的首都。毫无疑问,它是中国历史与文化的完美代表。西安居于“中国古都”之首,在中国历建都时间最长、影响力。它是丝绸之路(the Silk Road)的起点,是中华文明的发祥地。西安到处都是令人惊叹的历史奇观,因此吸引着众多的国内外游客。那里有着中国最古老、最壮观的博物馆和寺庙,其中最的是拥有2000年历史的兵马俑博物馆(the Terracotta Warriors Museum)。
Xi'an is the capital of 13 ancient Chinese dynasties. It is no doubt the perfect representative of Chinese histoiy and culture. With the longest history of being a capital and the greatest influence in China's history, it tops all the Chinese ancient capitals. It is the starting point of the Silk Road as well as the birthplace of Chinese culture. Filled with amazing historic wonders, Xi'an is attracting a large number of tourists from home and abroad. It boasts the oldest and most spectacular museums and temples in China, among which the most famous is the 2000-year-old Terracotta Warriors Museum.
1.第2句中的状语“毫无疑问”修饰整句话时,可译为it is no doubt that+从句,也可将no doubt置于系动词is和名词之间,译作it is no doubt the perfect representative…。这样的表述更简洁。
2.第3句“西安居于‘中国古都’之首,在中国历建都时间最长,影响力”中,可以将“建都时间最长,影响力”看作是“居于‘中国古都’之首”的伴随状语,用介词短语with the longest history…and the greatest influence 来表达。
3.第5句中的“到处都是令人惊叹的历史奇观”是后一分句“吸引……游客”的原因所在,这里可以用as或for 引导原因状语从句来表达,也可用一个简单的分词短语filled with…来表状态,语义表达简洁明了。
4.最后一句中的“那里有着”可以直译为there be句型,但过于平淡,宜译作It boasts…,boast取“自豪地拥有”之义,表达较为生动。“其中……”这个分句可用among which引导非限制性定语从句来表达,使得句子结构紧凑,表达流畅。
英语四级翻译练习题:汉语桥“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛(the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students)是由国家汉办(the Office of Chinese Language Council International)主办的大规模国际性比赛。到目前为止,这个一年一度的比赛已经成功举办了12届。今年的决赛共有来自77个不同国家的123名选手(contestant)参加。该赛旨在激发各国学生学习汉语的兴趣及加强世界对汉语和中国文化的了解。 同时,这个比赛也建立起中国年轻大学生和其他国家学生之间沟通的桥梁。
The "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students is a large-scale international competition sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International So far this yearly event has been successfully held for 12 times. A total of 123 contestants from 77 different countries participated in the finals this year. The "Chinese Bridge" Competition aims to arouse the interest of students in various countries in learning Chinese and strengthen the world's understanding of Chinese language and culture. It also builds a communication bridge between young college students of China and other countries.
1.第1句中的定语“由国家汉办主办的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,用过去分词短语sponsored by…引出,表被动。
2.第2句中的“已经成功举办了12届”形式上为主动句,其含义却表被动,译成英文时要采用被动语态,故译作has been successful held for 12 times.
3.第3句“今年的决赛共有来自77个不同国家的123名选手参加”如果直译成the finals of this year had 123 contestants…,不符合英文表达习惯:翻译时,先确定好主要结构(a total of 123 contestants participated in the finals)。“来自77个不同国家的”作主语的后置定语,用介词短语from 77 different countries来表达。时间状语“今年”置于句末。
4.最后一句中的“建立起中国年轻大学生和其他国家学生之间沟通的桥梁”如果逐字对译为builds a communication bridge between Chinese young college students and students in other countries则显重复啰嗦。故“省译”两个“学生”中的一个,把“中国”和“其他国家”处理成后置定语,表达为between young college students of China and other countries.
With China’s reform and opening up, many young people tend to hold Western-style weddings these days. The bride wears a white wedding dress at the wedding, because white is considered as a symbol of purity. However, in traditional Chinese culture, white is often used in funerals, so be sure to remember that white flowers must not be used as a gift to the patient, especially not to the seniors or patients in critical conditions. Similarly, the cash gift cannot be packed in a white envelope, but in a red envelope.