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【#英语资源# 导语】每年的五月初五为端午节,是中国民间的传统节日。赛龙舟和吃粽子是端午节的主要活动。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《端午节风俗英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.端午节风俗英语日记 篇一

  "May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets, eat Zongzi, sprinkle sugar, and launch a dragon boat happily." This children's song vividly describes the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  There are many customs on the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, every family should insert "five ends": calamus, wormwood, pomegranate flower, garlic, and dragon boat flower. South China will eat "five yellows" during the Dragon Boat Festival: yellow croaker, cucumber, Salted duck egg yolk, Zongzi wrapped with soybean petals, realgar wine. We should also use realgar wine to draw the word "Wang" on the children's forehead, and wear colorful sachets. On the Dragon Boat Festival, people clean their houses and sprinkle realgar water in the kitchen to kill poisonous insects or prevent them from breeding.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and every family will soak glutinous rice, wash the leaves and make Zongzi. Zongzi has different shapes. We like to wrap it into triangles here. Zongzi also has a variety of tastes. If you like sweet ones, you can put dates in the stuffing. When you eat it, you can dip a little white sugar, not to mention how delicious it is. If you like salty food, you can put the salted pork in it. Are you drooling? If you like to eat lighter food, don't put any stuffing. This is "white rice dumplings". When the white rice dumplings come out of the pot, a fragrance wafts in.

  People not only eat Zongzi themselves, but also throw Zongzi into the river. Do you know why? This is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who died in the Miluo River.

2.端午节风俗英语日记 篇二

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Noon Day Festival, the May Festival, the Ai Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double Boat Festival, the Noon Day and the Summer Festival. Although the names are different, the customs of people all over the country are the same. The Dragon Boat Festival has been a custom for more than 2000 years in China. Every day, every household hangs a statue of Zhong Kui, hangs wormwood leaves, races dragon boats, eats Zongzi, drinks realgar wine, matches sachets and other public welfare activities.

  The significance of the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. To throw Zongzi into the river is to let the fish, shrimp and crabs eat enough and stop eating Qu Yuan's remains.

  The custom here is that a few days before the Dragon Boat Festival, each family will buy glutinous rice with zong leaves and wrap it at home. The stuffing in Zongzi can be filled with dates, ham, and people can choose according to their own preferences and tastes. People tie up the wrapped Zongzi in five pieces and hang them above the ground to prevent them from becoming rancid. Most people in Nanjing like to put sugar when eating Zongzi.

  Now people's living standards have improved. On the Dragon Boat Festival, people can buy ready wrapped Zongzi on the street or on the vegetable market, with or without filling, raw or cooked, which is really convenient.

  I like eating Zongzi best. Every holiday, I can eat several of them. They are sweet, sticky, and have a clear fragrance. Zongzi is really delicious!

3.端午节风俗英语日记 篇三

  "The fifth of May is the Dragon Boat Festival, when the annual Dragon Boat Festival comes again, the streets begin to bustle with activity.

  Speaking of the Dragon Boat Festival, there is still a touching experience! Long, long ago, the brilliant Qu Yuan came up with a way to enrich the country and strengthen the army, but was told by a villain. The emperor listened to him and exiled him out of the country. In a fit of anger, Qu Yuan threw himself into the river and killed himself forever. The fishermen saw it and went to salvage Qu Yuan's body; When the villagers knew it, they poured buckets of sticky rice into the Miluo River in succession, so that the fish, fish, fish, shrimp and crabs were full, and they no longer ate Qu Yuan's body.

  With the passage of time, supporting fishing boats has become dragon boat racing, and spreading sticky rice has become Zongzi. Grandma is the "King of Zongzi" in our family. She took the wormwood leaf, dug a large piece of stuffing with chopsticks, put it on the wormwood leaf, wrapped the stuffing with excess wormwood leaf, and finally tied it with a rope. All the movements are so fluent. The wrapped Zongzi is fat, like a green pyramid, with a delicious aroma that makes people salivate. Dragon-boat racing is also one of the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. When I turned on the TV, I saw a boat like a long dragon running fast in the water, and more than 20 sailors were rowing hard and neatly. Where's the drummer? He was also in high spirits. The audience was full of voices and shouts. The whole scene was loud and spectacular.

  It is really a bustling Dragon Boat Festival, which is memorable.

4.端午节风俗英语日记 篇四

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month - the Dragon Boat Festival. It is to commemorate the day when Qu Yuan died for his country and filled in the Miluo River. In order not to let the fish and shrimp eat the meat on Qu Yuan's body. People throw glutinous rice wrapped in zongzi leaves into the river, and people also eat Zongzi, Salted duck egg, hang calamus and wormwood in front of their homes, and hold dragon boat races.

  The first is to wrap Zongzi. You should wash the bamboo leaves, soak them in hot water, and prepare mung beans, egg yolks, meat and other materials for filling. Then fold the long bamboo leaves to form a nest, and put the prepared glutinous rice and japonica rice in the middle to wrap the edges and corners. Then put the stuffing in rice, knead it together, and finally make the Zongzi wrapped in bamboo leaves into four corners. The last process of wrapping Zongzi is to wrap Zongzi with cotton string, otherwise Zongzi will loosen during the cooking process. Put the wrapped Zongzi into the pot. The water should cover the Zongzi and boil it over high heat. After about an hour, boil it over low heat for 30 minutes. When Zongzi is ripe, it will smell a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves.

  Then there are dragon boats. Various kinds of colorful dragons are swimming on the river. Some are stretching their beautiful posture, some are shaking their heads and tails, and some are in high spirits. When the dragon boat race began, "dragons" of various shapes were like arrows, trying to compete for the first place among the dragons. At this time, the athletes rowed hard and sprinted hard, and the sound of "refueling" rolled up on both sides.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is not only an authentic hometown, but also an ancient tradition.

5.端午节风俗英语日记 篇五

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival has many customs, such as hanging wormwood incense, eating five yellow, making Zongzi, eating Zongzi, hanging sachets, etc.

  On this day, what impressed me most was making Zongzi. Grandma first washed the glutinous rice she bought, dipped it in water, and then took out the prepared rice leaves and put them in the rice cooker and boiled them with water. Grandma told me that the boiled rice leaves were not easy to break when bent. After cooking, the water is red, so the brown leaves need to be washed several times before use. Oh, I didn't need the dates in Zongzi. Grandma and I bought them back.

  After everything is ready, start making Zongzi! Grandma bent the brown leaves downward into a cone, first put some glutinous rice in it, then put one or two dates, and finally put a layer of glutinous rice, and fold the extra leaves. Grandma is skilled at making Zongzi. She held Zongzi in one hand and pulled out a piece of thread with the other hand. One end of the thread was bitten by her mouth, and she wound it around the body for several times. Then she tied it with both hands, and a large Zongzi was wrapped! I also want to make dumplings. Grandma agreed to teach me. Grandma taught me hand in hand for a long time. I just made a Zongzi. Making Zongzi seems simple, but it's hard to make it! After a while, Grandma wrapped up a lot of nice brown seeds. Grandma asked me to tie the wrapped palms together five by five, so that they would turn easily when cooking. The cooked Zongzi is delicious.

  After eating some Zongzi, my father suggested that we go to watch the dragon boat race. When we arrived at the scene, there was a sea of people, and the race began. People shouted, "Come on! Come on!" The dragon boats were biting tightly, sometimes this one was fast, sometimes that one was fast. The dragon boat passed, but the people's cheering did not stop.

  This Dragon Boat Festival, we hung wormwood incense, ate Wuhuang and Zongzi, watched the dragon boat race, and had a very meaningful time.
