
时间:2023-02-03 01:12:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】生活中,我们有许多感恩的人。比如:父母、姐姐、同学、朋友……但老师是我需要感恩的人。®文档大全网为大家准备了《感恩老师的英语作文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.感恩老师的英语作文 篇一

  Every river has its source, every building has its foundation, and every one of us has our teacher.

  It is the teacher who let us know the truth of life; It is the teacher who let us swim in the ocean of knowledge; It is the teacher who helps us get the golden key to the treasure house of knowledge. So let's learn to be grateful!

  Great love has no words, true love has no complaints. The teacher's silent dedication makes us ashamed; We admire the teacher's no complaints; We admire the teacher's due diligence. "The crow has the grace of feeding back, and the sheep has the virtue of kneeling down", but the teacher never asks. The teacher is like a diligent gardener, caring for the flowers of our motherland wholeheartedly; The teacher is like a flicker of fire in winter, which makes us feel warm; Teachers are like silent dedication and burning candles, illuminating the way forward for us.

  Let's thank our teachers for their kindness and teaching. Their kindness is sacred and inviolable in our hearts: it is like a lofty mountain that makes us look up to; Like a precious treasure, it is inviolable. The teacher is with us. The teacher's criticism is to guide us; The teacher's reward is to let us continue to work hard; The teacher's motivation is to let us work hard. Let's thank the teacher!

  Thank the teacher, and often sweat. Thank you for your blood. The teacher's love and encouragement to us is like the spring light melting snow, which makes everything recover and everything kindles hope. It's like sending coals in the snow. Everything comes in time. It makes our frozen "soul" feel a little warm and spread to our heart.

  We should thank the teachers for their silent dedication, their no complaints, their due diligence, their melting snow in the spring, and their timely help. Let's always thank our most admirable teacher!

2.感恩老师的英语作文 篇二

  It is often said that teachers are gardeners and teachers are parents. But I think Miss Ling in our class is more like a book, a book that people love more and more, and a book that is rich in content and colorful.

  Sometimes, Miss Ling is an encyclopedia, which takes us into the ocean of knowledge, lets us understand new knowledge and find the correct answer. Look, Teacher Ling, with chalk in his hand, said and wrote, just as he kept watering and fertilizing the small trees, hoping that the small trees could grow into big trees as soon as possible. Teacher Ling keeps sending knowledge to our brains, so that the knowledge in our brains is constantly updated and accumulated. We are like a small tree full of nutrition and growing constantly!

  Sometimes, Miss Ling becomes a "Master of Humor". Teacher Ling is humorous and humorous, and can often laugh at us with interesting words. I remember that once, Teacher Ling was looking for Zhu Qihang, but the students told Teacher Ling that Zhu Qihang was in the toilet. Teacher Ling tried to keep from laughing and said seriously, "Zhu Qihang is the director of the toilet. He runs to the toilet every two days." Hearing what Teacher Ling said, everyone couldn't help laughing!

  Sometimes, Miss Ling looks like a thirty-six plan. The teacher is busy! Every day, the teacher carefully designs each teaching plan, carefully attends each class, carefully corrects each homework, sometimes the homework books pile upon pile. How hard and arduous the teacher's work is! But I was surprised to find that although the teacher's face was tired, it was always full of smiles. I am content and happy to meet such a good teacher. "The grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself." Whenever I hear this song, I can't help singing along, and the smiling face of the teacher always appears in my mind.

3.感恩老师的英语作文 篇三

  You are a lamp, illuminating our way forward. You, a silkworm, are unknown and dedicated to us. You are a rain that moistens our hearts. You are a gust of wind that touches our hearts. You are a cup of water, feeding us diligently. You are a ray of sunshine that warms our hearts.

  Your earnest teachings have been engraved in my heart and translated into wisdom in my mind, blood in my chest and norms of behavior. I will never forget your persuasion, which has become my driving force, unremitting efforts and correct thinking. Oh, you are as amiable as your mother, and you are like your father. I can't forget your gentle words, which cleaned up the dust and mud in my heart. I can't forget your mighty exhortations like the east wind, which inspired me to move forward. Your teaching has infinite power, which makes me become sensible. Your teaching is gentle and kind, moistening us like a spring.

  You are the gardener. Cut off the branches that grow randomly on our bodies and cultivate the shiny branches on our bodies. You are the engineer of the human soul, removing the dirt from our hearts and reshaping our young hearts. If I can fight against the sky, you give me wings to fly. If I can swim in the sea, you give me courage and strength. Taohuatan water is thousands of feet deep, not as good as the teacher's cultivation of my feelings.

  Seeding with words, cultivating with colored pens, watering with sweat and nourishing with painstaking efforts are your noble labor. Thank you, teacher!

4.感恩老师的英语作文 篇四

  During my study from preschool to fifth grade, there were many loving teachers who taught us. But I want to tell you about our brigade instructor, Miss Hao.

  When I was running for the team leader, I successfully ran for the vice team leader, so I met Miss Hao. Miss Hao is our brigade instructor. She is of medium height and has a kind and kind face. Teacher Hao is very strict with me in my work, but there is also concern about my work in the strict.

  I remember that the school had to select people to the county government to give a speech to the Youth League Congress. I think my recitation level is in our class. The teacher will call me. Who knows, the teacher just transferred to our class and didn't know my strength. He didn't choose me. I was furious, but there was no way I could do it, so I suppressed my anger and went to PE class. After a while, I was having fun when my classmate Li Zhe called for me. I asked him what he was doing? He said that Mr. Hao asked you to participate in the selection, and immediately I thanked Mr. Hao from my heart. It was you who gave me the chance. After selection, I was selected and still stood in the front row!

  Finally, after Mr. Hao's strict requirements on me and my own efforts, I was selected as an excellent class cadre by the Municipal Education Bureau this year.

  I thank you, Miss Hao! Because it is you who make me full of confidence and make me win many honors.

5.感恩老师的英语作文 篇五

  Some people say that teachers are the coolest mountain springs in the mountains, watering our saplings with nectar; Some people say that teachers are hardworking gardeners who irrigate us with knowledge. I am about to graduate in one year, and many teachers have taught me from kindergarten to primary school, but let me never forget you, my head teacher, Teacher A.

  When I just left__ School transfer__ In primary school, you helped me adapt to the new environment. Remember in__ When I took the first English exam in primary school, I only got 86 points because of my poor English, while most of the students in my class got more than 90 points. At that time, I was somewhat discouraged. It was your encouragement that gave me confidence and made me get 100 points in the final exam of that semester, which made me like English.

  Teacher, you not only taught us knowledge, but also told us what to do and what not to do. I remember that in the fourth grade, I and two classmates in my class didn't have lunch in the school cafeteria at noon, and came to my home together, and were late for class in the afternoon. At first, I thought it was OK to go back to my home, but after you criticized me severely, I realized the seriousness of the matter. As a student, I must abide by the rules and regulations of the school.

  Teacher, you are like a tree root buried in the ground to make the branches produce fruit without asking for any reward.
