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【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语考试中,考生可以运用一些解题方法和技巧,来帮助我们提高答题的准确率,拿到一个更高的分数。以下是®文档大全网整理的雅思口语关于词汇的常识,欢迎阅读!



  1. 口语常用表达:比如说for what is worth; totally; pretty much等;

  2. 专业的话题词汇。 首先,第一类的词汇可以简单的称之为万能词汇。具有以下特点:





  P2 describe a teacher who influenced you when you were at secondary school(where you met him/her,what subject he/her taught,what was special about him/her,and explain why he/her influenced you so much)

  P3 What is the advantage of being a teacher?

  What are the qualities of good teachers?

  Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so?

  What is the difference between teachers in the past and now?


  Do you want to meet him/her again?

  P3 Do you think teacher is a very important job?

  Please talk about the advantages of being a teacher.

  If some people think that teachers are not important, what should you do?

  What is the difference between teacher and other jobs?

  How can government encourage people to be teachers?

  P3 How could the teachers help you when you were at school?

  Do you think Chinese teachers are very tired?

  How often did they have holiday?

  When was the holiday for high school teachers?

  How much can they earn?

  Do you think the living condition of teachers is better than before?



  P2 describe a hobby you enjoyed in your childhood( what it was,when it started,what it involved,and explain why you like this hobby)

  P3 What are Chinese people’s hobbies now?

  What are the children’s hobbies in China? Is it good?

  Do they have same hobbies with children in the past?

  Who have more time, students or workers?

  Do you think people have less free time?

  Do you think people may have more free time in the future?

  Who have more pressure, people who don't work or work?

  What do you want to do in your free time?

  Do you think the citizens have more free time?

  Do you want more free time?

  How much free time you think it’s good?

  What is the difference of their free time?

  What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies?

  What is the difference between children’s hobby past and now?

  What are the positive effects of your hobby to the development of your study and work?

  Describe a friend who had done something you admire


  P2 describe a toy you had when you were a child(What it was, Who gave you, Where you usually played with it)(what it is,how it is played,who gave it to you, and explain what benefits you got from playing the toy)

  P3 What is the difference between toys in the past and now?

  Now the toys are more creative, do you think is good?

  What is the difference between boys' toys and girls' toys?

  What are the difference and relevance between toys and education?

  Is there any toy you could share with your friends?

  What is the difference of toy in city and in village?

  Would you like to share your toys with others?

  Do you think parents and children should play with toys together?

  Now children spend more time to watch TV instead of playing with toys, do you think it is good?

  Do you think electronic toys are good?

  What is the benefit of educational toys to children’s growth?

  Do you think complicated toys are good for children?



  雅思各类口语话题,有一个共同的关键词,Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often go to(地点题),Describe a family event(事件题)。

  人物题还算是比较容易描述的了,那碰到物品题描述一个家用电器怎么办,如何去Describe?以a washing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色,Its color is white. 大小,It’s one meter high. 别的似乎没什么可讲的了。

  这个时候就可以增加议论或评价。对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my favorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallest size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space. 由此可见,评价性的语言通常比描述更为具体,可以看做是对前一句的补充说明或者是例证拓展。这种对于每一点信息都要给出议论的习惯一定要养成,可以使我们的说话内容顿时翻倍。


  雅思口语话题一向给人以没有话说的感觉,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe a success。总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully did sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合。

  又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’s life? 如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us more comfort.



  Examiner: Do you like flowers? (你喜欢鲜花儿么?)

  Candidate: Not at all! I'm a little strange. They remind me of funerals. I like grass.(一点都不喜欢,我这个人有点怪。鲜花让我想起葬礼,我喜欢草!)


  Examiner: What type of music do you like? (你喜欢什么类型的音乐?)

  Candidate: Well, I am not too fond of music. But sometimes I do like listening to religiousmusic. It gives peace to my mind and joy to my soul.(我不是特别喜欢音乐。但有时候我喜欢听些宗教音乐,它让我感到安静祥和。)

  3、Topic:Your Studies

  Examiner: Do you like your university?(你喜欢你的大学么?)

  Candidate: Well, it's ok. I don't really like things that are academic and theoretical, but there's great campus life.(还可以,我不喜欢学术的东西,但是那儿的校园生活很棒!)

