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【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语发音也是雅思口语考试影响分数的因素之一,所以考生在备考时一定要多了解一些关于词汇的知识点和发言技巧。以下是©文档大全网整理的雅思口语词汇的发音解析,欢迎阅读!


  Do you want to be creative:

  IF you want to be different, you need to break the barrier in your mind from thinking like the average person. When you think outside the box, it allows you to free your mind so you can become more creative when it comes to solving problems.



  2、 连读、弱读

  虚词如冠词、介词、连接词等需要连读或弱读,如:want to be、in your mind 。






  break the barrier 打破阻碍

  think outside the box 跳出框架思考

  allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

  when it comes to sth 当提到......

  solve problem 解决问题

2.雅思口语part 1之 Jewellery话题

  1. Are jewelries popular in China?

  Girls normally wear all kinds of jewelries such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, ear-rings or studs. Honestly, adequate and proper jewelry and ornaments elevate a girl’s image and add extra charm to her. And when the jewelries are expensive ones, her status and identity will be shown and more confidence will come automatically to her.

  Besides, on some special occasions like a banquet or a business meeting, which require ladies to be dressed elegantly, jewelries prove to be necessary and vital companions.

  Generally boys don’t wear jewelries. But that was in the past. Nowadays, boys enjoy having their ears pierced and wearing one or two ear rings. It is beyond me. Maybe they feel cool when they have some ear rings on.

  2 What jewelries do you wear?

  Well, platinum and silver ones are good enough to me. Such materials are elegant and economical. Besides, these materials won’t cause inflammation to skins easy. You can simply wear them all day. Pearl ones are good too especially the milk white ones. They are elegant and gentle and wearing them always make you feel graceful.

  I love rings, especially those big and cook ones with a skeleton or a hawk or some scare faces. It’s so cool.

3.雅思口语话题之Do you like taking photos

  一、雅思口语话题“Do you like taking photos”词汇


  be into ... ,喜欢

  posting... on ...,把…张贴在…上

  Wechat movement,微信朋友圈

  二、雅思口语话题“Do you like taking photos”表达方式

  先表明自己喜欢或不喜欢。具体化拍照片的场景,用like,或such as,举例说明哪些地方你会拍照片。扩展延伸你的观点,补充说明为什么你喜欢或者不喜欢拍照片,拍照片给你带来了什么。

  So,you can say:

  Yes, I love taking photos, especially at some parties like birthdays, anniversaries and other important trips. I think photos can help us keep the precious memories and beautiful scenery. Also, I am really into posting my photos on my Wechat movement to share them with my friends or family members to help them know my life.








5.雅思口语考试题目之What is a backup plan

  What is a backup plan ?

  A backup plan is a set of actions that you will take when something unexpected happens. Think of it as a contingency plan, or a Plan B.

  A backup plan allows you to deal with accidents quickly and effectively. In a business scenario, it can even help you save time and cost in repairing the situation.

  Also, a backup plan helps minimize the negative consequences or losses caused by the unexpected event. It guides you to start dealing with the situation as soon as something goes wrong and keeps you safe.

  After all, having a backup plan ready is reassuring, because you won’t have to worry about making new plans in a rush.


  backup plan /contingency plan 备份/应急计划

  Unexpected 出乎预料的

  scenario 场景

  negative consequences 负面结果



  Take action 采取行动

  deal with 处理

  repaire the situation 扭转情况

  caused by 因…导致

  go wrong 出问题

  worry about 担心

  in a rush匆忙地


