
时间:2023-03-21 01:44:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】我最喜欢的春天到来了。俗话说的好:一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。春天,身为四季之首,令人陶醉。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《有关春天的英语作文》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.有关春天的英语作文 篇一

  Spring is bright and beautiful, and hundreds of birds are crowing. When I enter nature, bursts of spring breeze pass by. In the warm sunshine, I feel warm. Taking off one sweater after another, I cannot feel a little cold. I know that spring is coming.

  In that forest, big bare trees grow tender leaves, peach trees are full of pink flowers, and plum trees are blooming with pure white flowers. It's really like peaches and plums competing for beauty, with bees flying and butterflies dancing. The slender branches of the willow tree by the pond are sprouting, and frogs are shouting in the pond. I know spring is coming.

  Swallows under the eaves kept barking and busy building their nests. Bees flew back and forth in the flowers to gather honey and reproduce. A group of ants were also crawling around in search of food. I knew that spring was coming.

  There are green grass and golden rape flowers in the fields. The farmer uncle is busy turning over the fields and sowing seeds. He is working hard for this year's bumper harvest. I know that spring is coming.

2.有关春天的英语作文 篇二

  Spring Girl walked lightly into the world, sending Uncle Dong away. She used the spring breeze to turn the grass's clothes green and melt the ice of the river.

  My mother and I met the spring breeze and came to Gongyuan. As we walked through the elastic soil, the grass had unknowingly exposed its head. When we tilted it, it raised its head again, as if to say to us, "Spring is here!"

  When we walked to the river, I saw shrimp, turtles, and carp swimming happily in the river, as if preparing to welcome the arrival of Spring Girl.

  It was getting late, and my mother and I were about to leave. Suddenly, there was a burst of spring rain. The rain was thick and soft on my face, and it was cool all the way to my heart.

  Spring is so beautiful, if only the earth would always be spring!

3.有关春天的英语作文 篇三

  While we were still immersed in the happy atmosphere of the Spring Festival, Spring Girl had already walked lightly to the world.

  It looks like a magical magician, dressing the land colorful. Look! The grass protruded its lovely little head. Some wild flowers on the grassland are in bud, some are in full bloom, some are red, yellow, white, and pink, looking like a beautiful big garden from a distance. The ice on the river has melted. Fish swim freely in the water, sometimes sticking their heads out of the water to breathe the fresh spring air. The little swallow flew back from the south, adding vitality to the beautiful spring.

  Spring is a good season for flying kites. On Sunday, the sky was clear and sunny. My brother and sister and I went to the square to fly kites together. Arriving at the square, I looked around, wow! There are so many kites in the sky. There are eagles, airplanes and butterflies... I hold a butterfly kite and fly the string as I run. My butterfly kite slowly rises to the sky. My sister's kite also rose into the sky, not to be outdone.

  Laughter and shouts gather to add a beautiful scenery to spring. The scenery of spring is so beautiful, I wish spring would stay on earth forever.

4.有关春天的英语作文 篇四

  In front of my house, there is a clear and bottomless river. In spring, the river is not only clear, but sometimes there are small colorful fish playing "hide and seek" on the rocks.

  Spring is coming, and the flowers are more beautiful; Big trees are more luxuriant; The river is clearer.

  In front of my house, there is a clear and bottomless river. In spring, the river is not only clear, but sometimes there are small colorful fish playing "hide and seek" on the rocks.

  In a long time, some people took old things to wash in the river and threw garbage into the river, causing serious pollution to the previously clear and bottomless river. Small fish no longer played in that river, and some even died. The river lost its original luster. But now it's different, people's awareness of environmental protection has increased, and the water there can satisfy people's thirst. The pebbles in the river lie quietly in the river, enjoying the comfort brought by the spring water. Walking along the river, there are peaches and willows everywhere, thriving. White clouds, small flowers, and large trees are reflected in the water, creating a scene full of spring. Make people intoxicated. It is unforgettable to leave.

  I love the small flowers and the big trees in spring, but I love the small rivers in spring even more.

5.有关春天的英语作文 篇五

  Eh, who knocked over the green paint bottle? It turned out that Spring Girl had changed the earth into a new green dress.

  The full breath of spring brings with it the tenderness of spring. Look, the delicate hands of Spring Girl gently caress the earth, caress the sky, caress everything!

  The grass was awakened by the wind, quietly sticking out its small head, stretching out and looking curiously at the new world with its eyes brimming with hope for the future.

  In the spring breeze, the trees that have been sleeping all winter are covered with green gauze, and tender green buds are sprouting from the branches. With a desire for a new life and a vision for the future, they are laughing and shaking in the breeze!

  Miss Spring took out a beautiful flower basket from behind and scattered many colorful flowers on the earth: red as bright, yellow as bright, white as flawless

  The wild geese returning to the north again threw themselves into the embrace of spring and returned to the green world. The birds on the branches happily sing the spring breeze with the cool stream water, singing this piece of vitality!
