
时间:2023-03-21 02:21:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】春天像一位美丽的小姑娘,它俏皮,可爱!给我们带来了许多美好的东西。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《有关春天的英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.有关春天的英语作文范文 篇一

  Spring is like a shy little girl, lightly stepping into the world.

  The spring rain awakened the sleeping bamboo shoots, the spring Yan Ming turned green the grayish yellow willows, and the spring breeze blew open the wild flowers in the fields. The birds are singing merrily, as if announcing to the world, "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!"

  In the song of the birds, the peach blossoms opened, and the apricot blossoms also opened. Many flowers showed bright smiling faces.

  The brook also thawed, and the frog poked its head out of the mud hole. The willow tree by the brook combed its long green braids. Ah, the melted snow water flows into the stream, which is the 'cool and thirst quenching water' prepared for Spring Girl!

  Miss Chun also likes to play hide and seek, but she is afraid that if we wear too much, we will not be able to find her. Hurry to bring us warm sunshine, let us take off our thick cotton-padded jackets, and run briskly towards the field to find her trace.

  Baby Bear doesn't want to sleep late any more. He uses a magic brush to draw the spring flowers in his mind, with bees buzzing in the flowers, constantly picking nectar. There's a lot of honey. Sweet honey is Baby Bear's favorite food.

  Compared to Baby Bear, the spring in my mind is colorful, with red flowers, green grass, blue sky, and many other beautiful things. Haha, spring is the colorful palette in the painter's hand, so big that we constantly search everywhere on the plate to enjoy the beautiful spring! I really want to put the big spring into my small heart, and then spring will become the spring in my mind!

2.有关春天的英语作文范文 篇二

  "The spring scenery fills the garden and cannot be closed. A red apricot comes out of the wall." This song has been handed down for thousands of years. Sometimes, when it recites well-known beautiful sentences, it can involuntarily enter spring.

  What is spring? Spring is a gentle breeze, a warm and bright sunshine; Spring is still the euphemistic and crisp song of birds, with intoxicating fragrances; Spring is a dewdrop on the tip of a green grass, and a rosy glow on a red flower; Spring is the driving force for seeds to break through the soil, and the rhythm of tree jointing; Spring is a transparent dream. Hot songs, inspired poems; Spring is the innocence of a child's face, the beauty and shyness of a little girl's face; Spring is like our most beautiful season.

  Listen, the "rumbling" thunder played the first movement for us. Immediately after that, the continuous drizzle "brushed" down, and the continuous raindrops hit the roof, leaves, flowers... "Pa Pa", "Sha Sha"... The song of the spring rain is so touching, accompanied by a wonderful sound, and many small animals join in. Listen! "Guagua" is a small frog, "Haw" is a bird... This beautiful sound can be as beautiful as it sounds.

  In the spring symphony, the green around gradually thickens. "If only green is too monotonous, so various colors of flowers come to add luster and color to spring. Pink peach blossoms, snow-white pear blossoms, purple paulownia flowers... all vie to open, and it is breathtaking.".

  Spring refreshes the heart and soul, "I want to wet my clothes with apricot blossoms and rain, but when I blow my face, I don't support the willow wind.". Spring is colorful, with "three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo". And of course, the expensive spring rain. A fairy tale of spring compiled jointly.

3.有关春天的英语作文范文 篇三

  Spring is coming, spring is coming! The birds have all flown home, but where is spring?

  In spring, in my little garden. In the garden, ice lanterns and jade dew sprouted; The grass protruded its green head; Small leaves have also become blossoming flowers, and the strawberries planted at home have also borne fruit, sour and sweet, with a spring flavor.

  In spring, in the park, the winter jasmine blooms. You won't let me, and I won't let you, peach blossoms, apricot blossoms, and plum blossoms. One by one, they blush and strive to let people see them! The magnolia tree on the side is not willing to be outdone. The flowers on its branches are like the graceful and graceful young girl in a white skirt, gently swaying in the breeze, swaying in various shapes; The begonia flowers on the roadside have also opened, pink and pink, looking like a brilliant morning glow from a distance. It's really "I can easily recognize the east wind, and the myriad colors are always spring"!

  In spring, in the small river, the thin ice on the surface of the river melts, and the river flows happily. It is very happy for the return of spring. Several small fish swim freely, jumping out of the water from time to time, playing and playing; By the river bank, willows look like shy girls combing their long hair.

  Spring is in the garden, in the park, in the river, but she must still be somewhere else. Let's search for spring together and walk with it!

  Spring, in our hearts, is the season for things to recover. As the saying goes, "The plan of the year lies in spring." When spring comes, the farmer uncle plants seeds of hope, hoping for a good harvest in autumn. In the spring, my parents made their own work plan for the year, hoping to achieve good performance in the year. And I need to seize the beautiful season of spring. Clear your mind, make a good study plan, make a good study plan for one year, and strive for great gains!

4.有关春天的英语作文范文 篇四

  Spring is coming, and Grandpa Winter's successor is a spring girl with gentle steps. As soon as Miss Spring waved her hand, a spring breeze blew across the children's faces, like a mother's hand caressing us.

  When we came to the stream, there was a graceful "girl" washing her hair. A spring breeze blew through, and the graceful girl was dancing in the breeze. Even the orioles came to sing and accompany her. The graceful girl was the willow tree. The snow in the stream has melted, making it even clearer. As soon as the breeze stopped, the stream was as flat as a mirror, like a mirror that had not been polished, clear to the bottom. The water in the stream is so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom of the stream. You can see the small fish in the stream together with another small fish, as if they were whispering. The mother frog led a group of tadpoles to watch the scenery at the bottom of the stream. There are also ducks playing and playing with each other on the stream.

  Walking towards the field, the rape flowers were like gold spreading all over the field. The old cow led the calf to eat delicious and tender grass in the field. They ate it and raised their heads occasionally to shout, as if thanking the spring for the delicious food they had given them. "The grass didn't want to give up the opportunity to grow up, either. The grass gradually leaned out a little bit in her arms, and then tried to straighten up.".

  Walking towards the farmland, the farmer uncle began to sow seeds again. The farmer uncle thought to himself, "If we don't sow in spring, how can we harvest in autumn?"? The little swallow is wearing a suit and has a scissors like tail, which is extremely cute. "The little swallows flew towards the stream, some paddling across the surface of the stream, some touching the water with their claws, streaking all over the water, and some touching the surface of the stream with their scissors like tails as if they were about to fall. Then they flew hard into the clouds, and others were full and singing.".

  Spring is the best season given to us by nature. I also need to exert my energy in learning to live up to this precious spring light.

5.有关春天的英语作文范文 篇五

  The plan of the year is spring, which is a good season. Everything recovers, and all plants, animals, and people emerge from their beds.

  How lively spring is! Look! "The world is so beautiful!" Little Cao's younger brother poked his head out of the soil and shook his little head curiously, as if to say, "Sister Hua Er unfolded their innocent smiles one by one.". The willow tree girl seemed to have just woken up, shaking like a senior dancer, dancing in the wind. The rivers flow merrily with their infinite hope and excitement for the new year.

  How lively spring is! Look! The animals also woke up from their deep sleep, and the land showed signs of prosperity everywhere. At a glance, everywhere is a green landscape, like a multicolored watercolor painting, unfolding in turn on the ground.

  How lively spring is! Men, women, old and young all burrow out of the bed. Look! Children are running happily in the fields, flying kites, flying high in the sky, and feeling as happy as children.

  How lively spring is! Animals are equally happy. Look at these two puppies, they look like a pair of brothers, one running in front, the other chasing after them, sometimes entangled, rolling, sometimes laughing, sometimes barking. "Buzz, buzz," this is the cry of the little bees. They have come to gather honey. How diligent they are!

  Spring symbolizes the beginning of a new year. It is a beautiful season without the intense heat of summer, the cold north wind of winter, and the falling leaves of autumn. However, it has a poetic and picturesque scenery. I love spring!
