
时间:2023-09-19 07:41:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# #幼儿英语小故事(精选5篇)#】小朋友们都喜欢听故事,故事中丰富的想象和夸张可以活跃你的思维;通过丰富的想象、幻想和夸张来编写适合于幼儿欣赏的故事。©文档大全网为大家准备了《幼儿英语小故事》,供大家参考阅读。

1.幼儿英语小故事 篇一

  On a farm, there lived a very imposing rooster, not only with colorful feathers, but also a large red comb. Therefore, the little rooster also felt very proud of himself.

  There is a beautiful little rooster living in the forest, with a colorful tail and a large red comb that looks impressive. But the little rooster was very arrogant and said, "Oh, beautiful me, oh, beautiful me." The little rooster proudly sang at the top of his throat, happily strolling around.

  Suddenly, it saw a little white rabbit in a floral dress coming over and saying, "Hey! Rabbit, do you dare to compete with me for beauty?" The little rooster said arrogantly. No, no, you're too beautiful, "replied the little white rabbit humbly. Haha, I knew you wouldn't dare, haha, I'm the most beautiful, look! "The little rooster laughed and was extremely proud. The little white rabbit was very unhappy and turned around and left.

  At this moment, Mrs. Duck walked over with a smile and said, "Little rooster, you're really beautiful!" After hearing the praise, the little rooster became even more proud. "I'm the most beautiful in the world, right?" "Yes, yes..." Mrs. Duck said in a daze, "Little rooster, in fact, the peacock is much more beautiful than you..." "No! It's impossible. I'll go find the peacock!" Before Mrs. Duck finished speaking, the little rooster flew towards the peacock's house.

  At the entrance of the Peacock's house, the little rooster loudly shouted, "Open the door! Open the door!" The door opened, and the Peacock smiled at the little rooster and said, "What's the matter? Is there anything urgent? Beautiful little rooster." The little rooster's eyes were straight, and he didn't know that there would be a day out there! The peacock's feathers are colorful, elegant, and beautiful.

  The little rooster felt his face burning, and compared to the peacock, he was too insignificant and arrogant. The little rooster lost his composure and ran away in a gloomy manner.

2.幼儿英语小故事 篇二

  A fierce big tiger Huahua came to the forest and ate many small animals, making everyone very afraid.

  One day, the small animals gathered together and held a forest conference to discuss how to deal with Tiger Flower. The small animals thought of many ways, but they all felt that it was not feasible.

  While looking worried, a little fox named Beibei came and said, "I have a good idea that Tiger Flower will never eat us again

  The little animals happily asked, "What's the good solution?" Little Fox Beibei said mysteriously, "In a few days, you'll know

  The little animals didn't know what Beibei was thinking, only to see that it sent many delicious candies to Tiger Flower every day. Everyone was still very worried, afraid that they would be eaten.

  A few days later, Tiger Flower said to the little fox, "Beibei, my teeth are so painful. Please help me take a look!" The little fox Beibei looked at it and said, "It's okay, the food you used to eat was not clean. Eating more sugar will cure you

  So I sent it many candies. Hua Hua keeps eating and eating every day, and quickly eats up all the candy that the little fox gave her.

  A few days later, early in the morning, a tiger flower's cry came from the forest: "Ouch, ouch, it's killing me, it's killing me

  Everyone secretly ran over to take a look, and it turned out that the tiger flower candy had eaten too much, and its teeth were all rotten, rolling all over the ground in pain! At this moment, Little Fox Beibei picked up a large pair of pliers and said to Hua Hua, "Can I help you pull out your teeth? This way, it won't hurt so much

  Tiger Flower nodded, it was so painful that it couldn't speak.

  So Little Fox Beibei pulled out all of its teeth. At this moment, the small animals also ran out from behind the tree singing and jumping, because Tiger Flower had no teeth and could no longer eat them!

3.幼儿英语小故事 篇三

  The mother of the sika deer knitted a scarf for the little deer. A black background with white stripes, but the little deer doesn't like it at all. It's getting cold, the maple leaves are also red, and the little pigs, bears, and rabbits are all wrapped in scarves, so beautiful!

  There was no way, so the little deer had to tie on the black and white scarf and hide alone in the maple forest. He didn't want anyone to see this scarf.

  Red maple leaves are flying in the wind, and black and white scarves are also flying in the wind. This scarf made a tiger discover a little sika deer!

  The tiger pounced on the deer! Fortunately, he only grabbed a thread on the scarf

  The little deer ran away desperately, and the scarf was gradually unraveled into a long thread. The little deer finally got rid of the tiger's claws and the scarf he didn't like.

  The zebra said, "I found a long thread hanging in the maple forest, and my mother knitted me a scarf

  Oh, this is the little deer's original scarf! The little deer's birthday is coming, and the zebra mother gave the little deer a scarf: a red bottom adorned with white small plum blossoms

4.#幼儿英语小故事 篇四

  There is a very playful little tadpole in the lake.

  One day, when this mischievous little tadpole came to play near the shore of the lake, it was accidentally hit by a wave and hit a small puddle on the shore. At the beginning, there was still some water in the small puddle that allowed it to swim freely.

  But in a moment, the sun rose and emitted a thousand rays, scorching the earth. The water in the puddle was about to dry up, and the life of the little tadpole was in danger. "I'm almost thirsty!" the little tadpole moaned. How it wants someone to help him!

  When the cloud heard this, it was very pitiful for what happened to it. So it gathered the cloud sisters nearby to surround the sun. Soon it began to rain cats and dogs. The rain soon overflowed the puddles and ran into the lake. The little tadpole has been saved, and it is too grateful to the kind-hearted Yuncai sisters.

  From then on, the little tadpole changed its playful bad habit and no longer dared to run around casually.

5.幼儿英语小故事 篇五

  Autumn Wind Doll and Little Rabbit Nini are good friends. Whenever Green Tree Mother begins to change into golden yellow clothes, Autumn Wind Doll will puff up her big mouth and "hula! Hula" to blow fragrant wind to Nini in the valley.

  On this day, the Autumn Wind Doll brought fragrant breeze to Nini again, but Nini looked unhappy. Autumn Wind Doll asked, "Nini, what's wrong with you?" Nini pursed her lips and said, "Tomorrow is my birthday, but I don't have a birthday cake." She then burst into tears. Autumn Wind Doll thought to herself: I must give Nini a big cake.

  The next day, Nini stared blankly at the sky and suddenly came a snow-white cloud. Nini felt strange. Suddenly, Nini heard the voice of the Autumn Wind doll singing, "Hula, hula! The cream cake is blowing out." Wow! A big and white cake cloud appeared in the sky. The Autumn Wind Doll crawled out from behind the cake cloud and said to Nini, "Nini, happy birthday to you!" Nini jumped with joy and said, "I have a birthday cake, I have a birthday cake

  So, Little Rabbit Nini invited many friends to taste this fragrant and sweet cake cloud together.
