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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节,又称端阳节、龙舟节、重午节、天中节等,是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。端午节源于自然天象崇拜,由上古时代祭龙演变而来。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  When I was young, I didn't know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. I only knew that every year my family celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival as solemnly as the new year. Later, I only knew a little about the legend of commemorating Qu Yuan. I didn't know anything else.

  Every Dragon Boat Festival, it is essential to wear sachets and tie colorful threads. The first important thing adults have to do is tie five-color lines on children's wrists, ankles and necks. The tied five-color lines can only be discarded during the first heavy rain in summer or the first bath. My mother told me that according to the old people, this can avoid disasters and ensure health.

  Eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is the main custom in our hometown. Just in May, the family began to soak glutinous rice. My mother usually prepares a basin of rice for soaking, and also immerses the Zongye in water. Maybe the soaked glutinous rice will be more sticky. I remember my mother has been doing this for many years.

  The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother began to make zongzi. I occasionally made trouble and tried to learn to make zongzi, but every time I failed. It seems that making zongzi is not simple.

  When making zongzi, you can also put some dates, raisins and chicken into glutinous rice to make fillings and make zongzi with different flavors. And I like rice with meat best. It tastes very delicious.

  On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother always woke me up when I was sleepy and went to the distant woods and riverside to wash my face. The cool river washed away my sleepiness. The lively people came and went, really like the new year.

  Back home, eating eggs and sweet dumplings dipped in sugar, my heart is happy.


  "May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is inserted with wormwood, and the hall is full of incense. Eat zongzi and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat goes into the water happily." Hearing this song reminds me of the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China on the fifth day of May every year.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, we should insert AI Zhi and hang AI Hu. Early in the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, people insert wormwood branches into the door, or weave wormwood into "Ai Hu", which is carried in the middle of the lintel or on the body to expel insects and evil spirits, so as to ensure health.

  Dragon Boat Festival to draw a door symbol. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people use paper-cut images of scorpions, centipedes, poisonous snakes and geckos as door symbols. It is said that this is to drive away the "five poisons" and prevent the plague.

  The Dragon Boat Festival should bring sachets and tie colorful silk threads. The sachet is embroidered with cotton products and silk thread. In addition to realgar and Atractylodes, the sachet also contains spices made of herbs. When worn on the body, it can expel insects and insects. The five times silk thread symbolizes the five color dragon, which can subdue demons and ghosts.

  We should eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. In the morning, every family eats zongzi to commemorate Qu Yuan. Generally, zongzi are wrapped the day before, cooked at night and eaten in the morning. Zongzi is mainly made of tender reed leaves abundant by the pond, and bamboo leaves are also useful, which are collectively referred to as Zongye. The traditional form of zongzi is triangle, which is generally named according to the inner flesh. Those wrapped with glutinous rice are called rice zongzi, those mixed with small beans are called Xiaodou zongzi, and those mixed with red dates are called jujube zongzi; The homonym of jujube dumplings is "early middle", so the children who eat jujube dumplings are the most, and the children who intend to read can be the first in the early middle. In the past, scholars had to eat jujube dumplings in the morning when they took part in the imperial examination. So far, parents have to make jujube dumplings for the examinees in the morning of the entrance examination day of middle school and university.

  Dragon boat racing is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it originated in ancient times. The people of the state of Chu were reluctant to give up their virtuous minister Qu Yuan and died in the river. Many people rowed to catch up with the rescue. They scrambled and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. After that, we row a dragon boat on May 5 every year to commemorate it. By rowing a dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river, so as not to eat Qu Yuan's body.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting traditional festival!


  From the beginning of the first day of the lunar new year, every family began to get busy and prepare the supplies for the Dragon Boat Festival. Although there are not many, the most covetous of them naturally belongs to the delicious food in the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, the first thing I think of should be zongzi. Zongzi is exquisite and lovely, salty and sweet. I'm not interested in meat dumplings, but I like glutinous rice dumplings, especially the big dates. What I make at home is always big. The strong aroma of glutinous rice mixed with the fragrance of egg grass leaves is refreshing. Take a bite and put it in your mouth. The more you chew, the more you taste. Every Dragon Boat Festival, my grandmother would like to wrap n zongzi to make my greedy cat full. There are also shouting everywhere on the street, but the zongzi sold are much smaller than those at home, but they are very expensive. The dates in the glutinous rice zongzi are not big. It seems that it's OK to insert two peanuts. Sometimes I get greedy and buy one on the street, but there is no lingering fragrance.

  In addition to the fragrant zongzi, wearing new clothes is also a great beauty. Boil a large pot of hot water with Wuwei grass and bathe, and then change into new clothes, which looks particularly refreshing. Although I still wear clothes that have been worn n times, the fragrance is still irresistible.

  We can't see the dragon boat race here, which is a great pity of the Dragon Boat Festival. But we soon found new fun - holding an egg smashing contest. The eggs of the Dragon Boat Festival are no longer used for eating, but for smashing, or hitting each other, which is harder than others, or used as bullets, aiming and shooting. When the egg smashing competition came to an end, only the ground was devastated and smelled. It was really fun.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother will carefully weave baskets with thin ropes. According to the past custom, she will weave eight layers. After my grandmother cooked the eggs, she took out three of the smoothest ones. One on the bottom, followed by peaches. There are 3 of each type, with 6 layers. The second floor is a walking tiger, which takes care of these things. Finally, hang it at the door to commemorate Qu Yuan according to the elders. When she took it down, she put the basket in a box and reunited with her sister who was born earlier than her.


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? I don't know! Then let me tell you! Do you remember Qu Yuan, the patriotic general of the state of Chu? Let me talk about him!

  Qu Yuan was a scholar who went abroad during the Warring States period. He became an official around the king of Chu and made his country rich and strong by his image. The confused king of Chu listened to his ministers and dismissed Qu Yuan from his post and exiled him. In exile, Qu Yuan heard that the capital of the state of Chu was occupied by the enemy and the people suffered great grief and anger. On the fifth day of May, he came to the Miluo River, hugged a stone and jumped into the Miluo River. The people who went abroad were very sad when they heard the news of Qu Yuan throwing into the river. With tears in their eyes, they rowed a boat to salvage Qu Yuan and threw zongzi into the river to feed the fish, hoping that the fish would not hurt Qu Yuan's body. This is the origin of making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival in May.

  Let me tell you about the origin of dragon boat racing! At that time, Chu people were reluctant to give up the death of their virtuous minister Qu Yuan, so many people rowed to catch up with the rescue. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake, which is the origin of dragon boat racing. Later, they rowed dragon boats on May 5 every year to commemorate it. Use a dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river so as not to eat Qu Yuan's body. The practice of racing is popular in Wu, Yue and Chu. In the 29th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, dragon boat races began in Taiwan. At that time, the governor of Taiwan, Jiang Yuanjun, presided over the friendship race in the half moon pool of fahua temple in Tainan City. Now, Taiwan holds dragon boat races on May 5 every year.

  Children have to hang sachets. On the Dragon Boat Festival, children wear sachets, which not only means to ward off evil spirits and drive away plague, but also has the wind of embellishment on their lapels. The sachet contains cinnabar, realgar and fragrant medicine. It is wrapped with silk cloth. The fragrance overflows everywhere. Then it is buckled into a rope with five-color silk threads. It is made into a string of different shapes. It is colorful and exquisite.

  The Dragon Boat Festival also has the habit of hanging Wormwood Leaves and Acorus calamus: on the Dragon Boat Festival, every family uses Acorus calamus, Wormwood Leaves, durian flowers, garlic and dragon boat flowers to make human shapes, which are called AI people. Hang the wormwood leaf in the hall, cut it into tiger shape or ribbon cut into small tigers, and paste it with wormwood leaf. Women compete to wear it to drive away miasma. Use Acorus calamus as a sword and insert it on the lintel. It has the magical effect of expelling demons and ghosts.

  There are so many activities in the Dragon Boat Festival!


  "May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival..." the happy songs of the children came from the alley, and the annual Dragon Boat Festival came again. Speaking of the Dragon Boat Festival, there is another touching story. At that time, Qu Yuan was a minister of the state of Chu. He was always trusted by the state of Chu every night, so he was the king of Chu. One day, a group of villains sued Qu Yuan in front of the king of Chu. The king of Chu believed it and drove Qu Yuan out of the state of Chu. Later, when the state of Chu perished, Qu Yuan was devastated and jumped into the Miluo River to commit suicide. After hearing the news, everyone fished Qu Yuan's body, but got nothing. People were afraid that fish would eat Qu Yuan's body, so they threw zongzi into the river. From then on, there was the custom of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, the fragrance of zongzi floats in the streets and alleys. The zongzi is neither square nor round, but diamond shaped. The shapes and varieties of zongzi are different, including red jujube stuffing, meat stuffing. My favorite food is red jujube stuffing. Peel off the Zongye. There are several thin jujubes in the snow-white glutinous rice. Take a bite. It's sweet but not greasy, which gives people endless aftertaste. The happiest part of the Dragon Boat Festival belongs to our children. When we came to the street, there was a fragrant pendant on our chest. It was called a sachet. It was woven with fancy cloth and embroidered with various blessings with colorful threads. Sachets have different shapes, heart-shaped, star shaped. The aroma is charming.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting festival!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar every year. It is also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the afternoon Festival, the May Festival, the fifth day festival, the AI Festival, the Duanwu Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, the afternoon Festival and the summer festival. It was originally a plague elimination festival in summer.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Grandpa will cook us "five Reds", including lobster, duck eggs in red oil, roast duck, eel and amaranth. These "five Reds" can go to "five poisons" and ward off evil spirits.

  That's because it is said that a long time ago, the Jade Emperor announced that the poisons in the sky could not go to the earth until the first sound of spring thunder, so people called that time as stinging. However, some poisons are afraid of the cold, so they make an appointment to harm the world when the weather is warm on the Dragon Boat Festival. These five poisons are snakes, spiders, scorpions, centipedes and geckos. They came to the world during the Dragon Boat Festival. As soon as they arrived at the door of a family, they heard the hostess say, "eat quickly. This is fried five poisons." Surprised, the five poisons leaned over the window and saw five red dishes in five pots on the table. While eating, the hostess said, "these five poisonous dishes are really delicious." "Five red vegetables" looked like their blood in the eyes of the five poisons. The five poisons were scared out of their wits and hurried away from the house. They never dared to go again. Later, people eat five kinds of red vegetables on the Dragon Boat Festival to scare off those poisonous animals and hope they don't enter their homes.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Han people in China and is listed in the world material and cultural heritage list. It is also the pride left to us by the ancestors of the Chinese nation.


  After the plum is ripe, the steps of the Dragon Boat Festival come slowly. "She came from the south of the Yangtze River where the flowers are bright and the willows are dark and the drizzle is like silk, from the dream of green and overcast willows with smoke, and from my deep staring eyes." This is the praise of Feng Hua, a contemporary ci writer, for the Dragon Boat Festival. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the most distinctive day in my hometown - the Dragon Boat Festival Although the Dragon Boat Festival is a very popular grand festival among the Chinese people, the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival has been observed in both southern and Northern China But I feel,

  The Dragon Boat Festival in the south is more interesting and full-bodied than that in the north, which can better express the characteristics of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is a very lively Festival. Every family makes and eats zongzi, which is an inevitable custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. All kinds of zongzi have many shapes. In rural areas, we also make a schoolbag for our brothers and sisters, carry it around our waist, take it back to school and eat while walking. There are many flavors, including sweet, salty, fragrant, spicy and even bitter. However, it seems that because of different places, the tastes of zongzi are different. People in each place are basically only used to making their own zongzi, and many people are not used to the tastes made in other places. For example, I'm not used to it. Because the fillings are different, I still like to eat my own zongzi.

  There is also an indispensable activity in the Dragon Boat Festival - dragon boat rowing. On the broad river, three or four dragon boats were put down, and more than a dozen people rowed the oars. One sat on the dragon's head and struck the Gong, and the other sat on the boat and played the drum. Everyone shouted "one, two" and "one, two". Their array was comparable to the rough waves. The onlookers on the shore, braving the hot sunshine, still did not forget to cheer for their favorite dragon boat. Looking at the river again, several dragon boats are like fierce axes breaking the river, which have already won life and death. Foreign friends have picked up cameras and quickly photographed this spectacular scene, for fear that they will never see such a great sight again in the future.

  Hometown also wants to soak Dragon Boat Festival wine. After the first rain in spring, every family has buried the Dragon Boat Festival wine underground for fermentation. There are six things in it: North jujube, litchi, medlar, olive, longan and almond. The Dragon Boat Festival wine is fragrant in the mouth, which can be described as "spring fragrance and clear wine." Dragon Boat Festival wine can also make people immortal!

  Look, this is the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I came to grandma's house. Grandpa and grandma are busy. They are busy all day. I don't know whether they are tired or not.

  Grandpa is collecting five ends. What are the five ends? They are: wormwood, Acorus calamus, longchuanhua, pomegranate flower and garlic flower. Grandpa arrived in less than a day. Ah, I can't find it for ten days and a half months. It's not that I'm stupid. In fact, I don't know because I haven't seen it. Naturally, I can't find it. Grandpa said he would have a rest. Grandma also went out. When she came back, she brought back Zongye, meat, broad beans and glutinous rice. I guess grandma is my favorite - meat brownies. I didn't know it. Suddenly I jumped out and scared my grandmother. Grandma put the meat into soy sauce, and then made broad beans into bean petals. Grandma finally began to make zongzi. It was so interesting that I kept my eyes on it. After the dumplings were wrapped, grandma put the dumplings into the pot and it was ready in a short time. I ate several dumplings, which gave me endless aftertaste. I still want to eat. Grandma forbids me to eat, so I have to go out dejected. When you go out. Inadvertently, I found grandpa inserting five ends. I said, "Grandpa, what are you doing inserting this thing called unprovoked?" Grandpa said, "why not? I heard this can avoid ghosts and gods?" Dad smiled: "stop talking nonsense and don't let her laugh off her front teeth." "Grandpa, you lied to me. I ignored you." I have nothing to say. "Who said that? It's from my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather." Grandpa was angry. Dad pulled me into the room and said, "don't quarrel with Grandpa. In fact, it's used to drive away insects!" It seems that I haven't changed a bit. I said slowly, "Oh!"

  The next morning, grandma gave me five colored thread. I said, "it's ugly. What's it like?" Grandma said, "don't talk nonsense. It's a long-life strand, which can ensure your long life." I was speechless. Almost to school, I secretly put it into the sleeve, to the class, I saw everyone wearing five-color thread, so I pulled it out to see whose beauty.

  It turns out that there are so many customs in the Dragon Boat Festival that I know.


  There are many traditional festivals in China, including Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Spring Festival and Mid Autumn Festival... The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar. It is said to commemorate Qu Yuan, the great national poet of the lunar calendar. On the fifth day of May, people have the custom of eating zongzi, inserting Wormwood Leaves and Acorus calamus, racing dragon boats and drinking realgar wine.

  I like eating zongzi and watching zongzi. This year's Dragon Boat Festival Jiaxinmao square held an activity of zongzi making competition. My mother signed up for Grandma Li. We formed a cheering group with my parents and I, as well as my grandmother, Qiqi and uncle Xia Yong. Came to the game scene.

  Good guy, there are so many grandmothers participating in the competition. They are confident and eager to try. The host read out the rules of the game: a group of five, six minutes to see who packs more, does not sprinkle rice, and has a beautiful appearance. The zongzi making competition officially began. After a while, some grannies made eleven zongzi, some grannies made six zongzi, some grannies made trumpet shaped zongzi, and some grannies made pillow shaped zongzi. The competition was very fierce. Finally, it's Grandma Li's turn to play. We watched Grandma Li's game with a nervous mood. At the beginning of the competition, Grandma Li took two pieces of zongzi leaves and rolled them into a trumpet shape. She held the rolled zongzi leaves in her left hand and put two spoonfuls of rice in her right hand. Then a packet of small zongzi came out. Grandma Li grabbed the rope around her head and broke it again. Grandma Li is starting to be a little flustered. We cheered Grandma Li, who quickly adjusted. After the competition, Grandma Li had wrapped eight zongzi, but one didn't tie the rope, and the other spilled rice on the ground as soon as she lifted it, so she could only wrap six zongzi. At the last award, Grandma Li won a Participation Award.

  We all had a very happy Dragon Boat Festival. I like the Dragon Boat Festival.


  Dragon Boat Festival, people can not help but think of the dragon boat race. Eat salted duck eggs. Dumplings... The Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May is my favorite festival besides the Spring Festival.

  A few days before the Dragon Boat Festival, I couldn't wait to rush to my grandmother's house to be the first person to make zongzi. When I think of the long and wide Zongye, hold it with both hands, turn it inward, make it into a funnel, and put it into the glutinous rice... I'm very excited.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is undoubtedly the most exciting day. Early in the morning, I grabbed the egg bag I had made up long ago, hung it around my neck, picked up a light green salted duck egg, empty stomach, grabbed a good position with my friends by the river and waited for the dragon boat

  Naturally, our interest is not in the dragon boat. We come to pick roses and throw petals into the water

  Before long, he was hungry. He took out the salted duck egg with a trace of warm air, peeled the egg shell, carefully held it in his hands and chewed it bit by bit with his teeth - half because he was reluctant to eat it all at once and half because it was too salty. Swallow the salty egg white, which is a powdery, slightly sweet and shiny egg yolk. Lick it with the tip of your tongue, enjoying the little golden happiness and happiness, just like an elderly master sipping a cup of fine wine.

  After eating the salted duck eggs, people were tired, so they went home to eat zongzi. Peel off layer after layer of zongzi leaves, expose a corner of brown glutinous rice, take a bite, and the faint fragrance of zongzi will ripple in your mouth

  Dragon boat racing, eating salted duck eggs and making zongzi... These traditional festivals contain a little happiness

