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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节是中国传统节日之一,也是世界非物质文化遗产。它源于我国古代的龙舟竞渡活动和民间风俗,具有浓厚的文化底蕴和历史内涵。在端午节这一天,人们会吃粽子、赛龙舟、挂艾叶等传统习俗,以纪念爱国诗人屈原。®文档大全网为您准备了有关端午节的英语作文范文,让您更好地了解和传承这一传统文化。

1.有关端午节的英语作文范文 篇一

  My favorite festival of the year is the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Every Dragon Boat Festival, I always wake up early to experience the most fragrant morning of the year. The early morning air was particularly fresh, and the streets were filled with farmers selling herbs, pushing carts, carrying loads... They brought many herbs still stained with dew: mugwort, calamus, perilla, mint, rushes, wheel leaves... They also brought some fragrant flowers: gardenia, pomegranate, rose, rose... The streets and alleys were filled with the fragrance of these flowers and plants, lingering in them, not only by smell, Almost all senses are excited, making people's mood inevitably better.

  Spending less than a yuan, buy a few handfuls of vanilla and put them on the door and window sill. Buy a few more fragrant flowers and keep them in a vase, filling the room with a refreshing fragrance. Every family is like this. When you walk in the courtyard and hallway, there is a strong smell of mugwort and calamus, which is not enough for people to smell

  Small stalls selling sachets on the streets and alleys often attract people to stop. Each sachet is exquisitely sewn and has a unique shape. You buy a little mouse's, he buys a little rabbit's, hangs it on the child's body, and also gives the child many beautiful thoughts. Every Zongzi is fragrant. Zongzi, big and small, and Zongzi of all tastes, come out of the pot in a cage. The smell is really attractive. Peel one full of honey, and your mouth is filled with sweetness.

  Apply realgar wine to your nose, ears, and forehead. Because of its special significance, the wine made from realgar and garlic is no longer annoying during this festival, and seems to have become a fragrant and delicious wine. Everything is beautiful because of this holiday. This is a fragrant festival, not only with fragrance flowing in the air, but also with people and various things appearing to be "fragrant".

  This is a holiday brought to us by the great poet Qu Yuan. This is the festival brought to us by Qu Yuan, who drinks morning dew, praises herbs, and practices purity and integrity. This is a festival that rejects evil and worships purity. This is a fragrant holiday!

2.有关端午节的英语作文范文 篇二

  The first time I remember the Dragon Boat Festival was when I followed my parents back to my grandfather's house in Hubei. That morning, I was awakened by a rustling sound and walked to the courtyard to find that my father was cleaning it. I asked inexplicably, "Dad, the courtyard is not dirty either. Why do you have to get up early to clean it      My father wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and said, "Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, so naturally we need to clean every corner of our house! Today is the Dragon Boat Festival“

  I nodded vaguely, feeling a bit uninteresting, so I went out to find my grandfather outside the door. Hey, where's Grandpa? The sentence 'I'm here!' slowly drifted down from my head. I looked up and saw my grandfather riding the escalator hanging a green plant on the top of the gate. Grandpa, what are you hanging here? "I asked, pointing to the plant. This is the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. Inserting mugwort at the entrance of the courtyard can ensure the health of the whole family, "Grandpa replied with a smile. Wow, really, how amazing! I looked at the unattractive plant with half a doubt, as if I could smell a special fragrance.

  Cheng Cheng, come here, grandma put on a sachet for you! "The voice of grandma calling my nickname came from afar. I quickly ran to my grandmother and excitedly guessed, "Grandma, is wearing a sachet also a custom during the Dragon Boat Festival

  Dinner's ready! I couldn't wait to run to the dining table and take a closer look. Hmm, what is this? I saw green triangular food placed in the center of the table. "This is Zongzi, a traditional food in memory of Qu Yuan, the great patriotic poet during the Warring States Period. Go back to the Internet to find out what it is." Mother explained, "Eating Zongzi is also a custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. You can taste it, but it is fragrant." I peeled off Zongzi and bit it, and a smell of glutinous rice filled my mouth. Although it was not very delicious, it still left me with endless aftertaste

  I love the Dragon Boat Festival in my grandfather's hometown, and I also love the hope for a better life and the rich historical heritage behind the customs there!

3.有关端午节的英语作文范文 篇三

  What do you guess about this riddle? By the way, it's Zongzi!

  On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, my mother got up early in the morning and began to make Zongzi. My father was responsible for calling my family and inviting them to eat Zongzi at our home. Seeing my mother's busy life, I asked my mother what kind of stuffing is Zongzi? Mom said, 'Red and hot jujube filling'. I saw my mother wrapping a jujube in zongzi rice and finally wrapping it with leaves. After wrapping them, my mother put them one by one into the steamer. After a while, Zongzi was steamed, and there were two cauldrons in total! The air was filled with the smell of Zongzi. Mom looked at her watch and said, "Time's up!" I took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Wow, it smells so good

  At this moment, there was a knock on the door from Dangdang. Upon opening the door, I saw that Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma, Grandpa, and Sister were all here! My father moved the big table to the living room, and my mother put Zongzi in the middle of the table. Each of us had a stool, a pair of chopsticks and a bowl, ready to eat. But I can't eat it now because the elders are still washing their hands. If the elders don't eat it, we younger generations can't eat it. After a while, the elders washed their hands, we sat together and began to eat Zongzi made by our mother.

  I saw my grandmother start eating, so I couldn't wait to start eating. I took a big bite and said, "It's hot, hot!" My mother said, "Don't worry, there's more! No one's competing with you!" After eating for a while, My sister came over and said, "Let me take a photo of you and send it to my friends' circle!" Dad turned his head and said, "Ah? Another photo! I don't want to take a photo." Mom said, "Take a photo? I don't have makeup!" I anxiously said, "Sister, take a photo of me, I look good!" In fact, my mouth is full of glutinous rice. So, my sister snapped a photo and clicked to send it to her social media. I asked my sister: "Are you finished? I continue to eat!" My sister nodded, and I ate the Zongzi that I had not finished. I had to say that the Zongzi made by my mother was really delicious!

  Eating Zongzi is a custom in Chinese civilization. I like to eat Zongzi, and I prefer to eat Zongzi made by my mother!

4.有关端午节的英语作文范文 篇四

  Seeing this topic, everyone is definitely familiar with it. It is one of the top ten traditional festivals in China - the Dragon Boat Festival.

  The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, has five major festivals and falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month each year. My favorite nursery rhyme for the Dragon Boat Festival is May 5th, which is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets, eat Zongzi, and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat went into the water with joy.

  There are many customs during the Dragon Boat Festival. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, people use red, yellow, blue, white, and black silk threads to tie children's necks, wrists, or ankles, known as the Long Life Thread. Each household should plug in five terminals; Acorus calamus, mugwort, pomegranate flower, garlic, dragon boat flower. In the south, we eat five kinds of yellow rice during the Dragon Boat Festival: yellow croaker, cucumber, Salted duck egg yolk, Zongzi wrapped in yellow bean paste, realgar wine. Regardless of the north or south, on this day, it is necessary to use realgar to draw a king's character on children's foreheads and wear colorful sachets. Every Dragon Boat Festival, people clean their houses and sprinkle realgar water in the kitchen to kill poisonous insects and prevent their breeding.

  Dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi are the main activities of the Dragon Boat Festival. Legend has it that the Dragon Boat Race was to rescue the patriotic poet Qu Yuan who drowned in the Miluo River. To throw Zongzi into the river is to let fish, shrimp and crabs eat enough and stop eating Qu Yuan's remains.

  My favorite holiday is the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, my parents will get up early to make fragrant Zongzi for me. They will collect lotus leaves, wash the glutinous rice thoroughly, prepare various materials such as sugar, dates, meat, etc., and make them into fillings; Then wrap the Zongzi with lotus leaves and tie it tightly with ropes; Finally, steam it in a pot. This is how delicious Zongzi is made. Zongzi is divided into vegetable Zongzi and meat Zongzi, the most common is glutinous rice Zongzi. I like both Zongzi, but I prefer meat Zongzi. It is juicy, delicious, easy to digest, oily but not greasy, and has a hint of lotus leaf fragrance, which is really delicious. At this moment, my mother always points at me: you little greedy worm!

  The Dragon Boat Festival showcases China's rich culture and brings a lot of joy to my family. I love the Dragon Boat Festival.

5.有关端午节的英语作文范文 篇五

  The most important custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is to make Zongzi and eat Zongzi. And Zongzi must be familiar to everyone! From small to large, after the Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon boat can not race, but Zongzi can not be eaten.

  My family has two masters of making Zongzi - my mother and grandma. Every Dragon Boat Festival, neighbors would bring a lot of zongzi leaves and ask "experts" to help make Zongzi. Grandma and Mom would smile and say, "It's OK, it's OK, and I will definitely make it for you." Although I dare not say in front of people, after they left, they asked them angrily, "What about our own Zongzi? Who will make it?" Every time, they would persuade each other or laugh.

  Anger comes from anger. I still like to watch people make Zongzi. I saw my mother soak the zongzi leaves in water for a few hours before taking them out. There are two ways to make Zongzi: first, three kinds of leaves overlap. 2、 It's three pieces on top and two pieces on bottom. The second type is relatively sturdy and does not easily "scatter" when cooking. After the zongzi leaves are combined, they form a bowl shape and are then filled with glutinous rice. You can also put one or two dates inside, but I personally prefer only glutinous rice. Finally, close the Zongzi and put it into the pot. Penetrate the pot cover (transparent), and see the green Zongzi soaked in the water, as if a large group of islands are located in the lake, very harmonious.

  I sat in the kitchen because I wanted to read but couldn't bear Zongzi. After an unknown amount of time, I was awakened by a scent. That is a delicate fragrance of bamboo, as well as the fragrance of glutinous rice. The water in the pot was boiling, and I quickly went to call my grandmother to turn off the heat and start the pot.

  Grandma said, 'Hold your breath for a while longer.'. I am eagerly waiting. Grandma opened the lid of the pot and took out the Zongzi one by one. When I saw the Zongzi, my mouth watered. I quickly spoiled her: "Grandma, I want to eat Zongzi, I know you are the best." Grandma gave me a Zongzi without thinking. I couldn't wait to open the zongzi leaves, stick sugar on them, and take a gentle bite. It was sweet, fragrant, and glutinous, really delicious.

  Just as I was intoxicated, someone came from home. Neighbors came to pick up Zongzi. Grandma gave them Zongzi one by one. They ate so sweet that the smell of zongzi filled the air.
