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Lesson 19  A very dear cat   一条贵重的宝贝猫   【New words and expressions】 生词和短语   ★dear   adj. 亲爱的,珍贵的;昂贵的   I can't afford the car because it's too dear.   The cat is dear to me.   cost somebody dear   ★kidnapper   n. 绑架者,拐骗者   kidnap v.   ★considerable   adj. 相当大的   a considerable business   He has got a considerable success.   considerably   It's considerably colder today than yesterday.   considerate   be considerate to somebody   Are you considerate to your wife?   considered   It's my considerered opinion.   all things considered   就各方面而言   All things considered ,he finished the work well.   considering   Considering his age,the little boy reads very well.   considering that   He studies English well,considering.   ★wealthy   adj. 富的,有钱的   ★orderly   adj. 有规律的   ★disappearance   n. 失踪   ★anonymous   adj. 匿名的   ★ransom   n. 赎金   pay ransom to somebody   The old lady paid a ransom of one thousand pounds to the kidnapper.   hold somebody to ransom   They kidnapped the boy and held him to ransom.   ★cardboard   n. 硬纸板   ★withdraw(withdrew, withdrawn)   v. (从银行)取钱   ★punctually   adv. 准时地   punctual adj.   punctuality n.   ★astound   v. 使吃惊   语意程度比surprise要强得多   astonish amaze astound 语气一个比一个强   He was ashounded to hear of her death.   They were amazed to find the lazy girl came very early.   surprising surprised   a very dear cat   一只非常宝贝的猫   Is life so dear,or peace so sweet,as to be purchasedat the price of slavery?   难道生命这样珍贵,和平这样甜美,竟值得用奴隶的枷锁去换取吗?   We are dear old friends.   我们是亲密的老朋友了。   kidnapper   绑架者,拐骗者   Kidnappers are realy interested in animals,   绑匪很少对动物感兴趣,   but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs.Eleanor's cat.   可近来却偏偏有一帮对埃莉诺.拉姆齐太太的猫发生了相当浓厚的兴趣。   Murder on the oriental Express tells the story of how a kidnapper is justly punished.   《东方快车谋杀案》讲述的是一个绑匪是如何被公正地惩罚的故事。   The kidnappers demanded an astronomical ransom.   绑匪开出了天价赎金。   considerable   相当大的,极大的   Meanwhile,Minos had raised a considerable fleet,and set out in search of Dedalus.   与此同时,弥诺斯组建一支庞在的船队,外出搜寻代达罗斯。   There is a considerable amount of literature in this area.   这个领域有相当多的文献。   wealthy   富有的,有钱的   Mrs.Eleanor Ramsay,a very wealthy old lady,   埃莉诺.拉姆齐太太是一个非常富有的老妇人,   has shared a flat with her cat,Rastus,for a great many years.   多年来,一直同她养的猫拉斯特斯一起住在一所公寓里。   "I've never realized before how nice it is to have a wealthy father,'Ned said bitterly.   “我到今天才知道,有个阔爸爸有多美,”奈德苦涩地说。   This corporation is as wealthy as many nations.   这个公司富可敌国。   orderly   有规律的   Rastus leads an orderly life.   拉斯特斯的生活很有规律。   He seems to want a predictable,orderly world.   他想要的似乎是一个可以预知的,井然有序的世界。   Emily has always been an orderly girl.   埃米莉一直是一个有条理的女孩儿。   disappearance   失踪   Three days after Rastus'disappearance,Mrs.Ramsay received an anonymous letter.   拉斯特斯失踪三天以后,拉姆齐太太收到一封匿名信。   No one noticed his disappearance.   没人注意到他失踪了。   In the Sonnet to Science,Poe laments the disappearance of magic.   在《十四行一致科学》里,爱伦坡哀叹魔法一去不返。   anonymous   匿名的,无名的   By Federation rules,all sponsors must remain anonymous.   根据协会规定,所有资助者必须隐名。   This song was written by an anonymous author.   这道歌是一位无名氏写的。   ransom   赎金   The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands   写信人声称拉斯特斯安安然无恙,   and would be returned immediately if Mrs.Ramsay paid a ransom of $1,000.   只要拉姆齐太太支付1,000 英镑赎金,就立即把猫送还。   The terrorists kidnapped the boy and held him to ransom.   恐怖分子绑架了那个男孩,勒索赎金。   A king's ransom would hardly have procured all that my daughters asked for.   即使是一个国王的赎身钱,也买不起我的女儿们所要的东西。   cardboard   硬纸板   Mrs.Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a cardboard box and to leave it outside herdoor.   信里让拉姆齐太太把钱放在一个硬纸盒里,然后把纸盒放在门口。   The shop assistant wrapped up the sweets in a cardboard box.   售货员把糖包在一个硬纸盒里。   My uncle has golden fingers,he can make a palace out of a cardboard.   我舅舅的手很巧,一个硬纸盒能鼓捣成一座宫殿。   withdraw   (从银行)取钱   She withdrew $1,000 from her bank and followed the kidnapper's instruction.   她从银行取出1,000英镑,并按绑匪的要求办了。   Bank deposits were in part withdrawn.   银行存款有一部分被提走了。   One of our customers withdrawn an order.   我们的同一位客户收回了一张订单。   punctually   准时地   Sure enough,Rastus arrived punctually at seven o'clock that evening.   果然,当天晚上7点,拉斯特斯特准时回来了。   Emma never arrives punctually so you can expect tobe waiting.   爱玛是从不准时赴约的,你就做好等的准备吧。   The professor showed up punctually at ten sharp.   教授10点整准时出现了。   astound   大吃一惊   The police were astounded when Mrs.Ramsay told them what she had done.   拉姆齐齐太太把她所做的事告诉了警察,警察听事在为吃惊。   We were astounded to hear that he had won.   听说他获胜,我们大吃一惊。   The president's quick of affairs and his energy astounded the staff.   总裁的干才和精力都 让我们惊异。

自学新概念英语第三册必背单词Lesson 19.doc
