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Lesson 44 Speed and comfort 又快捷又舒适   【New words and expressions】 生词和短语   ●positively adv. 绝对地,完全地   ●compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)   ●cramped adj. 窄小的   ●stuffy adj. 憋气的,闷气的   ●monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的   ●rhythm n. 有节奏的运动   ●click v. 发出咔哒声   ●lull v. 催人欲睡   ●snatch n. 短时,片段   ●sleeper n. 卧铺   ●fumble v. 乱摸,摸索   ●inspection n. 检查   ●inevitably adv. 必然地,不可避免地   ●destination n. 目的地   ●exhaust v. 使精疲力尽   ●motorway n. 快车道   ●ferry n. 渡船   ●cruise n. 巡游船   ●civilize v. 使文明;civilization n. 文明;civilized adj. 文明的   ●spacious adj. 宽敞的   ●seasick adj. 晕船的;airsick adj. 晕飞机的;carsick adj. 晕车的   ●intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓   ●disadvantage n. 短处,缺点   ●exhilarating adj. 使人高兴的,令人兴奋的   ●escapist n. 逍遥者   ●sip v. 呷,啜   ●champagne n. 香槟酒   ●refinement n. 精心的安排   ●breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;不寻常的   ●soar v. 高飞,翱翔   ●effortlessly adv. 不费力地   ●landscape n. 景色   ●fresh adj. 精神饱满的   ●uncrumpled adj. 没有跨下来   ◆positively adv. 绝对地,完全地   in a positive way   doubt; doubtful; uncertain; dubious 表示不是很肯定   The food is positively uneatable.   Can you really do it positively?   在这儿相当于sure, of cause, certainly, no problem   a piece of cake, no sweat, it’s a snack 都表示不成问题   I bet 我肯定   ◆compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)   ◆cramped adj. 窄小的   ◆stuffy adj. 憋气的,闷气的   == airless   That classroom must be stuffy.   ◆rhythm n. 有节奏的运动   ◆click v. 发出咔哒声   roar 车辆飞快行驶发出的声音   bark 狗叫   Don’t bark your order at me.   ◆monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的   tedious, dull, uninteresting   monotonous == lacking variety   Eg: I don’t like the way of your teaching, it is monotonous.   I hate the monotonous rhythm of travelling by train.   tedious 乏味的(重点突出long and uninteresting 冗长乏味的 )   Eg: Your article is tedious.   dull 语意比较弱,= uninteresting   Eg: I can’t get along well with Mary, she is a dull girl.   Look at that dull person.   Tiresome == tiring 由于疲劳而厌倦   tired   Eg: He is tired of sleeping on the floor, because he has done so for ten years.   Long lasting meetings are tiring .   You are tiresome.   You are a little bit tiresome.   handsome   bore v.   bored adj.   boring adj. 持续时间过长而厌倦   Eg : I am tired of doing so.   I am bored with doing so. 我厌烦这么做。   be tired of   be bored with   ◆lull v. 催人欲睡   vt. ==cause sb. to sleep   Eg: The mother lulled her baby to sleep.   lull sb to sleep 催人入睡   lull vi.风和日丽   What a good day, the wind lulled.   lullaby 催眠曲   ◆◆◆snatch n. 短时,片段   catch, seize, grab,   in snatches 断断续续地   Eg: On the train, we sleep in snatches.   ◆sleeper n. 卧铺   ◆fumble vt. 乱摸,摸索   Eg: He fumbled the door open. 他摸索着把门打开了。   He put his hand into his pocket to take the key out.   He fumbled in his pocket for the key.   search for   ◆inspection n. 检查   ◆◆◆inevitably adv. 必然地,不可避免地   Eg: Human beings are mortal, so inevitable we make mistakes, no matter how wise andeminent you are.   ◆destination n. 目的地   ◆exhaust vt. 使精疲力尽   exhausted adj.   exhausting adj.   tire out   Eg: I’m exhausted. 我精疲力尽了。   What exhausts you? 什么使你精疲力尽呀?   I’m tired out.   wear out 使疲劳,使磨损   worn   worn out   Eg: Look, your dress is worn out. 瞧,你的衣服穿坏了。   After a day’s work hard, I am worn out.   knock out   Knock sb out 1,把某人打晕,2,某人筋疲力尽   Eg: The arduous work knocked me out. 这项艰难的工作使我精疲力尽。   Fatigue 使筋疲力尽,使疲劳(书面)   Eg: The piece of work fatigues me.   Does your work fatigue you?   ◆motorway n. 快车道   express way, highway   ◆ferry n. 渡船   ◆cruise n. 巡游船   ◆civilize v. 使文明   ◆◆◆spacious adj. 宽敞的   Eg: Is your classroom spacious?   Our classroom is not so spacious as that one.   I would like to lie in the spacious classroom instead of sitting here.   ==roomy   a roomy house   capacious 容量大的   capacity 容量   commodious 宽敞的,便利的 (== roomy and convenient )   Eg: The cinema is both roomy and convenient.   The cinema is commodious.   expansive 易膨胀的,广阔的   Eg: I’d like to appreciate expansive sea / ocean. 我喜欢欣赏浩瀚的海洋。   vast 幅员辽阔的   Eg: The desert in our country is vast, that is a major problem.   extensive 广泛的,广阔的   extensive reading 泛读   intensive reading 精读   Eg: You can enlarge you vocabulary by intensive reading.   widespread 流传广的,分布广的   Eg: The kind of news is widespread.   far-reaching 触及很远的,流传久远的   Eg: I have a good idea and it is far-reaching.   ◆seasick adj. 晕船的   airsick 晕飞机的   carsick 晕车的   bicyclesick 晕自行车的   bussick晕公交车的   Homesick 想家的   分别在词尾加上后缀-ness变成名词   Homesickness 思乡之情   ◆intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓   frighten, horrify, terrify   Eg: Nothing can intimidate me.   ◆disadvantage n. 短处,缺点   ◆◆◆exhilarating adj. 使人高兴的,令人兴奋的   exhilarate vt. == very much excite 比excite 语义强烈得多,正式得多   Eg: I’m exhilatated by your visit. 对于你的来访我是高兴极了。   stimulate 刺激,激励   stimulate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事   Eg: Your courage stimulated me to do so.   inspire激励(通过言辞)   Inspire sb to do 激励某人做某事(通过言辞)   Stir 鼓动,鼓舞   Eg: Who stired you to do it like this? You should look before you leap. 谁鼓动你这么做?你应该三思而后行。   spur 刺激   Eg: His rude remarks spured me.   encourage   Eg: He always encourages me to study hard when I’m unwilling to do so.   ◆escapist n. 逍遥者   ◆sip v. 呷,啜   vt & n.   == drink a little at a time.   take a sip of sth 喝一点   Eg: I’m really thirsty, would you mind my taking a sip of your Coffee?   have a taste of sth 尝一点   Eg: I’m so hungry that I want to have a taste of your cake.   You can take a sip of my Coffee, but my cake only belongs to me.   ◆champagne n. 香槟酒   ◆◆◆refinement n. 精心的安排   refine 使人精力充沛   Eg: Coffee always refined us.   Coffee always made us fresh.   L44-02 end 18’48”   L44-03 begin 18’33”   ◆breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;不寻常的   Eg: The picture takes my breath. 这幅画太美了。   The girl takes my breath.   The beautiful dress takes my breath.   decide to go for a trip 决定旅行   Eg: We decided to go for a breathtaking trip.   ◆soar v. 高飞,翱翔   Eg: We can’t soar in the blue sky without wings.   soar effortlessly 自由翱翔   ◆effortlessly adv. 不费力地   ◆landscape n. 景色   landscape 指从高处或远处远望高看的这种大地的漂亮的风光   spectacle == extroordinary sight   scenery 自然风光   scene 场面   view 透过窗户看到的景色   Eg: Our classroom doesn’t have a good view.   The rising sun in the Tai Mountain is a spectacle / landscape.   ◆fresh adj. 精神饱满的   a fresh man   Eg: Look at that guy, he is really fresh.他很帅   ◆uncrumpled adj. 没有跨下来   Eg: He went Home fresh and uncrumpled.

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