
时间:2023-03-17 02:05:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】清风载着叮咛,明月写满祝福,云儿传递思念,细雨滋润心扉,春泥吐露芬芳,星光洒满希望,清明节到了,©文档大全网为大家准备了《清明节英语日记》,供大家参考阅读。

1.清明节英语日记 篇一

  Today is Qingming Festival, and the weather is sunny. I went to the cemetery with my grandparents.

  When I arrived at Nanshan Cemetery, I saw the tombs of Tai Gong and Tai Po. We first set up the sacrificial items, light candles, and start burning yellow paper and min paper, which are necessary for tomb sweeping. After a while, each of us paid three respects, so that we finished sweeping the tomb. Then we will enjoy the scenery while walking. There are many camellias and tea trees nearby. Their branches are soft, tender, green and very beautiful.

  The Qingming Festival is a time to worship ancestors and also a good time for outing. I really benefited a lot from this tomb sweeping.

2.清明节英语日记 篇二

  Today is the Qingming Festival on April 5. On this day, people will miss their dead relatives, send them a piece of grief, or go hiking.

  One year, on the Tomb-sweeping Day, my father woke me up at 5:00 and took a two-hour bus. Back home. After getting off the bus, we set out the tribute, burn paper money, set fruit and food, worship, and then repair the cemetery and pull up weeds. This is a poem that I can't help but think of, "During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls".

  Through this Qingming Festival, I know that I should cherish the time with my family more now.

3.清明节英语日记 篇三

  Today is Qingming Festival. My father, mother and brother go back to their hometown to worship their ancestors. We took our uncle's car and he sent us back to our hometown. It was not long before I arrived. On the way, I saw rape flowers in season a year, with a fragrant smell. The younger brother of the bee and the sister of the butterfly, the younger brother of the bee and the sister of the butterfly collect nectar and pollen.

  After lunch, my mother and I went to the back mountain together. The rape flowers in the back mountain were much more than those on the road. The brother bee and sister butterfly there are good friends.

  They are still playing hide-and-seek there!

4.清明节英语日记 篇四

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Our family went to visit the tomb, including me, my sister, my brother, my father, my mother and my grandfather.

  When we came to Grandma's tomb, I was very sad to see that there were weeds all around her tomb. Although the day my grandmother died, I was still in my mother's belly, and my sister was only two or three years old, and I couldn't see what she looked like. The father held incense in his hand and said, "Bless me with a prosperous business, a good fortune, a good school and a college entrance examination." My grandfather picked up a firewood knife to clean the firewood around my grandmother's tomb and said, "Honey, how are you doing in heaven? Is the money enough? Do you want to bless the next generation!"

  Finally, it's paper money. My father put the paper money in front of my grandmother's tomb. I watched the paper money burn one by one, and the paper dust was flying in the sky. My heart was sad and happy.

5.清明节英语日记 篇五

  Today is Qingming Festival. The weather is overcast. Even the sun hides behind the clouds to rest.

  I went to the place where grandpa slept with my father, mother and grandmother. When they were preparing sacrifices and incense candles, I was already attracted by the pine trees nearby. The yellow pine flowers and its round pine nuts made me unable to help picking a lot. I don't know why there were no little squirrels playing on them. As soon as I looked up, I saw clusters of Yingshanhong at the back of the mountain. I hurried to ask my father to pick them with me. My father was accidentally stabbed by wild flowers.

  On the way back, the sky suddenly began to drizzle. I suddenly remembered the Tang poem I had learned, "During the Qingming Festival, there was a lot of rain, and pedestrians wanted to break their souls".
