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How to Reduce Employee Turnover如何减少员工流失

  1.The Chief Executive of a large hotel became aware that his company was experiencing annual employee turnover of about 60 percent, at an annual cost estimated between $10 to $15 million. This large amount of money was calculated based on three factors: the money spent hiring and training replacements; the cost to the business in lower productivity due to employees becoming familiar with the requirements of their new job; and reduced occupancy rates,due to poor guest satisfaction levels.

  1、一家大型酒店的总裁注意到,公司正在经历着每年流失60%的雇员的问题,这种情况造成每年成本增加1000万到1500万。这么大量的资金是根据以下三个因素算出来的:雇佣和培训新员工的花费,新员工要熟悉新工作 的要求而产生的较低的生产率造成的企业成本升高,以及由于顾客满意度差而导致客房使用率下降。

  2.The Chief Executive knew that in order to save his company, he had to reduce the high turnover costs. Making up for the lost income due to turnover is not an easy task and many companies have not declared war on unwanted employee turnover because they have not taken the time to work out the costs of lost revenues and productivity. The hotel boss decided to tackle the issue head-on by implementing a 4-point plan. The hotel first took the time to calculate their turnover costs; secondly to evaluate the main causes for the staff turnover; and thirdly to discuss some of the solutions to the problems; and lastly to prioritize actions and evaluate future returns following implemented changes.

  2、这位总裁已经意识到,为了拯救他的公司,他必须减少髙额的员工流失成本。弥补由员工流失所造成的收入损失不是一件容易的事情,而且目前 许多公司还没有表示要应对不必要的员工流失,因为这些公司还没有时间去 搞清楚收入和生产率损失所造成的成本增加。但是这家酒店的老板决定要直面这个问题并且解决它。他提出了四点计划:首先,计算员工流失成本;然 后估计这些员工流失的主要原因;第三,讨论如何解决这些问题;最后确定行动方案并且评估实施这些方案之后的未来收益。

  3.Within a two-year period, the results were significant. The annual employee turnover was reduced by 78 percent and this affected down time due to training and guest satisfection. The result was a $10 million savings for the company.

  3、这个方案实施了两年,效果显著:每年员工流失率下降了78%,而且 由于省去了对新员工的培训,加上顾客满意度的提高,酒店营业时间也比原来更长了。最终的结果是酒店节省了1000万美元。

  4.Because most do not know the root causes of employee turnover and costs have often not been accurately estimated, causes are usually not known. As a result, solutions are commonly not targeted at a company’s individual, specific causes. The following is an examination of what the Chief Executive did to turn the hotel around.

  4、大多数公司都不知道员工流失的根源在哪里,也没有准确地估算成本, 从而弄不清真正的原因。结果就是公司缺乏针对单个具体问题的解决方式。 以下是我们对那个总裁所采取的拯救酒店的具体行动的分析。

  5.Two fectors were considered in relation to the calculation of costs: those departments who had the highest rates of turnover and those whose turnover had the greatest potential effect on profit. After some investigation, it was shown that some of the positions with the highest turnover rates such as cleaners and gardeners did not carry with them high associated costs. In fact,what was revealed was that only 6 percent of employees accounted for 43 percent of the turnover. Positions that involved a substantial amount of time in training were the ones that attracted the highest costing. Analysis revealed that those positions within the hotel which had the greatest impact on profit were positions like the front office receptionists and those working in accounts.

  5、在计算成本的时候要考虑两个因素:那些员工流失率的部门和那些员工流失对于利润来说潜在影响的部门。经过调查研宄我们得出结论, 在那些员工流失率的部门中,一些职位的员工流动并不会产生较高的成 本,比如清洁员和园丁。实际上,这项调查所揭露的真相是,43%的人员流 失都是由占总员工数仅6%那一群体所造成。那些需要大量培训时间的职位会带来的成本投入。分析表明,对酒店利润有影响的职位是前台接待和财务人员。

  6.As unusual as it may sound, it is now a common understanding that offering employees more money is not necessarily a good solution to high employee turnover—often they leave because they simply dislike the work. Therefore, it was important to tackle the analysis from the perspective of what were the chief causes for staff leaving.

  6、尽管听上去很不同寻常,但是现在有一个普遍接受的观点,那就是给员工更多的钱并不一定会是解决员工高流失率的好方法。员工的流失主要是 因为他们不喜欢这个工作。因此,分析员工离职的主要原因是重要的一环。

  7.Devising solutions to these issues was the other half of the equation. As far a recruiting was concerned, they changed their approach by assigning the task to personnel from the hotel. Once this change was made, the attrition rates decreased substantially. To add to employee motivation, new staff were made aware of the mission and goals of the organization and how they would be paid above industry standard for striving to attain to hotel values. New staff were shown where the hotel was heading and how they would have a guaranteed, stable employment situation with a major force in the hotel industry—it was even suggested that after a period of employment, new staff might be given the opportunity to contribute to organizational goal setting. They had been losing many of their employees during the first month or two of employment, so they made new staff aware that bonuses would be offered to newly hired employees at the end of their first three months which greatly assisted in goal setting. Staff luncheons and the in-house volleyball and basketball competitions remained an effective part of staff unity and development, and a support program was also introduced to help all staff with any job-related issues. This gave employees a heightened sense of being cared for by the establishment.

  7、设计针对这些问题的解决方法是等式的另外一半。酒店改变了招聘方法:直接利用酒店内部人员实施招聘。这一方法一经使用,员工流失率大幅 下降。为了增加员工的工作动力,领导告诉新员工公司的任务和目标,还告诉他们,只要努力达到酒店工作标准,他们就会得到髙于同行业标准的薪水。 他们告诉新员工酒店的发展方向,并且让他们相信,在酒店行业努力工作, 可以得到一份有保障的、稳定的收入——甚至告诉他们,工作一段时间以后, 新员工可能会参与到公司组织目标的设定过程中去。很多员工过去在酒店工作第一个月或者第二个月的时候就离职了,因此现在酒店各部门要让新员工知道,他们在工作前三个月结束的时候会拿到一笔奖金,这种激励方式影响 到员工重新设定自己的目标。工作午餐和公司内部的排球或篮球赛有效促进 了员工的团结和发展,并且公司还引入了一个支持计划来帮助所有的员工解决工作相关的问题。这样一来,员工就会明显感受到公司关心他们。

  8.Another area of change which proved successful was the introduction of the Valuable Employee Program(VEP). When a person was employed in the past they were assigned a senior member of staff who assisted them with getting used to their new job. Due to the limitations of the senior member’s position however, they were often not in a position to explain any details regarding future advancement. Now, when staff are employed, they are clearly told what is expected in the job and where it might lead for the right candidate. Hotel surveys revealed that over 30 percent of employees were not satisfied with the career opportunities in their current jobs,so the articulation of the definite and realistic opportunity for advancement through the VEP led to a major decrease in employee attrition.

  8、另外一个成功改善的方面就是VEP(有价值员工工程)的引入。在过去,新人招聘进来以后会有一个老员工来帮助他们熟悉新工作。但是,由于 老员工的职位所限,他们无法给新员工规划未来职业发展细节。而现在,新 员工入职后,公司就很清楚地告诉他们工作当中所要做到的事情以及将来的职业发展前景。酒店的调查研究还表明,超过30%的员工对他们目前工作的职业发展机会不满意。因此,通过VEP向员工清晰说明他们的升职机会大幅降低了员工流失率。

  9.Once the ship had been righted and the relative returns on human resource investments had been calculated, setting priorities became a formality. Although at first a daunting task, the enormous cost of employee turnover offered an excellent opportunity for the hotel to increase profitability.


