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【#高二# 导语】世界一流潜能大师博恩•崔西说:“潜意识的力量比表意识大三万倍”。追逐高考,我们向往成功,我们希望激发潜能,我们就需要在心中铸造一座高高矗立的、坚固无比的灯塔,它的名字叫信念。®文档大全网高二频道为你整理了《高二英语必修三单元知识点总结》,助你一路向前!


1. The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. (Reading)


Whenever I went to see him, he would treat me with some home-made cakes.


would 还有以下用法:

(1) 表示意愿。如:

He wouldn’t let the doctor take his blood pressure.


(2) 表示猜测。如:

That would be in 1976, I think.


(3) 表示倾向。如:

The window wouldn’t open.


2. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.(Reading)

look forward to指热切地期盼着一件事或行动。此短语中的to是介词,所以后面的宾语应为名词或动词的-ing形式。如:

We are looking forward to my uncle’s visit with great pleasure.


We’re looking forward to seeing him again.


含有介词to的动词短语还有 lead to(导致,通向), be/get used to(习惯于), pay attention to(注意), devote...to(致力于,献身于), prefer...to(喜欢……胜过……), get down to(开始认真干某事)等。

3. The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.(Reading)

as though和as if 意义相同,都表示“似乎”、“好像”之意。当说话人认为句子所述是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时,as though / if 从句要用虚拟语气。如:

He talked as if he knew all about it.


It seemed as if the day would never end.


I feel as though I were ten years younger.


She looks as if she had not slept last night.


He talks about pyramids as though he had seen them himself.


当说话人认为所述的情况可能发生时,as though / if从句可用陈述语气。如:

It seems as if our team is going to win.


It looks as if it is going to rain.



1. mean to do sth.打算做某事

mean (doing) sth 意味着做某事

be meant for打算给予……,打算做……用

(had) meant to do 本来打算做而实际上未做

by all means 可以,当然行,没问题

by means of 借助……的手段;依靠……方法

By no meant绝不,一点儿也不

2. take place发生

3. do harm/good有害处/好处

4. go to clean graves扫墓

5. in memory of 为了纪念……

in celebration of为了庆祝……

in favor of赞同……

in praise of为了表扬……

6. in the shape of 以……的形状

7. offer sb sth=offer sth to sb提供某人某物/某物给某人

offer to do sth主动提出做某事/建议将做某事

offer (sb) money for sth(向某人)出价多少买某物

offer (sb) sth for money(向某人)开价多少卖某物

8. dress up装扮

9. play a trick/tricks on=play a joke/jokes on开玩笑

10. the arrival of……的回归

11. gain independence获得独立

12. the agricultural work农活

13. decorate… with用……装饰……

14. win awards赢得奖品

15. admire the moon赏月

admire sb for sth因为……羡慕某人

16. look forward to doing sth期待做某事

17. day and night日日夜夜

18. colourful clothing of all kinds各种各样的漂亮的衣服

19. as though/if好像

20. be covered with被……覆盖

21. have fun with取乐

22. a worldwide holiday全世界的节日

23. turn up/away/back/down/in/off/on/out/over/to出现/拒绝/原路返回/关小,拒绝/上交/转变;关掉/打开/证明是;生产/翻转/转向;求助于

in turn轮流/反过来

take turns to do sth/in doing sth轮流做某事

do sth by turns轮流干某事

24. laugh at 嘲笑

make fun of取笑

25. keep one’s word/promise守信用,履行诺言

26. hold one’s breath屏住呼吸

27. It is obvious that很明显……

28. wipe the table擦桌子

29. fall in love with sb爱上某人

be in love相爱(与表示一段时间的动词连用)

get married/be married to sb/ marry sb与某人结婚

30. once a year一年一次

31. set off出发

set about着手开始


set back 使……后退,阻碍,拨慢(钟表)

set forward前进,促进,拨快(钟表)

set down 写下

set out动身,出发;摊开,陈列;表述(理由)

32. throw…away扔掉

33. remind…of 使……想起……

remind sb to do sth提醒某人干某事

34. forgive sb原谅某人

35. a kind of +n.(s./pl.)+V(单)一种

kinds of +n.(s./pl)+V(复)各种各样的

36. hold back阻止,退缩

hold on to 抓住,不卖掉,不放弃

hold on 等一等,请稍等,坚持,忍受着

hold up 举起,拿起,延误,使停顿

hold out伸出

37. starve for渴望,缺乏

starve to death饿死

38. important religious festival重要的宗教性节日

39. light lamps点灯

40. apologize to sb for (doing) sth因某事向某人道歉

=say sorry to sb for sth

=make/offer an apologize to sb for (doing) sth

apologize to sb for sb替某人向某人道歉



例如:Local bands provide music for dancing. 当地的乐队为跳舞伴乐。

keep one’s mind保持头脑清醒

例如:Keep your mind awake and active.

lose one’s balance失去平衡

例如:How long can you stand on one leg before you lose your balance?


on balance 总的来说

例如:I think on balance he gets more right than he gets wrong.


