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【#英语资源# 导语】愚人节,时间为4月1日,是从19世纪开始在西方兴起流行的民间节日,并未被任何国家认定为法定节日。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  oh dear! Time slipped by at my fingertips, but I didn't pay attention. In a twinkling of an eye, it was almost April. In the morning, I opened my calendar and looked at it. WOW! Today is April Fool's Day! I was staring at the calendar in a daze when my mother called me to have breakfast. Alas, I'm not in the mood to eat. At this time, my mind is full of fool's ideas.

  Xu Ying! Liu Qi called me to school. Alas. An idea flashed through my mind, hee hee. Liu Qi and I went to school side by side and hand in hand. On the way, I deliberately opened my mouth into an O-shape, surprised, and screamed: Liu Qi, what's on your schoolbag? I had a hard time holding back my smile. Liu Qi hurriedly took down her schoolbag and looked for it carefully. There was a layer of sweat on her head: what? What? My pleasure. Looking at her nervous appearance, I couldn't help laughing. Liu Qi had a confused expression on her face, and then suddenly realized: "it turned out that today is April Fool's Day!" Laugh wildly with me.

  During the recess, the fool reached a climax, and all kinds of fool's ideas emerged one after another. The most wonderful is Cheng Xue's program. She hurried into the classroom and said to Zhao Yishan with a very serious expression: "Zhao Yishan, your mother is coming, right at the school gate, go quickly!" Zhao Yishan ran to the school gate, but she didn't even see a personal shadow. She hurried back and asked Cheng Xue, "why isn't my mother at the school gate?" "I certainly didn't see you. I went to the back playground to find you." Zhao Yishan hurried to the playground at the speed of Liu Xiang's hurdle sprint. Seeing Zhao Yishan panting with a disappointed look on her face, the whole class fell on the table and couldn't stand up with a straight smile. Zhao Yishan looks like a monk who can't touch his head. I hurriedly reminded her, "what festival is today?" "Ah!" She's all set there.

  When I finished my homework at home in the evening, I also wanted to make fun of my father. "Dad, come on! I got 100 points. Come and sign!" Dad ran over excitedly, picked up the paper and looked at it. It was clear that it was a draft paper with 100 points written on it. Dad was so angry with me that he looked like a gold star. Today is April Fool's day, and my father didn't care about it with me.

  Ouch! I stretched out, got into bed and thought: today is really interesting. I really hope every day is April Fool's day.


  April Fool's Day is coming. After dinner, I learned the tone of the host and said happily: "today is April Fool's day. In order to celebrate the festival, tonight we will hold an April Fool's day competition. Whoever can cheat the most people will win and become an April fool."

  After a while, my mother asked me to help her throw out the garbage. As I walked, I thought: how to fool others? By the way, people below always ask me to send messages for my father and ask him to fight Lao K. I'll take this opportunity to let my father go for nothing. My father will definitely go down. When I got home, I said solemnly, "the people below asked you to fight old K again! If you don't believe it, go and have a look!" Dad thought for a while, but as I expected, he went.

  Ha! I added one point. The uncle was unwilling to be outdone and shouted, "the TV series has begun. Let's see your brother and sister!" Dad saw that the time was almost up, so he walked over and looked at it. It was not good! Fooled again, it's still a long advertisement. Uncle plus 0.5 points, because mom didn't go. I also wanted to add points, so I took out a box of sugar made of paper and gave it to my mother. My mother was not careless. When I was about to open the sugar paper and eat it, I suddenly saw through my trick and didn't get fooled by me. I added 0.2 points.

  Time flies. It's almost bedtime, but my parents are still reading. I went to watch TV for a while. My parents shouted, "you go to bed first. We have to work overtime at home until 12 o'clock! Go to bed first!" As soon as I heard that it was going to be added to 12 o'clock, I went to bed. But in a few minutes, my parents finished work. I cried, "aren't you going to add 12 o'clock?" I was stunned. They fooled me unconsciously! Haha, mom and dad also added one point.

  I'm still a fool today. We're so happy.


  Time is like water and time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, the life of grade 5 is almost over. In these beautiful days, there are laughter, tears, pay and harvest, and the most unforgettable thing for me is April Fool's day.

  That day was April 1st, April Fool's day. I hummed a little song and came to school in a happy mood. When I saw all my friends coming, I couldn't help laughing in my heart, because I would give them a big "surprise" later.

  I went to Qu h Kun first and said to her mysteriously, "kun'er, I'll surprise you after the first class!" "What surprise?" Qu h Kun couldn't wait to ask. "Don't reveal the secret!" As I spoke, I made a face at her.

  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the bell finally rang after the first class. I quickly took out a delicate small box and said to Qu h Kun, "open it and see if there are good things in it!" "Really?" She is dubious. "I promise!" Under the coax of my classmates and I, she finally opened the box. It's really "I don't know if I don't fight, I'm scared when I fight!" With the opening of the box, a grinning monster jumped out of the box with a bang. Suddenly, a shocking scream came out of Qu h Kun's mouth. Seeing "the plot succeeded", I covered my ears and said proudly, "Happy April Fool's Day!" Qu h Kun, who had slowed down, suddenly stretched out her "magic claw" and scratched on me. When I was scratched to the itch, I "giggled" and laughed. The people who laughed turned upside down and the sky was dark. He had to beg for mercy: "forgive me, boss, but I dare not dare to do it again!"

  In the twinkling of an eye, it was time for lunch. I had forgotten the scene in the morning. I was having a sweet lunch. Suddenly, Qu h Kun smiled and said to me, "Zhao, I wish you a happy holiday!" This sentence made my father-in-law monk - confused, so he vaguely replied, "thank you!" As soon as the voice fell, there was laughter. Qu h Kun said triumphantly, "oh yeah, you've been recruited. Today is April Fool's day. You're a fool!" "Ah?" The reaction came, I really want to cry without tears

  Alas, originally I wanted to play tricks on others, but I didn't expect that one was careless and became an "April Fool".


  Today is a special holiday, which is our favorite holiday for troublemakers, because you can make fun of others. When others find out, shout "Happy April Fool's Day". No matter who it is, you won't blame, but sulk alone.

  In the morning, I went to gymnastics with the team. I trotted all the way. The students were talking and laughing behind me. My mood was happy with the beautiful weather. Teacher Feng suddenly patted me on the head and said, "your pants are on the wrong side." Ah! I was surprised. I was so embarrassed and lost my face. I quickly lowered my head and looked at my pants. I didn't wear them upside down. The teacher suddenly laughed. Oh, by the way, today is April Fool's day. How could I forget? I couldn't say a word when I looked at the teacher's spring smile. I swear in my heart: I can't be fooled today.

  This afternoon, after lunch, as usual, I walked through the knowledge Pavilion and sat on the bench. A classmate came up to me and said, "Lao Jia, you have a grain of rice on your face." I hurried to touch and couldn't touch anything. I suddenly realized that I was fooled again on April Fool's day. I was a fool. My heart was suddenly unbalanced. I also wanted to fool Mr. Feng. I thought and walked towards him.

  I came to teacher Feng and pretended to be surprised and said, "ah, teacher, you have a grain of rice on your face. Here, here, here is your nose." Teacher Feng also hurried to touch it. I said, "Happy April Fool's day." I thought very high in my heart. I finally succeeded in fooling. I'm also very smart! Meng Zhijian, a boy in our class, came over and a girl said, "Meng Zhijian, the teacher asked you to go to the gate post to get the express." Meng Zhijian walked over foolishly. We all laughed. Looking at his fading back, we were considering whether the joke should continue. We guessed Meng Zhijian's experience. I don't know who said: "the master of the gate thought Meng Zhijian was playing tricks on him and fooled each other." Meng Zhijian came over and we girls shouted together, "Happy April Fool's day." Ha ha, it's fun to play tricks.

  This beautiful memory will become a permanent memory.


  Today, April 1, is April Fool's day. It's a good time for the whole person. Let me show you the interesting events that happened in our class that day!

  In the morning, the sky is blue, which is particularly quiet and refreshing. I came to the classroom with a good and happy mood.

  As soon as I got to the door of the classroom, I saw the students talking and laughing together, and I got together. But everyone seems to have a very tacit understanding. When I came, they scattered one by one and went on their own. I was surprised, but some people didn't know what disease they had, so they ignored it and read their own books.

  I was fascinated by it when a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Hello! Feng Qingqing, Xiao Ni said she had something to say to you. Go quickly." I didn't know what was going on, so I walked over foolishly. I have a loud voice. When I saw Xiaoni doing her homework, I deliberately joked loudly: "Xiaoni, what sweet words do you have to tell me..." you are sick. I don't see that I am busy. I have a skin sweet words to tell you, psycho. " When a hot face meets a cold stock, I want to be splashed by a ladle of cold water, which makes my father-in-law and two monks feel confused. It's really self humiliating. I turned around and saw several students laughing and blooming there. Oh! I see. These people are so brave that they dare to tease me. I have to understand. I was just about to say that those naughty students said to me in unison: Happy April Fool's Day! " Mom, I just know that today is April Fool's day. I was fooled! I'm afraid. I'm not convinced.

  Really angry, the teacher called him to the office to help him get the test paper. When I really want to enter the classroom, I see those people who are making fun of me. I suddenly think of a way to tit for tat. I pretend to have a melancholy expression, slowly walk into the classroom and say in a helpless tone: "those people, the teacher just asked you to go to the office to revise your homework." As soon as I finished, they took it seriously, put on a poor look and reluctantly walked to the office, ha ha! They were fooled and I snickered.

  Just after a while, those people came into the classroom again. They looked as if they were about to die. They came to me and shouted angrily, "what's the matter with you? Why did you lie to us. We were ridiculed by the teacher." I said with a clear conscience, "Oh, it seems that today is April Fool's day. I wish you a happy April Fool's day. Bye." I ran away before they reflected, but in less than three seconds, a storm began to chase the station.

  How about it? Have you ever had such an end on April Fool's day? Is it exciting?


  Today is April 1st. Another April Fool's Day is coming. April Fool's day, which I look forward to every day, has finally come. The first class in the morning is Chinese. The teacher said to us as soon as he entered the class: "students, because we didn't do well in the monthly exam, the school stipulates that we make up classes on Saturday." Suddenly, several students in the class screamed. Suddenly, several students shouted in unison, "today is April Fool's day." Oh, almost, the teacher almost fooled me, too. This time, the student fooled the teacher. During class, suddenly someone knocked at the door. After he opened the door, he shouted to the teacher, "someone is looking for you, teacher." The teacher hesitated a little because she knew today was April Fool's day. Finally, she went to see it. When she came back, she smiled and said to Ying Yaji, "how dare you fool the teacher?" The whole class laughed.

  I presided over the reading exchange at noon. The teacher said that he could talk about today's April Fool's day in the remaining 20 minutes. So I said to the whole class, "today is April Fool's day. Who wants to express today's fool's way or the taste of being fooled by others." As soon as I finished, Zhu Jianan, the study committee member, raised his hand, He said: "Today, Chen Zefeng fooled me. After school at noon, he went to the store to buy a cup of coke. He came home and drank half a cup. Then he put a small cup of vinegar, a small cup of soy sauce and a spoonful of salt into the coke. Then he took the homemade coke to school and put the homemade coke on his desk in silence. After a while, I saw him pick up the drink and drink it. In an instant, his good friends Lu Yuanpeng, sun zewei, Yang Shuai also scrambled to drink the bottle of homemade drink. When Yang Shuai was about to drink, I suddenly felt a sour and salty taste. Then Peng's face became ugly and spit out his homemade coke. At that time, Feng laughed and said to us that today is April Fool's day. I wish us a happy April Fool's day. We screamed at the same time. To tell you the truth, I think the coke he made is delicious. " This is the peak standing up: "students, who wants to drink? There is still some left." Many students in the class said they wanted to drink. I don't know who shouted, "please taste it, it's very good." I was stupid then. Why? Let me drink? Feng brought the coke and said to me with a smile, "please taste it." At that time, I was very embarrassed. Just when it was imminent, Han Xiao said, "come on, I'll drink for you." So I handed him the bottle. He took a sip, then smiled and said to the whole class, "it's good. It tastes sour." Just then, jingling bell, class is over. An interesting exchange is over.

  Today is not only an unforgettable day, but also a day full of laughter and laughter!


  April 1st, April Fool's Day! Don't be fooled!

  Just before the end of our science class, Mr. Wu strode into the laboratory, three steps and two steps, and announced with a serious face: "go to Xu Yuchen, Che Tianning, Zhou Jiaxiang and Jiang Haoyang at noon to pass the homework, and then go to the playground to receive the prize at 12:20."

  As soon as I heard the word "accept the award", my idea of toad wanting swan meat rang out. I know today is April Fool's day, but now I only have the "prize" in my mind. Being stupid is not a thing.

  At noon, we are in a hurry because of this prize. We went to cook from the north gate. I kept urging my aunt: "hurry up! Hurry up! Just a little less." Then I ran to the table, thinking about the prize while eating, holding a spoon in my hand and stuffing rice into my mouth like an electric motor.

  I also did my homework very fast. I didn't stop for a moment. After more than ten minutes, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. I wanted to put on my wings and fly to the playground immediately.

  I ran downstairs with some friends and saw the "prize receiving office" on the playground from a distance, but we searched everywhere and couldn't find the prize.

  At this time, we saw Mr. Wu, Mr. Yu and Mr. Shen coming slowly to us with a smile on their face and taking pictures constantly.

  "In two lines." Teacher Yu said to us with a smile. "Send you gifts!" We were so happy that we were about to jump up and quickly lined up.

  "The gift is... Five words - Happy April Fool's Day!" Teacher Shen announced loudly. "Hahaha..." the three teachers laughed.

  We were like a deflated ball, and there was another burst of wailing.

  April Fool's day, have you been fooled? Ha ha, happy April Fool's Day!


  Today is April Fool's day. I came to school with my careful thoughts. Mr. Wei said that if anyone cheated him, he would be rewarded again. I had an idea and thought of a good way. I went to Mr. Wei while laughing secretly and had fun in my heart. But who thought Mr. Wei was not in the office, so I had to go back to the classroom. I thought, there's still another chance if I have nothing to do.

  At noon, a classmate said to me, "in the second class, Mr. Wei asked me to change my book." I agreed without thinking. When Mr. Xiong heard that the students had to try their best to cheat Mr. Wei, he smiled and said, "why don't we stop the exam today and leave some time to torture Mr. Wei." The students opened their eyes wide and stared at Mr. Xiong, a little skeptical. Just as I was still thinking, Mr. Xiong smiled and said, "Happy April Fool's day, I lied to you!" The students couldn't help saying, "cut." One face was full of lost expressions.

  Just after the exam, teacher Deng came and said solemnly, "don't move the table back." When I heard this, my heart was going to collapse! But I have to face the reality. "Ding Ding..." the bell rang. Teacher Deng took a stack of test papers and stepped into the classroom. The students looked at teacher Deng with sad faces, but a miracle happened suddenly. Teacher Deng turned a smiling face and said to us with a smile: "Happy April Fool's day." At this time, the students suddenly realized that they jumped three feet high with joy. I have to say that Mr. Deng's acting skills are extraordinary. Although there are some small defects in the performance, I have been kept in the dark by Mr. Deng. Mr. Deng can change his career to be a professional actor! Alas, I don't blame Mr. Deng for being too clever, but we are too stupid! Teacher Deng played a wonderful play and played us in the palm of the Tathagata God.

  Finally, after class, I went to Mr. Wei to change my homework. Unexpectedly, I was fooled again. The teacher didn't ask me to change my homework. I was fooled by that classmate. I can't help sighing: "I didn't fool others on April Fool's day, but I was fooled by others."

  Finally, in the evening, I sighed a long sigh. This is also the perfect end of April Fool's day, which I am worried about and guard against everywhere!


  Today is April 1. In the afternoon, we returned to our classroom after the activity class.

  Today, the topic of our class meeting is reading day, but today is also April Fool's day, "Ding Ding Ding..." we heard the familiar voice, which is also the voice of class. Everyone is very excited.

  After class, we all talked about today's math homework? Some said it was "standard training", others said it was oral arithmetic, mental arithmetic and skillful arithmetic. Everyone talked about it.

  Teacher Dai stood up and said, "I heard teacher Yang say there is no math homework today." Everyone didn't believe it and said loudly, "teacher Dai! Happy April Fool's Day!" Teacher Dai said, "if you don't believe it, ask teacher Yang after class." Everyone smiled and said, "teacher Dai, class is over." We ran out of the classroom and ran to miss yang. Miss Yang said, "there is math homework today." After hearing this, we left dejected.

  After returning to the classroom, teacher Dai was very happy and gave us five words, "Happy April Fool's Day!"

  Today is April Fool's day, because teacher Dai teased us. We are so miserable and happy!


  This morning, as soon as I entered the classroom, I pushed the door. Wow, there were a lot of paper scraps scattered on the door. Although it's a whole person, I still want to say, it's so spectacular!

  Xue Xinyan from our group came and several of us said to her, "Hey, little boots, you know, today's Chinese unit 1, 2 and 3 exam, math unit 1 and 2 spot check, and English unit 1, 2 and 3 test." Xue Xinyan was silly and stood there until someone called her. After the classmate finished talking with her, Xue Xinyan asked her, "today's language, number and English test, really?" The man saw my cunning eyes and said, "yes, thanks to my review. The teacher talked to several parents in private, which my mother said." After listening again, Xue Xinyan was in pain: "what should I do? I didn't review. It's too late. The first class is mathematics." We found that we would suffer if we cheated again, so we shouted in one voice: "Happy April Fool's Day!" As soon as she heard it, she didn't react at first. After a while, she said mischievously to us, "what! You lied to me? Well, dare to lie to me, which scared me to death. I forgot that today is April Fool's Day!"

  Today's April Fool's Day is so happy!

