主题: Make your sounds sound 主标题:第十届英语口语风采大赛 比赛赛程: 1. 初赛: 地点:教五栋 时间:4月12日晚上18:30——21:30 赛制:30秒自我介绍+3分钟无主题限制才艺表演 限定表演形式:演讲、朗诵、rap和模仿秀中的一种 2. 决赛 地点:教一栋 时间:4月19号晚上18:30——21:30 赛制:命题才艺表演、看图说话及六强影片概括 3. 奖项设置 第一名:奖金200元及获奖证书一份 第二名:奖金150元及获奖证书一份 第三名:奖金100元及获奖证书一份 最佳人气奖:证书一份 凡进入决赛的选手均可获得证书一份 PS:证书可用于期末评优加分,请自行与本班组织委员联系(小字体标明) 可考虑加入的英语宣传词: 1.The stage for you is ready. How about you? 2.You will never know what’s your English level untill you speak. 以上为海报、传单、视频所需加入的重要信息 以下是可以用于Q群、Q邮、微信推送等网络宣传中的宣传词: Make your sounds sound You may never know what’s your English level untill you speak.Speech? Reciting(朗诵)? Rap? Or even imitation show(模仿秀) ? We are providing you a platform here and what you need to do is to make your sounds sound.Without further delay, just join in Oral Enlish Competition held by Little Angel English Club and rock our stage! As long as you are outstanding enough, certificates of award and rich bouns are waiting for you! The stage is ready. How about you? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/00aa7694aeaad1f346933ff6.html