Spencer: So talking about clothes, Curtis, do you spent a lot of money on clothes?
Curtis: I don't really spend a lot of money on clothes. I think the clothes that I buy last for a long time. And I have a lot of them but I only add to them very slowly over the years. Some of my t-shirts I've had since high school. And so even dress shirts for work, every once in a while something will get worn out but not very often. So I have a lot of clothes but I don't have to spend much money on them. I would like to maybe this year or next year buy a nice three piece suit though, that might be a little bit expensive, but I've always wanted one of those.
Spencer: Yeah. I'm the same, I don't like to spend a lot of money on clothes, but every now and then it is nice to splurge on something that looks really good, yeah. No, there's some great shops like TJ Maxx and Target and yeah, they're, you know, half price and not as expensive. But you can still find some great looking things.
斯宾塞:嗯。我也是一样,我不喜欢在衣服上花太多钱,不过偶尔在漂亮衣服上挥霍一下也是不错的。TJ Maxx和Target等不错的卖场会有半价折扣,价格不太贵,而且还能找到好看的衣服。
Curtis: Right. Yeah. And I think by adding to the collection that I already have, I can wear different styles on different days. And so I don't feel like I need to spend a lot of money to replace my whole collection because of that, like you said, you can splurge and maybe spend a little bit more on a really nice item that you want because you're able to keep recycling everything else that you have already.
Spencer: That's true.
Curtis: Do you think you have too many clothes by chance, do you feel like you need to get rid of any of your clothes?
Spencer: Right now I have way too many shoes actually. I kind of feel like I have a pair of sneakers that I use for sports and tennis, I have a pair of like nice cute shoes that I wear for when I when go out and dress up and then I have a pair of kind of everyd