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人之初, Man on earth, 性本善。 Good at birth. 性相近, The same nature 习相远。 Varies on nurture

苟不教, 性乃迁。 There'd 教之道, To 贵以专。 You 昔孟母, Then 择邻处, Chose 子不学, At 断机杼。 She 养不教, What's 父之过。 教不严, What's 师之惰。 A

no education, be aberration. teach well, deeply dwell

Mencius' mother her neighbor. Mencius sloth, cut the cloth.

a father? A good teacher. a teacher?

strict preacher With

玉不琢, No jade crude,

不成器。 Shows craft good. 人不学, Unless you learn, 不知义。 Brute you'll turn.

为人子, Son 方少时, Mature 亲师友, Teacher 习礼仪。

融四岁, 能让梨。 弟于长, 宜先知。 Fraternally

头悬梁, Head 锥刺股。 Needled 彼不教, Not 自勤苦。 Kept

of man, you can. or peer, them dear. Aged four years, Rong proffered pears. Bear in mind

be kind. hung high! his thigh! pushed, they working away. Hold
