小学六年级英语阅读 神舟十四

时间:2022-08-10 21:43:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
小学六年级英语阅读 神舟十四

A China's manned spaceship has reached its space station. 中国一艘载人飞船已抵达空间站。

It was launched this morning and has since docked successfully with the core module of the under-construction Station.

该飞船于今天早上发射,随后成功与在建空间站的核心舱对接。 This is the first manned spacecraft that China launched in 2022.

这是中国在2022年发射的第一艘载人飞船。 The Shenzhou 14 spacecraft is taking three

astronauts,including one female,to the China Space Station.


During their six months in orbit,they will help complete the construction of the space station.

在轨驻留的六个月的时间里,他们将帮助完成空间站的建设。 "We have made overall arrangements for all the tasks in orbit.These are written in the mission manual and flight plan.


The plans are detailed into every month,every week and every day.


Meanwhile,we also give the astronauts a large amount of free time."


The Shenzhou-14 is the third manned space mission launched from Jiuquan since 2021.


The launch site is also a place for the new generation of space scientist and engineers.

该发射中心也是孕育了新一代太空科学家和工程师的地方。 "I think the people working in the space industry are serious and reliable.They always pay extra attention to details."


As the construction of China's space station moves into the critical phase,the launch site will soon be preparing for another launch in six months.

