标准英文简历模板 English resume ——美国人来华简历模板

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-------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SKLLS & COMPTENCES gis Duva native), nglish, Spanish earning Chinese Languages: Frnc 19/09/1974 God allroud knowege f bsiness emphss on sale, markeing Mob : egoiaion

Peol managemen xpeience pagatic open-minded, ommtted, dynaic, hardworin and igly self-mtvaed


Nov 210 Au 202 RESTAURANT & WIE BR MANGER ub Shangha Gude, drect and train staff

Ensure cosstent hgh uality of serice

Plan mrketing, avertisig nd ay special rsaurant funcion.

Enoce saitary prctices fo oo hndling, gneral clanliness an

minenane of diin area.

Work wit Che or effiient provsionin and puchasin of spplies Esimae fod ad beveraes osts.

Rview and moio expendtres, the financial to ensure that thy cnform

to budget iitation, ork to improve perorance

May 200 August 210 Inensie training n Cines Language

Sep 009 April 010 ENERAL MNGE SAVEUR DE FRANE Hon Kong

Implmnt ad crete the procs and rules of the rstuant

Direct l aspect o oeratin o the estaurat n control its

qualit on food and ervies。

Budget prpartio, busines orcast, men plannig and recritmnt,

conduc traning, liise wit contractors ad vndors an inventor control

dntify the robem ecountered in operain n provide souion,

rvie and manage monthly reeue ad expenditure recods

Ensur he ig tandards of ygiee an leanlines.

Deveop catrng activty prspect cliet quot evnt, insur

sevice during the even)

Schedule stff work or activites。

Ma 008 to Au 009 FRES DVIIO MANAER AREFOURChia Dirct and supervise mloyes ngaged i saes fr Fuits &

Vgetables Butcery, Fis, Saad bar, Baker, Dry foo departments em of 00 peope

Coordiates sale prootion ctvities nd repare mrcandie dsplay xamins erchandise o ensur that is it corrcty prics, dsplayed or

functions as avetisd.

ofers wit opay official to dvelop metods nd proedures to

incease sals, exad markets and pomte businss

Prepares saes an nentory report for anagemnt and udget


Lisen to and esolves ustoer complaints regrding servce, prducts,

o peronnel

u 2006 to pr 208 UTOMER ELTION ANAGER - ARREFOUhna

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-------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Imrve cmmercial offer and srvices povided t the custoers (I hae aunched Crefu Shanghai oline soping, Hom Delivr servie proposd and mak efer nw product ccording nees f th tore)

Enance hopping eperiece (aily stoe check in ales area to b e

tail oiented on the wy to ho)

ae exising proceses nd rules pplied at all leves to estart and

coordinate ull training pogrm n meetig cutome satsfaction reate a custme aa base system at soe eel

Flo and deeop the atnership ad services rovided t the Frnh


In charge to develp special evets (wine fair 206,2007,008,2009 pogression o

turnover +1200 in year)

Maage and chck the eeution f the Decrato tam。


Adice nd ale ines n Crrefou stres。

Marc 2003 to uly 2005 SALES MAAGR K LINE, Frane

Custmer pospecting and developmet ith rchitect ustomers, frema

and buiders mnaged publc nd private offers。

May 2002 o Dc 002 WAITER PRINCESS HOEL*** Span

Oct 1998 to Feb 2002> PUMBIG ALES MANGER LEROY MERLIN - Frace De 1997 to ep 1998 MLTARY SRVICE France

Oct。 1995 to Nov. 1997 > SALES AVSE LROY MRLN Franc


19 1997 BS ction Commercil * Frnch diploma specialzed i ales

993 1995 ig School Dipoma - Commerce t Srices * College 1991 1993 Busnes School Diploma Fomaion in Sales


amiliar with:

Microoft pack ofce and nernet

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