赏析唐诗建议英语作文 落花 李商隐 高阁客竟去,小园花乱飞。 参差连曲陌,迢递送斜阳。 赏析: 李商隐的这是一首专咏落花的唐诗。首联写落花与人的心情,含蓄蕴籍耐人寻味。颔联从不同角度描写落花“乱飞”的具体情状。颈联直接抒发情感,巴望花不再落而不能。末联写花为装点春天而开,却落得飘零沾衣的结局。表达了素怀壮志,不见用于世的凄婉和感慨。全诗洋溢着伤春惜花之感,情思如痴,委婉动人。 Li Shangyin This is a special flower of the Tang Yong. The first written in conjunction with the flower's heart, subtle and intriguing Yun Ji. Maxillary joint from different angles describe Flower "flying" concrete-like situation. Neck joint direct expression of emotion, no longer look forward to spending can not be charged. Joint written at the end of spring flowers to decorate and open, but end up wandering Zhanyi ending. Huai-expressed determination to see the world of emotion and Qi Wan. Filled with a poem Shangchunxihua feeling, emotion, such as Chi, moving euphemism. 第 1 页 共 1 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/01dc1f6f4873f242336c1eb91a37f111f1850db9.html