
时间:2022-03-20 04:25:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. The number of tigers is getting _____ because their living areas are becoming farmlands.

a. small and small b. larger and large c. smaller and smaller d. large and large

2. I have _____ free time than you. a. little b. few c. fewer d. less

3. She wants to buy ______things with ______money.

a. little, few b. more, fewer c. more, less d. a little, a few 4. Mary usually spends____ time watching TV than Jim does. a. many b. much c. less d. little

5. The high-speed trains are much _____than the common ones. a. fast b. faster c. fastest

6. He knows _________ about computer than me. a. much b. more c. most

7.Bill, who's the little boy in the picture? It's me. i am much_____, aren't it?

a. strong b. stronger c. strongest

8. The more you smile, the _____ you will feel. a. happy b. happier c. happily d. more happily

9.The cost of food and clothing is going up nearly every day. Yes, the price of vegetables is much ________ than before.

a. expensive b. higher c. high d. cheaper 10.What do you think of Liu Huan?

Oh, he is my favorite singer. I think no one can sing________. a. good b. well c. better d. best

11. Ann grows ____. a. taller and taller b. the tallest c. tallest d. tall

12.The opening ceremony of the 2010 shanghai world expo is one of ____ moments

for us Chinese people. Yes, no other moment is ____. a. the most exciting; more exciting b. the most excited; more exciting

c. the exciting; more exciting d. the exciting; more excited 13. --- Is Tara shorter than Tina? ---- Yes, she is ______ Tina. a. as tall as b. not as tall as c. taller than d. as short as 14.Now the air in our hometown is even_____ than it was before. So we must do something to stop it. a. better b. dirty c. more better d. worse

15.You can’t sneeze and keep your eyes _______ at the same time. a(open b(opens c(opened d(opening

16.,Which is ____________ season in Beijing ? ,I think it’s autumn. a. good b. better c. best d. the best 17. Are you going to leave _____________?

a. the open windows b. the windows opening c. the windows open d. the windows opened

18.It is not _____whether you fail or succeed in the game(the point is that you take part in it

and enjoy it( a(necessary b(important c(true d(right

19. It is said that to teach a man fishing is better than ______ him fish.

a. give b. giving c. to give

20. What do you think of the flowers? They look _______. a. beautiful b. beautifully c. more beautiful

21 The new road is much ______ than before. six cars can pass it at the same time.

a. larger b. wider c. farther d. rougher 云溪问答

22.Young people like jay chou because his music is very ______. a. useful b. ordinary c. real d. special

23.Would you like to play football with us tomorrow afternoon? —Sorry I can’t. I have _____ homework to do. a. many b. much c. should 1

