欺骗相关的英语短语 欺骗,在双方平等及信息共享的情况下以虚假的言行掩盖事实真相,并故意施诈使人上当。下面就由店铺为大家带来关于欺骗的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。 关于欺骗的相关短语 不要欺骗 DO NOT ACT A LIE 故意欺骗 Intentional deception 欺骗 take in 关于欺骗的词语辨析 deceive, cheat, trick, fool这组词都有“欺骗”的意思,其区别是: deceive 最普通用词,指用虚假外表使人信以为真,或蓄意歪曲事实,或造成错误印象使人上当受骗。 cheat 普通用词,指用蒙蔽他人的手段取得所需之物,尤多指在赢利的买卖中欺骗人。 trick 指用阴谋诡计等骗得信任或得到所需之物。 fool 指把别人当傻瓜,愚弄欺骗别人。 关于欺骗的相关例句 1. Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades. 许多经纪人被指控在商品交易中欺骗顾客。 2. Jack was furious with his London doctors for having misled him. 杰克对伦敦的医生欺骗自己的行为感到非常生气。 3. Volunteers from all walks of life are feeling put upon. 来自各行各业的志愿者们感到被欺骗了。 4. They inflated clients' medical treatment to defraud insurance companies. 他们夸大客户伤势的严重性和治疗情形以欺骗保险公司。 5. Jean Brodie is a manipulator. She cons everybody. 琼·布罗迪是个善于摆布他人的高手,欺骗了所有人。 6. Art dealers fool a lot of people. 艺术经纪人能欺骗很多人。 7. They claimed the government had been deceitful. 他们声称政府一直存心欺骗。 8. I've been fooling myself all along. 我一直在欺骗自己。 9. It's not cheating in my view. 按我的看法,这不是欺骗。 10. dishonest appropriation of property 以欺骗的手法侵吞财产 11. Her husband had been deceiving her for years. 她丈夫多年来一直在欺骗她。 12. a drama full of lies and deception 充满谎言和欺骗的一出戏 13. She was charged with credit card fraud. 她被控告信用卡欺骗罪。 14. a melodramatic plot full of deceit and murder 充满欺骗和凶杀的耸人听闻的情节 15. He had been cheating the taxman for years. 数年来,他一直欺骗税务部门。 不努力是考不及格的,因此不要欺骗自己(以为可以及格)。 You can't pass exams without working, so don't deceive yourself (into thinking you can). 他企图欺骗我们,但没有得逞。 He was foiled in his attempt to deceive us/His attempt to deceive us was foiled. 他那热情的样子并没把我们欺骗多久。 His friendly manner did not deceive us for long. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/04df071a93c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5dad7d3.html