这部带有浓郁的俄罗斯民族风格的恢宏巨制的主要情节是围绕着保尔康斯基、别祖霍夫、罗斯托夫、华西里四大贵族家庭的生活展开,并以一八一二年的俄国卫国战争为中心,反映了当时一系列的大事件。 This full-bodied Russia's grand project of national style, the main plot is around Paul Kang Siji, don't ZuHuoFu, rostov, four noble family life in west China, and Russia's great patriotic war in 1812 centered, reflected in a series of events at the time. 看完整本书,我习惯性地闭上眼睛,脑海里却只有那么少数的几位如此真实和鲜活角色让我无法忘怀。这几个人物贯穿整本书的情节,他们各自拥有不同的思想和性格,在他们各自不同的人生轨迹中,都经历了一场身心战争与和平的洗礼。 Read a complete book, I habitually close your eyes and mind are only a handful of several so real and vivid character I can't resist. The plot of this a few characters throughout the whole book, they each have different thought and character, in their different life trajectory, have experienced the baptism of war and peace a body and mind. 当我读完《战争与和平》这本书时,我的心却久久不能平静。 When I read "war and peace" this book, but my heart for a long time can not calm. 《战争与和平》生动地描写了1800至1820年,俄国和法国之间的战争,作者——列夫托尔斯泰 "War and peace" vividly describes the 1800 to 1800, the war between Russia and France, the author - Leo Tolstoy 在这部作品里表现俄国人民在战争中体现出来的爱国精神, In this work show Russian people the patriotic spirit in the war, 一直以来,我都很喜欢皮埃尔这个人物 For a long time, I like the character of Pierre 他随和、善良、落拓不羁、贪享受却又没有贵族老爷的架子,常常沉浸在精神世界里 His easygoing, kind, cultural unruly, greedy to enjoy the but again not noble Lord of shelves, and often immersed in the spirit world 彼埃尔心直口快,易动感情,缺少实际活动能力,更侧重于道德理想的追求 1 pet. El yali, emotional, lack of practical activity, is more focused on the pursuit of moral ideal 《战争与和平》使我明白了战争的残酷,和平的美好, "War and peace" made me understand the cruelty of war and peace, 我愿是一名和平使者,使各国都建立起友谊和信任 I wish to be a peacemaker, all countries to establish friendship and trust 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/09312754195f312b3169a5b5.html