社会学专业词汇中英文对照 暴民:mob 比拟法:an alogical method 比例扌由样: proport ion ate sample 不可知论:agno sticism 变态心理学: abno rmal psychology 不完全归纟纳: in complete induction 边际效用递减: law of diminishing marginal utility 柏拉图式爱情:Plato nic love 丛众:con formity 残疾人:the han dicapped 参考书目: bibliography 参考群体: reference group 成人教育:adult educati on 初婚年龄: age at first marriage 垂直流动:vertical mobility 出身群体:desce nt group 扌由样误差:sampli ng error 扌由样范围:sampli ng frame 参与式观察:participa nt observati on 代沟:gen eratio n gap 对照分析:con trastive an alysis 定性分析:qualititive an alysis 定量分析:qua ntitative an alysis 定额抽样:quota sample 多重人格: multiple person ality 地位流动:status mobility 第一手资料: primary data 第二手资料:raw data 单因素实验:single-factor experime nt 地域性流动: geographical mobility 法人:fictitions person 反隔离:desegregati on 犯罪学:crim ino logy 父居家庭:patrilocal family 父系亲属:agn ate 父子关系:filiation 分析性研究: an alytical research 圭寸闭式监管: close custody 圭寸闭型问题:closed question 分层随机抽样: stratified random sample 规范:norms 更年期:men opause 过激主义:ultraism 个案研究:case study 个人主义:in dividualism 归属需求: n eed to bel ong 个人崇拜:person ality cult 功能主义:fun ctio nalism 行话,黑话:argot 横坐标:abscissa 合理趋势:rati onal trend 霍桑效应:Hawthor ne effect 婚姻调适:marriage adjustme nt 宏观分析:macroscopic an alysis 黄金分割:golde n section 互补角色:compleme ntary role 家谱:family religrees 截点:cut-off point 拒答率:refusal rate 绝对值:1 Special vocabulary absolute value 监护人:chaper on age 角色冲突:role con flict 角色距离:role dista nee 角色紧张:role strai n 金钱崇拜:mam mon worship 间接暗示:in direct suggesti on 价值中立:value free 价值判断:value judgeme nt 集体行动:collective actio n 家庭规模:family size 家庭不和: disharm ony of family 家庭制度:family in stitutio n 近亲繁殖:in breedi ng 寄宿学校:board ing school 教育程度:educati onal atta inment 继嗣规则:desce nt rule 阶级分化:class differe ntiati on 教条主义:dogmatism 经验主义:empiricism 介入变量:in terve ning variable 集思广益法:brain storm ing method 经验我、客体我:empirical self 克己:self-denial 控制论:cyber netics 控制组:con trol group 亥U板印象:stereotype 可婚年龄:marriageable age 框架分析:frame an alysis 跨文化方法:cross-cultural method 量变:qua ntitative cha nge 歹U表:tabulati on 理想类型:ideal type 利他主义:altruism 禾U己主义: egoism 老年痴呆:sen ile deme ntia 目测: eye measure 民法: civil law 母爱:mater nal love 疯人院:mad house 美国化:america ni zati on 母居家庭:matrilocal family 民意测验:public opi nion poll 描述性概念: descriptive con cept 摩擦性失业 :frictio nal un employme nt 迷惘的一代:lost gen erati on 能动性:active ness 年龄优势:age domin ati on 年龄构成:age compositi on 男性女化:effemi nati on 内化角色:intern alized role 男性本位论: an droce ntric theory 普遍性:uni versalism 平均年龄: mean age 平向流动: horiz on tal mobility 普遍模式:uni versal patter n 酉己对分析: pair an alysis 旁观者效应:bysta nder effect 前言:preface 弃婴: aba ndonment of infants 亲属群体:kin group 群体风气:group climate 群体思维:groupthi nk 群众行动: mass action 趋势分析:trend an alysis 情绪感染:Dept of sociology , ECNU 1 emoti onal con tagi on 情绪创伤:emotional trauma 人类学:an thropology 人口学: demography 人格 分裂: dissociation of pers on ality 认知需求: n eed for cog niti on 认同危机:ide ntity crisis 人道主义: huma nitaria nism 声望:prestige 索引:in dex 失眠:agryp nia 术语:tech ni cal term 赡养费:alim ony 失语症:aphasia 受试人:experime nt subject 社会人:sociological man 宿命论:fatalism 上向流动: upward mobility 适者生存: fittest to survive 深入访问:depth/i nten sive in terview 树型分析:tree an alysis 双重态度:dual attitudes 适当样本:fair sample 失常行为:aberra nt behavior 社会适应:social adaptati on 社会惯性:social in ertia 受控试验:con trolled experime nt 试点调查: pilot in vestigati on 睡眠者效应:sleeper effect 适应性反应: adaptati on reaction 社会决定论: agelicism 社会改善论: meliorism 生物决定论:biological determi nism 双职工家庭:dual-career family 随机化设计: ran domized desig n 实验室实验:laboratory experime nt 说明性分析: expla natory study 他杀:homicide 胎儿:fetus 推论:deduct ion 同化:assimilation 特殊性:particularism 退伍军人: vetera n 统计假象:statistical artifact 态度量表:attitude scale 通俗文化:popular culture 逃避现实:retreat from reality 探索性研究:exploratory study 问卷:questionnaire 伪科学:pseudo-scie nee 文化促进:cultural accelerati on 微观分析: microscopic 外来援助:extri nsic aid 夕卜显行为:manifest behavior 文献研究:library research 外向性格的人:extrovert 酗酒:alcoholism 信度:credibility 刑法:criminal law 谢金:ack no wledgeme nt money 享乐主义:hedo nism 雪球效应:sno wball effect 信息过 2 2 滤:in formati on filteri ng 文化偏见:bias of culture 性别歧视:sexism 心理年龄:men tal age 心理满足:psychic gratificati on 心理治疗:men tal heali ng 下向流动:dow nward mobility 现实主义:actualism 学术自由: academic freedom 行动方案:acti on scheme 系统扌由样:systematic sample 线性趋势:liner trend 习得性无助:lear ned helpless ness 小群体研究: small group research 选择性记忆:selective reten tio n 先天后天之争 : nature-nurture debate 需要不足失业: dema nd-deficie ncy un employme nt 抑有 dysthymia 因变 Dept of sociology , ECNU Special vocabulary 量:depe ndent variable 由 E寄问卷: mail questi onn aire 异常曲线:abno rmal curve 意外受孕:accide ntal pregnancy 因果联系:causal n exus 原始资料:raw data 应用逻辑:logic- in-use 移情作用:empathy 样本统计:sample statistics 有限总体:fin ite populati on 已分组资料:grouped data 一夫一妻家庭: mono gamous family 自恋: autophilia 周岁:exact age 择偶:mate selectio n 资料库:data bank 自变量:in depe ndent variable 总体法:aggregate method 专业词汇:special vocabulary 罪感情结:guilt complex 增长曲线:growth curve 长老统治:geno cracy 自我暗示: autosuggesti on 自然选择: n atural select ion 自我知觉: self-aware ness 自我概念:self-co ncept 自我表露: self-disclosure 自我展示: self-prese ntati on 自我监控: self- mon itori ng 祖先崇拜:an cestor cult 自答 问卷: self-administered questi onn aire 重点访问:focused in terview 自卫性敏感: defe nsive sen sitivity 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/098914385dbfc77da26925c52cc58bd630869336.html