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文内夹注(即引文出处的标注) (一)总体要求

1. 凡论文正文中引用他人文献的,都必须在有关之处用圆括号作文内夹注同时该引


2. 文内夹注的基本格式为:(作者姓氏 出版年份: 文献页码),圆括号内的中文姓名


3. 标点格式:在“作者姓氏”和“出版年份”之间空一格;“出版年份”后加冒号,


4. 中文作者姓名汉语拼音的写法:按汉语习惯,姓在前,名在后。姓和名拼音的首字

母大写;属于双名的双名连写,中间不用连字号,如Zhu Yongsheng

5. 使用引号的直接引文需标页码;不使用引号的转述引用,引自某一部分的,也需标



1. 一位作者的一篇文献,姓氏未出现在正文内,姓氏应标出,如:

Human beings have been described as “symbol-using animals” (Burke 1966: 3). This point has been argued before (Frye 2001: 178-85). 注意:句号在括号后面。

2. 一位作者的一篇文献,姓氏出现在正文内的,夹注内不重复姓氏,如:

Frye has argued this point elsewhere (2001: 178-85). Yule (1996b: 100) also stated that

3. 同一作者同一年内出版的多篇文献,在不同夹注的相同年份后加“a”、“b”等,


For example, when expressing an opinion a woman would probably say: Well, em, I think that golf is kind of boring, don’t you? (Yule 1996a: 89). Yule (1996b: 100) also stated that

4. 夹注中包含同一作者的多篇文献,各文献之间用逗号隔开:

Halliday stated (1985a, 1985b) that

5. 夹注中包含不同作者的多篇文献,各作者之间用分号隔开:

Foreign researchers (Halliday and Hasan 1985a, 1985b; Schiffrin 1987; Hubbard 1989) are among those who contribute greatly in this field.

6. 多位作者的一篇文献:

Smythe and Jones (2001) found …

as has been shown (Smythe and Jones 2001)

This procedure means that after a relatively fast translation of the whole text, the translator should spend some time reading through the whole TLT and make corrections and improvements until he or she is quite satisfied with it (谭卫国and蔡龙权 2005: 36-7).

Modern literary studies have their origin in classic studies (Graff et al. 1995: 19-35). 注意:作者为两人的,两人姓氏中间加and;作者为三人以上的,在第一位作者的姓氏后加上et al.,省略其余作者姓氏。也可列出全部作者的姓氏,如(Yule, Graff and Boswell 1880)。作者姓氏之间用逗号,最后一位作者姓氏前用“and”。无论用哪种方法,全文要统一

7. 转引,即引自第二手资料,加“quoted in”:

Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (quoted in Boswell 1980: 450).


8. 连续引用同一文献,用“ibid.”标出,表示出处同上。如:(Ibid.: 15),表示与刚才

引用的文献相同,但页码不同。页码也相同的只标 (Ibid.)。要注意的是,连续引用不同于重复引用。在多次引用同一文献时,中间没有对其他文献的引用,才属于连续引用,才能使用“ibid.”。

9. 长的引文:40英语词以上的引文,单独为一段,左边缩进2Tab键的距离,

右边也缩进相同的距离。字体为斜体,字号不变。也可以字体不变,但字号小一号。 The European colonials sought to enforce systematically the acculturation of the natives:

The casualness of the fur trading type of contacts could no longer be tolerated. Hence, with the arrival of the missionaries and their Christian ethic the task of converting the natives began, and peaceful penetration entered a new phase, based upon an institutionalized mode of cultural dismemberment. (La Violette 1961: 302-3)


10. 文学作品的文内夹注:引文来自诗歌等韵文时,可以篇次和行次代替标注中的页码;

