出差用英语怎么说 出差是工作人员临时被派遣外出办理公事,到常驻工作地以外的地区或城市工作或担任临时职务。工作出差是十分常有的事情,那么你知道出差的英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来出差的英语说法,希望对你有所帮助。 Business Trip 英 [ˈbiznis trip] 美 [ˈbɪznɪs trɪp] business travel 英 [ˈbiznis ˈtrævəl] 美 [ˈbɪznɪs ˈtrævəl] 出差补贴 Travel allowance 计划出差 Planning a trip 出差费 traveling allowance 准备出差 Preparing for the Trip 贾森出差在外。 Jason was away on a business trip. 她先生出差去了。 Her husband is away on business. 我因为工作出差了一段时间。 I was away for awhile on a business trip. 我将在这星期或下星期出差。 I will go on business either this week or next week. 我飞往东京出差。 I flew to Tokyo on business. 你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business. 因公出差的政府官员享有出差补贴。 Government officials who travel on business are given traveling allowances. 他刚刚出差回来,这时,又叫他再次出差。 He had just returned from one business trip when he was asked to make another one. 公司的接待员称他出差了。 A receptionist at his company said he was traveling. 这次出差花项不多。 Not much money was spent during this business trip. 我会在这星期或下星期出差。 I will be on evection this week or next. 有一位经常出差的公司高管为我们提出了出行好建议。 Another in our series on travel tips from executives who are often on the road. 我们有20名销售人员在外面出差。 We have twenty salesmen on the road. 我想你是来这里出差的。 I presume you're here on business. 这是一个有趣的背景,因为如今越来越多的女人会去沙特出差。 That makes for an interesting backdrop, as more women are traveling to Saudi Arabia on business these days. 相比之下,在商界打拼的女性则不得不听从公司的安排,要经常出差。 On the other hand, businesswomen more commonly adhere to the corporate dictate of long hours and heavy travel. 我的父亲明显地发达了,有了车库和福特车,坐火车和轮船出差。 My father prospered perceptibly, as witness the garage, the Ford, the trips by train and steamship. 我出差的时候通常会带一些坚果巧克力米脆棒、红辣椒碎和薄荷味的Ice Breakers口香糖。 I always travel with nuts over chocolate Luna bars, spicy red pepper flakes, and peppermint ice breakers gum. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d7334d26b91aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a86c28b40.html