
时间:2023-02-15 22:08:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

robot android automaton

机器人编程语言 robot programming language 机器人工厂 robotized plant 机器人工程学 robot engineering 机器人视觉 robot vision 机器人系统 robot system


most mobile robots are still in the design stage. 科幻小说常提及可以骂人的机器人。

science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk. 机器人就是现代工程技术的奇迹。

the robot is a marvel of modern engineering. 机器人逐渐替代了装配线上的工人。

robots are replacing people on assembly lines. 玩具机器人一滚一颠地跑得很快。

the toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps.

在汽车制造厂里,生产线上的许多工作现在就是由机器人去顺利完成的。 many production-line tasks in car factories are now performed by robots. 一个工业机器人确实与医务机器人相同。

an industrial robot must be different from a medical robot. 机器人视觉伺服系统就是当今机器人技术的热门研究课题之一。

robotic visual servo control is an hot research topic in the robotics field.

机器人专家必须晓得他必须尽早著手生产机器人,并且尽可能得多搞。 a roboticist knows that you need to build early and build often. 我们可以用情感机器人搞个开端,并使未来机器人真的能够具备同理心。 character robotics could plant the seed for robots that actually have empathy.


after he issued his orders the robot opened his mechanical arms. 匹兹堡人生产机器人的历史已经存有几十年了。

people in pittsburgh have been building robots for decades.


the robot babysitter even has a cell phone to call a parent when the child asks for his mother.


humanoid bots are the celebrities of the robot world.


the robot's brain fuses all the information gathered by its sensors and updates the map of its world.


they rode to work on their honda motorcycles and got to explore speculative projects like jet airplanes and humanoid robots.

