蓝花 英语翻译
肖霞 2010012783 夏天,村里的贵二爷又归天了。 银娇奶奶问秋秋:“你知道他们家什么时候哭丧?” 秋秋答道:“奶奶说,明天下午。” 第二天下午,银娇奶奶又问秋秋:“他们家不要人帮哭吗?” 秋秋说:“不要。” 其实,她听奶奶说,贵二爷家里的人已请了高桥头一个帮哭的了。 “噢!”银娇奶奶点点头,倒也显得很平淡。 这之后,一连下了好几天雨,秋秋也就没去银娇奶奶的茅屋。她有时站到门口去,穿过透明的雨幕看一看茅屋。天晴了,家家烟囱里冒出了淡蓝色的炊烟。秋秋突然对奶奶说: “银娇奶奶的烟囱怎么没有冒烟?” 奶奶看了看,拉着秋秋出了家门,往小茅屋走去。 过不一会工夫,秋秋哭着,从这家走到那家,告诉人们: “银娇奶奶死了……” That summer, Grandpa Guier in the village passed away. Granny Yinjiao asked Qiuqiu, “Do you know when they will hold the funeral?” Qiuqiu answered, “Grandma said it is tomorrow afternoon.” The next afternoon, Granny Yinjiao asked Qiuqiu again, “Don’t they need any keeners?” “No, they don’t.”Qiuqiu said. In fact, she heard from her grandma that the family had already hired a mourner from Gaoqiaotou. “I see.” nodding her head, Granny Yinjiaolooked quite calm. After that, it rained for several days, which preventedQiuqiu from going to Granny Yinjiao’s thatched hut. Sometimes, she would go to the doorway and took a look at the hut through the transparent curtain of rain. When the sun shines again,paleblue smoke rose from the chimney of every household except one. Suddenly,Qiuqiu turned to her grandma, “Why is there no smoke coming from the chimney of Granny Yinjiao’s?” Taking a look, her grandma led her by the hand and went to the small thatched hut. Afew moments later, Qiuqiu went from door to door, crying and telling people that Granny Yinjiao had gone. 几个老人给银娇奶奶换了衣服,为她哭了哭。天暖,不能久搁,一口棺材将她收敛了,抬往荒丘。因为大多数人都跟她不熟悉,棺后虽然跟了一条很长的队伍,但都是去看下葬的,几乎没有人哭。 秋秋紧紧地跟在银娇奶奶的棺后。她也没哭,只是目光呆呆的。 人们一个一个散去,秋秋却没走。她是个孩子,人们也不去注意她。她望着那一丘隆起的新土,也不清楚自己想哭还是不想哭。 田埂上走过九宽和虾子。 九宽说:“今年九月十三,我们捞不到钱了。” 虾子说:“我还想买支小喇叭呢!” 秋秋掉过头来,正见九宽和虾子在蹦蹦跳跳地往前走,便突然打斜里拦截过去,并一下子插到他俩中间。 不等他们反应过来,她已用两只手分别揪住了他俩的耳朵,疼得他俩吱哇乱叫:“我们怎么啦?我们怎么啦?” 秋秋不回答,用牙死死咬着嘴唇,揪住他俩的耳朵,把他俩一直揪到银娇奶奶的墓前,然后把他俩按跪在地上:“哭! 哭!” Several old man changed clothes for Granny Yinjiao and wail for a while. Her villagers put her dead body in a coffin and carried to the bleak hill for her body cannot stayed long under the hot weather. Since most people weren’t familiar with her, almost nobody cried. Although the line behind the coffin was very long, all of them went there just to watch burial. Following the coffin closely, Qiuqiu didn’t cry either, merely with a dull look in her eyes. People left one after another except Qiuqiu. She is only a child and no one paid attention to her. Looking at the new tomb, she didn’t know whether she want to cry or not. Alongthe ridge of field came Jiukuan and Xiazi. Jiukuan said, “September 13th of this year, there are no money for us to pick up any more.” Xiazi said, “I was intended to buy a bugle.” Turning her head over, Qiuqiu found Jiukuan and Xiazi bouncing about on the way. She suddenly stopped themfrom the sideway and stood between them. Before they realized what had just happened, Qiuqiu grasped them by the ear, which made them crying with great pain, “What is happening to us? What is happening to us?” Tightly bitingher lip with her teeth, Qiuqiu didn’t say a word but pulled them by the ear to the front of Granny Yinjiao’s tomb. Pushing them to kneel down, she shouted, “Wail! Wail!” 九宽和虾子用手揉着耳朵说:“我们……我们不会哭。”他们又有点害怕眼前的秋秋,也不敢爬起来逃跑。 “哭!”秋秋分别踢了他们一脚。 他们就哭起来。哭得很难听。一边哭,一边互相偷偷地一笑,又偷偷地瞟一眼秋秋。 秋秋忽然鼻子一酸,说:“滚!” 九宽和虾子赶紧跑走了。 田野上,就秋秋一个人。她采来一大把小蓝花,把它们撒在银娇奶奶的坟头上。 那些花的颜色极蓝,极鲜亮,很远就能看得见。 秋秋在银娇奶奶的坟前跪了下来。 田野很静。静静的田野上,轻轻地回响起一个小女孩幽远而纯净的哭声。 那时,慈和的暮色正笼上田野…… Rubbing their ears with hands, Jiukuan and Xiazi said, “We… we don’t know how to wail.” In fear of Qiuqiu right that moment, they dare not to run away. “Wail!” Qiuqiu kicked them respectively. Hence, they start wailing but their wails were unpleasant to hear. While they were crying, they sniggered and glanced at Qiuqiu secretly. All of a sudden, a lump came into Qiuqiu’s throat, and she said, “Get away!” Jiukuan and Xiazi hurried away. Now, Qiuqiu was the only one left in the fields. She picked up a large bunch of small blue flowers and scattered them over Granny Yinjiao’s tomb. Those flowers were so blue and bright that they could be seen from far away. Qiuqiu knelt down in front of Granny Yinjiao’s tomb. The field was covered with silence. Across the silent fields resounded a little girl’s deep, remote and pure wailing. At that moment, the benign dusk was starting to enshroud the fields. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0adad940852458fb770b5619.html