
时间:2022-08-05 13:12:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


[pet] [pɛt] 宠物小精灵 Pokemon 宠物用品 Pet Supplies 宠物乐园 Pet Paradise 宠物咖啡屋 Pet Cafe 我养了一些小鸡当宠物。 I breed some chicks for pets. 她的宠物是一只毛粗而蓬松的狗。 Her pet is a shaggy dog. 有许多宠物因喂食过量而遭殃。

Many pets are victims of overfeeding. 这个小女孩搂抱着她的宠物猫。 The little girl cuddled her pet cat. 留一些宠物熟悉的东西给宠物,让它感到舒服。

Give your pet familiar items to keep him comfortable. 宠物的价钱由宠物的血统而定。

The prices of the pets vary according to their breeds. 很多杂货店都卖有宠物美食,让主人可以讨好他们的宠物。

Many grocery stores sell gourmet pet foods to owners eager to please their pets.


It is plainly cruel to keep turtles as pets.


Certainly, pets can help children develop friendship skills. 他们过多的宠物

Their inordinate number of pets 随着我的扬升,我可以保留宠物吗? Can I keep my pets as I ascend? 他把蛇当宠物养。 He keeps snakes as pets. 这只蜗牛是蓝发仙女的宠物。

The snail was the blue-haired fairy 's pet. 我朋友和我想买个宠物。

My friend and I want to buy a pet.

孩子会先把家中的宠物猫称为“猫”,然后将其他像猫的动物都称为“猫”。 A child first labels the household pet cat as a 'cat' and then generalises this label to other animals that look like it.

