关于购买手机的英语口语 我们的手机现在一件成为我们的生活的一部分了,那么我们买手机会讲英语吗?小编今天跟大家分享一下有关购买手机英语吧,大家快快看看吧 英语口语 Mary:Excuse me, I want to buy a new phone. 你好,我要买个手机。John:What kind did you have in mind? 想选个什么样的?Mary:I'm interested in a flip phone 0 Mary: Excuse me, I want to buy a new phone. 你好,我要买个手机。 John: What kind did you have in mind? 想选个什么样的? Mary: I'm interested in a flip phone with a color screen and English menu capabilities. 我想要个翻盖,彩屏带英文菜单的。 John: We have a few of those in stock. 我们有几款这样的。 Mary: Which one is the cheapest? 哪个最便宜? John: The cheapest one only comes in black. Here is it. 最便宜的只有黑色。这个就是了。 Mary: I don't like that color. Is there anything else? 我不喜欢这个颜色。有别的吗? John: Yes. But it's a little bit more expensive. 有,不过贵一些。 Mary: It's OK. 没关系。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0f4ac0eb4328915f804d2b160b4e767f5acf80cb.html