课内外活动的英语作文 课内外活动的英语作文 现在,各校都在组织一些课外活动,例如外出参观,郊游等,下面小编为大家收集了课内外活动的英语作文,欢迎阅读! 篇一:课内外活动的英语作文 Our extracurricular activities are rich and colorful. Some students do games, some students carry out sports activities, and other students participate in the activities of the scientific and technological group, we are very happy to play. The content of sports is really different. Some students are playing football, some students in the cattle jumping rubber band, there are students in the shuttlecock...... Look! How happy the "hare" students have been playing! The outside circle students has already become a brave little Hunter ". The big circle of students also became only a vivid "hare". "Prepare, start!" Start of the race, the circle of students was a mess, the run. The "small circle hunters but to the middle of the" hare "stormed. "Hit it, hit it!" The small hunters cheered. It turned out that the "bullets" hit two "hare". Another rabbit came up and laughed. When he giggled, he was hit by a "bullet". The students of the science and technology group play very interesting. See! The students and the model fans are happy to run and jump, and how happy they are! The students who played on the voyage control their beloved boat, which was the same as other students. The students had a water rocket is strong. Look! They seriously look, would have to fight each other "Petals drop and waters flow!" Between class activities is rich and colorful, it can not only help students grow knowledge, but also enable students to exercise, children, do you like the activities between classes? 翻译 我们的课外活动丰富多彩。有的同学做游戏,有的同学进行体育活动,还有的同学参加科技小组活动,大家玩得的很高兴。 体育活动的内容真是五花八门。有的同学在踢足球,有的同学在跳牛皮筋,还有的同学在踢毽子……瞧!“打野兔”的同学玩得多开心呀!外面围圈的同学早已成了一个个勇敢的“小猎人”了。大圈内的`同学也成了一只只活灵活现的“野兔”了。“预备,开始!”比赛正式开始了,圈内的同学一下子乱成一片,四处逃命。而围圈的“小猎人”们却向中间的“野兔”发起了猛攻。“打中了,打中了!”小猎人们欢呼起来,原来,“子弹”打中了两只“野兔”。另外的一只“野兔”见了,“咯,咯,咯”地“笑”了起来,真在他咯咯笑的时候侯一颗“子弹”把他给打中了。 科技小组的同学们玩得也很有意思。看!同学们和车模迷们高兴地跑啊,跳啊,心里多么地欢畅!玩航摸的同学控制着自己心爱的小船,和别的同学一比高低。玩水火箭的同学也玩得很有劲。瞧!他们认真的样子,准能把对方打个“落花流水!” 课间活动真是丰富多彩,既能让同学们增长知识,又能够让同学们锻炼身体,小朋友们,你们喜欢课间活动吗? 篇二:课内外活动的英语作文 I like to play the top of the top. After class, I ran to the playground, playing my favorite big gyro, and playing with my classmates. Start the game! My classmates and I said, "one or two, three, hair." The gyroscopes I made were like the wheels of flying, whirling and hitting the top of the other's top. One of the students moved his gyro on the edge of my top and collide with a rope. I think my gyro so badly, you told me the gyro gyro collisions, it is pale into insignificance by comparison. I put this into a gyro, gyroscope students hit but soon my reel right and 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/11610f024873f242336c1eb91a37f111f1850d17.html