
时间:2023-09-27 22:30:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A:Would you like to go to the movie tonight?A:今天晚上去看电影怎么样?

B:I just saw a horror movie last night.It almost frightened me to death.B:昨天晚上我看了一个恐怖片,差点没把我给吓死。

A:Well,we could see something different like a detective film.A:嗯,我们可以看不同的片子,像侦探片。

B:I don't care for a detective film.It also makes me nervous.B:我对侦探片不感兴趣,它也使我紧张。

A:How about a comedy?A:喜剧片怎样?

B:No,I don't think comedies today are natural or cheerful.B:不,我感觉现在的喜剧片不自然,无法使人振奋起来。

A:You have an adverse opinion.How about a love story then?A:你总是持反对意见,那么爱情片呢?

B:No,my view is that romance is boring.B:我的观点是爱情片很乏味。

A:I hope you don't think our romance is boring!A:我希望你不会认为我们俩的爱情也乏味吧!

B:No,Just others'.Our romance stories are real and exciting.B:不,仅指别人的。我们俩的既真实又动人。

A:Well,a western,an adventure,a war,a violent,a dirty or a science

fiction movie,which of them do you like best?A:


B:A science

fiction film,I think.B:科幻电影。

A:Oh,sure we will have a son of scientist.A:噢,我相信,我们将有一个科学家的儿子。

B:Stop daydreaming!B:不要白日做梦了! A:I'm full of confidence.A:我倒满怀信心呢。
