海归求职网(www.haiguiqiuzhi.com)-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 【留学生找工作】咨询面试中的Pre Talk问什么?分分钟让面试官内牛满面的套路 Pre-Talk是什么 Pre-talk也被称为“小面试”,一般被认为是在进入咨询公司case interview之前的一个小talk,长度大概为15-30分钟,以一对一闲聊的形式为主。但大家千万别轻视了这个闲聊,虽然闲聊后不会直接被拒掉,紧接着还会有case interview,但这是你给面试官的最初印象,往往会影响到后面的面试。 Pre-talk主要考核candidate哪些能力 1. Verify你简历内容的真假 2. Corporate Culture Fit? 3. Soft Skills:包括你的communication skills, problem solving skills, convince skills 4. Business Sense 5. 平时对business的积累 Pre-talk主要包括那些内容? Motivational Questions: Why consulting? Why XXX Company? Why you? 这是一个最常被问起的问题,面试官主要想了解你对咨询行业以及自己的认识程度,有没有想清楚自己的职业规划,还是人云亦云,随波逐流?回答这类问题,切忌讲大话和那些滴水不漏但听上去不太真实的话。其实回答好这个问题最关键的就是真的想清楚自己需要什么?今后5-10年想做什么?只有先说服自己,才能说服面试官。发自内心的思考是能触及别人心灵的。 简历上经历的问题 如果面试官对你的简历感兴趣,他会在Pre-talk中针对你简历里面的经历问得很深,一方面想了解你做过什么,取得了什么成绩,另一方面是想从你过往的经历中看你是否有能力胜任这份工作。所以你在回答这类问题的时候,尽量将achievement背后的能力往咨询顾问的要求上面去靠,记住要relevant。同时,还不要忽视了在回答的时候不要太self-centered,尽量把功劳都归给团队,把failure都揽给自己,一个谦虚的人,有team working spirit的人不管走到哪里都会受欢迎的。 海归求职网(www.haiguiqiuzhi.com)-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务 Behavioral Questions 有的面试官非常喜欢问behavioral question,因为他们觉得behavioral question可以折射出一个人的本质,可以看得很深。 最常见的behavioral questions有: What’s your strength/weakness? What have you done in XXX Company? (The company you have worked with) Tell me about a time when you led a team? What’s your biggest achievement/failure? What does your friend describe you? Tell me about someone who was a role model to you, and why? 回答Behavioral questions的时候,记住STAR原则: S (Situation) T (Target) A (Action) R (Result) 下面我们要通过一个具体例子来说明这一方法如何应用: Situation (S): Advertising revenue was falling off for my college newspaper。 Target (T): We want the Stetson Reporter and large numbers of long-term advertisers to continue renewing contracts. Action (A): I designed a new promotional packet to go with the rate sheet and compared the benefits of Reporter circulation with other ad media in the area. I also set- up a special training session for the account executives with a School of Busi ness Administration professor who discussed competitive selling strategies. Result (R): We signed contracts with 15 former advertisers for daily ads and five for spec ial supplements. We increased our new advertisers by 20 percent [quantities ar e always good] over the same period last year. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/152ae1552f3f5727a5e9856a561252d380eb2067.html