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1. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 2. between...and... ......之间 3. would like to do =want to do 想搞某事 4. write down 写出 记下

5. go for walks=go for a walk:去散步 6. get out of bed = get up起床 7. go ahead 说吧,请吧

8. think of 想要出来/指出/考量 think about 考量/思索 9. one...the other ...另一个...

10. agree with sb.同意某人 agree to do 同意做… 11. it's fun to do sth. 做某事很有趣

12. encourage sb to do sth:引导某人搞某 13. to one’s surprise 使某人深感惊讶地就是, 14. stop to do sth. 停下回去搞… stop doing sth. 停止做…

15. play the violin/ piano 扎小提琴/弹钢琴 16. two more questions = another two questions另两个问题 17. be up to … 由… 而定 18. be ready to do sth. = get ready to do sth. 准备工作搞某事 19. introduce … to sb. 把……了解给某人

20. have been a…for + 一段时间 成为…有一段时间了21. a girl named mary 个名叫玛丽的女孩

22. see a movie = see a film = watch a movie看看电影 23. get to know 逐渐重新认识

24. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物 25. wear clothes = be in clothes 穿着衣服 put on clothes 穿上衣服 26. dress up 打扮,装扮 27. feel lucky to do sth. 搞某事深感幸运地 28. have the pleasure of doing… 很高兴搞… 29. make a deal 达成协议 30. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 第二单元

1. do well in = be good at 在……做得好 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. be late for...迟到

4. have a math exan:展开一次数学考试 5. not… at all 一点也不… 6. learn about:学会 介绍

7. in two minutes 两分钟后(将来时) 8. too much sth. 太多的某物() 9. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 10. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事

see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在搞某事 11. the best way to do sth. 搞某事的最佳方式 12. lots of = a lot of 许多的

13. help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 14. turn off/ on the light 关上/关上灯

turn down 把…调小 turn up 把…调大 15. half an hour 半小时 half past ten 十点半 a quarter = fifteen minutes 一刻钟 a quarter to three 差一刻三点 three thirty 三点三十分 = half past three 三点半 a quarter past three 三点一刻= a quarter after three 16. on time 按时;按时(时间点) in time 及时(时间范围内)

17. look for:寻找(强调动作) find 找到(强调结果) 18. may be =maybe = perhaps 可能(),大概;或许; 19. children's day 儿童节 mother's day 母亲节 father's day 父亲节 teachers' day 教师节 20. give sb. a talk = give a talk to sb. 给某人做报告 21. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起…

22. has been to 去过某地 has gone to 回去了某地 has been in 睡在某地 23. in the future 在将来

24. be convenient for… 对…方便 第三单元

1. national day 国庆节 mid-autumn festival 中秋节

thanksgiving day = thanksgiving 感恩节 2. make a wish 许愿

3. such as / for example 比如说,比如 4. be the same as:与...一样 5. blow out:点燃

6. get together:聚在一起
