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法学专业课程中英文对照 课程名称英文课程名称 大学英语(1)College English(1) 大学英语(2)College English(2) 大学英语(口语)College English(Oral) 经济管理Economics and Management 文科高等数学Mathematical Analysis for Arts 大学计算机基础University Computer Foundation 航空航天概论B The Introduction to Aeronautics B 工程认识Engineering Experience and Cognition 理学Jurisprudence

中国法制史Chinese Legal History 宪法Constitutional Law

行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law

刑法总论General Theory of Criminal Law 刑法分论Specific Theory of Criminal Law 刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedure Law 民事诉讼法Civil Procedure Law 民法总论General Principles of Civil Law 物权法Property Law

债法(含合同法)Law of Obligations(Contract Law Included) 商法(含公司法和证券法)Commercial Law(Company Law and Securities Law Included)

知识产权法Intellectual Property Law 经济法概论Introduction to Economic Law

环境与资源保护法Environment and Resources Protection Law 国际公法(含外层空间法)Public International Law(Other Space



国际私法Private International Law 国际经济法International Economic Law 法学Science of Legislation

现代西方法理学Modern Western Jurisprudence 法律社会学Legal Sociology 法律逻辑学Legal Logic

外国法制史History of Foreign Legal Systems 中国传统法律文化Chinese Traditional Legal Culture 人权法Human Rights Law 犯罪学Criminology 证据法学Evidence Law

律师与公证法学Lawyer and Notarization Law 仲裁法Arbitration Law 法律文书Legal Writing 法律职业伦理Legal Ethics 债权法Tort Law

亲属继承法Family and Succession Law 信托法Trust Law

票据法Negotiable Instruments Law 破产法Bankruptcy Law 保险法Insurance Law

科技Science and Technology Law 网络法Network Law

电子商务法Electronic Commercial Law 金融法Financial Law 竞争法Competition Law 财税法Financial and Tax Law 房地产法Real Estate Law
