Valetine’s Day情人节 一、Story 每年2月14日是西方传统的圣瓦伦丁布(Valetine’s Day)。又称“情人节”。它具有悠久的历史,是古罗马时代的牧神节,它就是情侣们的一个节日,是男女青年可以欢聚一堂的节日。姑娘们把表达爱情的祝词放在签筒里,小伙子依次抽签,抽到哪位姑娘的祝词,哪位姑娘就会成为他的恋人。 基督教兴起,教会对牧神节风俗很不以为然。但由于这个节日受到青年人的偏爱,所以仍然延续下来。到公元7世纪,教会领袖希望把这个节日同基督教连接起来,于是他们就用基督教殉教者瓦伦丁的名字为这个节日重新命名,并把日期由原来的2月15日改为2月14日。有的廉洁,在圣瓦伦丁节这天情人互赠礼物或在这天选择爱人的风俗,来源于中世纪欧洲的一种信奉,即大约在这个时候鸟类互相追逐求爱并选择配偶。把它和圣瓦伦丁本人联系起来是偶然的,但从此以后圣秘诀伦丁就被看作是情人的保护者。虽然圣瓦伦丁节的起源并不确实,但从14世纪七可能更早一些,人们就以差不多相同的方式纪念这个节日。 英文简介: Valentines’s Day comes on February 14. It is not a legal or a national holiday, so banks and offices don’t close, but it is a happy little festival, especially for children and young people. It is widely celebrated among persons of all ages by the exchange of “valentines”. A “valentine” may mean a special greeting card or a little present. It may also be the person who receives the gift. St. Valentine is the patron of sweethearts. February 14 may be the anniversary of his death. Although of uncertain origin, the festival has been observed in much the same manner ever since the 14th century, or possibly earlier. The day is a time to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and candy are favorite presents which sweethearts send to each other. 二、Games 1、Valentine Box Contest Supplies: Shoebox for each child Decorating supply list for each child Scissors Glue How To Play: Children take their shoebox home and decorate it using only the items listed on their supply list. At the party they are judged and winners are named for categories: funniest, prettiest, most creative, etc. 2、St. Valentine Says How To Play: Played similar to Simon Says. The player up is "St. Valentine". Player will say "St. Valentine says hop on one foot". The children will hop on one foot. Player will say "Stop". The children are to keep hopping on one foot until player says "St. Valentine says stop". Repeat for additional activities such as take one baby step forward, step backwards, turn around, sit down. Sometimes St. Valentine will say "St. Valentine says" and sometimes he won't. It's a fun game to play with young children. 3、Word Find Take a Valentine related word such as: Valentine, Chocolate, Romance, etc. and find as many little words as possible before the timer runs out. Example: Chocolate Words: late, at, ate, tea, tale, tool, cool, hat, hot, cat, coat... Example: Flowers Words: flow, sew, flew, wore, rose, low, row... 4、Valentine Twenty Questions How To Play: Teacher starts by choosing a Valentine related person, place, or thing. The teacher says, "I'm thinking of something". The children try to guess what it is by asking no more than twenty questions that can be answered "YES", "NO", or I DON'T KNOW". The student who guesses correctly is next up. 5、Love Thy Neighbor Supplies: Paper Pen Timer How To Play: Set the timer and have the children write as many kind things as they can think of about their classmate (neighbor) on their right. The last child writes about the first child. Suggest that they write kind things about how their neighbor acts, thinks, plays, works or looks. Give the paper to the neighbor to take home. 6、Red Envelope Supplies: Red Envelope for each child Paper Pen/pencil How To Play: Have the children write a letter of love and gratitude to a member or members of their family. When finished they should fold it up and place in the red envelope, seal it, and write the persons name on the front. On Valentines Day they should place it on the persons pillow or somewhere else they'll be sure to find it. 7、Heart Hop Supplies:Pillow heart for each team. How To Play: Children divide into two teams. Give each team a heart pillow. Pillow size should be larger for younger children and smaller for older children. Have one child from each team place the heart between their legs and hop to the end of the room and back. They sit down and the next team member goes. This repeats until one team is all sitting. 8、Pass The Heart 本文来源: