
时间:2023-01-11 15:28:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
亲爱的姑娘,跟我走吧,一起去西藏 你问我



如果你不去西藏,你永远不会知道这世上竟有这样的地方,让你的灵魂轻盈 如果你不去西藏,你无法体会什么叫风烟俱净,天山共色

如果你不去西藏,不去参拜,不用身体去丈量这巍峨世界,你无法知道自身渺小,世事难料如果你不去西藏,不去看看纳木错与念青唐古拉这对千年恋人,不去欣赏雅鲁藏布江与楚河交界处的河谷风光,还有那辉煌耀目的金顶与班禅新宫,以及古朴庄重的萨迦寺中的精美壁画,那是多么大的遗憾 徒步去西藏,

Dear girl, follow me, go to Tibet

If you ask me what go to Tibet to see Here is what i want to tell you

Living in the modern city bustling,life is full of trivial matters, but we cannot deny that we are lonely. Each color in a hurry, we can not afford time to go to watch the scenery, too late to embrace our loved ones, and even had no time to ask yourself: is this really what I want.

If you don't go to Tibet, you will never know there was such a place in this world, let your soul light. Let you abandon your mask just do as yourself.

If you don't go to Tibet, do not to visit, do not to touch, do not to feel,do not use your body to measure the giant world, you cannot know how small you are, you never know, if you don't go to Tibet to see the amazing scenery, not to appreciate the yarlung zangbo(雅鲁藏布) river scenery and bo Lin (楚河)border river valley, and the glorious jinding (金顶)and panchen (班禅)new palace, as well as the exquisite frescoes in ancient grave sakya,(萨迦寺) that is what a pity ! If you don't go to Tibet, you can't understand what is the true meaning of free, not just troubles far away from mind, but also your heart full of childlike appetite for whats next. To see the world more,to understand yourself more, girl,lets go to Tibet..

Walk to there only by our feet, its a little difficult i know,but only by this way can we always remember how great life is. So we will do what can we do to enrich our life ,to develop ourselves.its a conflict between .you and inside you, defeat the cowardliness and laziness,let your mind and body on the way.hiking to Tibet ,to look for what your inside need , not for accessing success ,but for living a meaningful life
